#lmao i was like wait... isnt that childe's english va?? why are my mutuals and mutuals in law interacting with him???
itsvs-moved · 3 years
♧ !!
hiii addy !!!
You’re my: new mutual and genshin mutual !!
How I met you: you were my mutual in law :)
Why I follow you: you followed me first when i used to post about genshin.. and your blog was pretty cool
Your blog is: SO COOL and your posts are so good <33
Your URL is: loveaholic... love that url so much!!
Your icon is: giyuu... loser (affectionate)
A random fact I know about you: uh... you run the blog @griffinburns right???
General opinion: i love seeing you in my notifs!! you're so funny and chill.. i wish we interacted more :/
A random thought I have: i don't like diluc.. no specific reason i just find him annoying. he's probably homophobic
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