#literally how intrinsically tied to death sasara machina and shidou all are should stand out more in Yamanaka's writing then it currently is
archivalofsins · 5 months
Also the childish wish for those around him to stay healthy and for a love unchanging makes Shidou more comparable to Machina than Doktor. So he's more a mix of the two in my opinion.
Q.08 Is there anything more painful than death? Shidou: The death of someone you love. Q.09 What do you want from a lover? Shidou: I want them to stay healthy. Q.16 How would you define happiness? Shidou: The promise of an unchanging tomorrow.
Once again showcasing how Yamanaka has a tendency to build off of his previous projects and expand upon the concepts, he discussed in them. So, there are characters in his previous works that have similarities to the prisoners within Milgram and vice versa. The ways his works overlap are really interesting.
I wouldn't say it's just as easy as Doktor being like Shidou but I understand the comparisons.
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