#love that these have sorta just become like. interesting introductions to baxter's different verses lol )
eievuimultimuse · 7 months
“Good intentions could only get you so far.” For Baxter? If ur still accepting
     STOCKMAN SHUTS HIS eyes at their words, quietly humming and nodding soberly. It seems that what they are saying, it is nothing that he hasn’t already considered before. He soon confirms as much: “ Unfortunately, I’m inclined to agree. “ He’s removing his glasses, opting to tuck them away inside of his jacket. “ My efforts, for what they are worth, cannot possibly measure up to the strength that the small-mindedness of society can have. On that front, I have, thus far, FAILED. “
     He’s speaking, of course, of the reactions of others towards his beloved mutants. He had made them with nothing but love in his heart, and he knew what he was signing up for when he did. But he’d underestimated just how overwhelming it would feel when the reality actually reached him. Do you have any idea how HARD it is for him, to look at them and know that they could never spend a day out there ?  That no matter how good they were, they would never be accepted because of what they were ?  ‘GOOD INTENTIONS COULD ONLY GET YOU SO FAR’ indeed; no amount of paternal love he could give would ever make up for the fact that the world was COLD and CRUEL.
     “ But I intend to change that, “ he informs them. “ I cannot possibly change the minds of the world, but perhaps I could change it in…OTHER WAYS. If— WHEN I succeed, then my children will finally be at peace. They’ll finally know true happiness. “
     He has a vial in his hand — one that contains a GREEN LIQUID. “ But first — I need to test something. “
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