#mad scientist's test subject or something like you know the human trafficking gotta be crazy
kittykatninja321 ยท 8 months
Constantly thinking about the Gotham foster care system. If Gotham is like a gothic fun house mirror caricature of everything that can go wrong in a major old east coast city, and the foster care system in real life is already laden with abuse and corruption, then what must the Gotham foster care system be like? Out of the cases we've seen on page, we've got: 1. Dick getting sent to juvie cause there's no room in the foster care system, 2. pre-crisis Nocturna manages to bribe her way into adopting Jason from underneath Bruce, 3. post-crisis Jason get's sent to a boy's home that turns out to be a front for grooming criminals 4. I think Duke has a relatively normal time? So you've got like a 25% chance
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