#mainverse || don't know what to do with grey ( garrus )
anderwhohn · 2 years
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@smokedanced || requested a starter.
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While it is true that the Normandy's main guns need some serious calibration, especially before they went up against an enemy like the Collectors or another Reaper, most of the work is just to keep his hands busy while he thinks on other matters.
Since coming aboard the SR-2, those thoughts have mostly been centered around Shepard - the implications of what led to her agreeing to work with Cerberus, the weight of just what was done to her to bring her back, and now, the mess that was Horizon.
It was with the last one that he really took notice of just how much things were affecting her. He'd known from early on that she was stressed - anyone in her position would be, really - and it was obvious to him, at least, that she wasn't sleeping well, given how early she would be in the galley before her shift even starts.
But things really changed after Horizon, between Alenko's presence there, Anderson's stonewalling them about the whole thing, and the loss of over half the colony. The darkness under her eyes seems more noticeable than ever, and there's a weariness to her gaze that he hasn't seen to this extent since Virmire.
To say he's concerned is a major understatement…
For a moment, he wonders if he is overstepping, being as concerned for her as he is. Yes, she's his best friend, and he likes to think that he may be hers in return, at least, but she's also his commanding officer, and that… The lines between her and her non-Alliance crew have always been a lot more blurred than with the humans, and while he knew he and others got to enjoy a bit more leeway thanks to that, he also doesn't want to accidentally offend her by crossing that line too far.
But it's when she starts spending more than working than she could ever actually spend sleeping that he finally decides enough is enough. She's going to burn herself out at this rate, and that won't be good for anyone.
"Shepard," he starts, almost reaching for her when he sees her nearly swaying on her feet, likely due to sleep deprivation, but his hand just hangs there awkwardly for a moment before he lowers it again.
Spirits, he hopes she's not on stims as well…
"Are you alright?" he asks quietly, mandibles pulling in tight to his jaw in concern as he watches her closely. He knows she's not, but he hopes… maybe she'll actually admit it herself.
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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@smokedanced asked: “Please tell me you didn’t hear that.” / wren for garrus
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Mandibles fluttering in indecision, he almost makes a quip in retort, except… there it is again. His mandibles still then, pulling tight into his jaw as he glances at his human commander briefly before trying to find the source of the sound.
"I wish I didn't," he mutters as he scans the darkness ahead of them. "Whatever it is, I doubt it's friendly. Are you sure about going in there, Shepard?"
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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@dutyworn asked: [ stare ] your muse staring mine down. / for garrus
💌 non-sexual acts of dominance [ meme - accepting ]
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"Shepard," he starts, his frustration clear with the low growl working its way into the dual tone of his voice, only to fall silent as he notices the look she's giving him. Mandibles flutter anxiously at that look before drawing in tight against Garrus's jaw, his subvocals thrumming with his conflicted emotions even as he stubbornly maintains eye contact with his human commander, trying not to deliberately loom over her - as much as that's possible simply due to differences in their species.
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