#like they wouldn't create a guy and be like BTW we programmed a murderer into them ^_^ keep the lights on or die!!
the-furies · 10 months
ok like 2 things:
Why is the fandom Like That why is the fandom interpretation of me so. Mean. All the time .
Why does Eclipse fucking exist if they're only in the game for 5 seconds. You had a cool and potentially fun character concept and you do nothing with it. Die.
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castle-dominion · 4 months
skipping ahead of my family watch & my binge watch bc I feel like a change in pace:
7x16, the wrong stuff
Love space, I just read the martian last year. V nice. What I wouldn't give for a hot girl XD. This is a movie set right? We saw the sideways thing
Oh rick & alexis <3 <3 <3 OH NO IT IS NOT RICK, WHO IS SHE PLAYING WITH WHO IS THIS BOYF? Martha was here? WAIT MARTHA WAS WITH BENJAMIN HIS PJS??? it seems everyone is taking his life/stuff lol
Ryan's shoulder things, pretty. Also keep forgetting alexis is an adult.
Visitor badges lol wait mars lol, legit? Our victim is on mars!? "out of our jurisdiction" lol these are, not this is.
He signed up to go to mars? They made a yucky air place? CASTLE GETS TO WEAR A SPACESUIT he should ask her to remarry him, just say "Ryan be the officiant for twenty seconds, beckett say you love me, I do, I got married in space!"
Castle takes directions like me Doctor Haroun, interesting. SEALED 9M EXPERIMENT!?
Ryan is NOT INTERESTED IN GOING TO MARS!?!? or was it to be nice to castle? the gravity scene, this is amazing, I love this so much lmao, & the music too. "didn't have to go through astronaut training"
Castle doing his cute jumps
Luke Reichle my man! Or maybe they could survive the atmosphere for a few minutes, long enough to kill the astronaut & then get out with minimal rash-getting.
RC: (whispered) One small murder for man, one giant mystery for mankind. KB: (whispered) Even when you whisper, everyone can hear you. Radios Oh esposito, shaking his head like that
Audio editing my beloved This is so multicultural, just like The Martian. EW I HATE THE COMPUTER
She can /hear/ you yk...
THEY GET TO MEET THE INTERNED BILLIONAIRE!? if it is not a request then you need a warrant.
RC: There goes my rise of the machines theory.
There is going to be an animal that can survive there, they accidentally created life. Oh esposito is still on the ship in the sim! He's going to actually really really love it, start applying to astronaut programs (esp since the other ex-military astronaut got murdered) Oh yeah, to see if you can handle it too. I remember in The Martian, the crew had to spend a week in a cubicle-sized thing. The murderer stayed in there since the start of the experiment!?!? They would go insane from no human contact bro!
Nice intro!
Yeah he probably WAS seeing things... Yeah I trust their security Or not ig lol When was the vic's "seeing things" vlog made? he is, after all, an internet guy Ah, if this pilot dies they'll have to get the second choice, like in the airborn series (which got way unrealistic by the end & had a lot of deus ex machina & he totally deserved better than that girl even tho he was also not such a great person)
Love castle's jacket btw
So did he ever get charged with attempted murder?
Out of the country? Very far away convenient alibis. Nova scotia? I thought he said he was in connecticut. Also heck yeah canada! You know, canada should be broken up: maritime provinces, ontario+quebec, the prairie provinces plus BC (Metis country babes), & the territories.
KR: Mars? Nova Scotia? This guy really loves barren landscapes.
KR: If I want to fly thousands of miles to see a lifeless orb I could just visit Jenny’s grandmother. Same hostile environment, same freezing temperatures, same noxious atmosphere. BRUH (& her gramma is still alive?)
Ryan's outfit, also castle & esposito, & also beckett, they are all so pretty.
It is probably a youre-in-close-quarters-your-lives-depend-on-each-other type relationship ALSO I TOTALLY GOT THE FEELING IT WAS GOING TO BE A GIRL, HAHA I KNEW IT, MY GAYDAR IS REAL! (no it is not)
Ew tom, listen, you shouldn't be flirting with the ppl you're going to space with. Genuinely.
Oh no he was going to be an astronaut but she got in w/o him so he became a facilities engineer... sabotage? girl I get wanting to be WITH her but let her go to mars for the both of you... & then ofc she broke up with you but still, you were part of the mission in a different way, if she didn't go & fall in love with someone else I'm sure that you two could have worked it out. Except that you would sabotage the trip to keep her instead of collaborating on a solution so maybe you SHOULD have broken up... better now than later.
George Reyes: I’m not so sure about that. Us: WAIT WHAT tunneled thru?
KB: Castle, boost me up. (Typical XD) RC: Why am I always on the bottom? (lmao sexy) She just gives him a look. RC: Yes, dear.
She IS a scifi geek (get married in space y'all) SHE APPLIED TO GO TO MARS!? Love this version of the theme, sounds great. Duncan robert or smth? What's the composer's name? THE SCREWDRIVER! a snake? water? NEUROTOXIN? WAIT IS THAT A DOG-- IS THAT AN ALIEN (or fake alien? or a person in a mask that is not the typical spacesuit mask?)
He pushes KB’s hair away from her neck and runs his flashlight over her skin. KB: What are you doing? RC: Checking you for bites and scratches. Making sure you didn’t somehow get impregnated. KB can’t stop her eyeroll. KB: If you think that’s how I get pregnant we need to talk.
I like how she speeds up her talking to finish her explanation, then says "excuse me" then leaves to take the phone call.
Prints on the mask from when they put it on?
Ew spider webs lol I def heard stuff in there lol Oh, they take off their shoes outside the door...
AC, in front of her friends: Wow you two. Get a room. RC: We would. if there were any LEFT!
Ooh her hair is nice today & the rest of her outfit is good too. "Heyy Castles!" They are married! I love them so much! Wowie that outfit on ryan. He's had a lot of dark jackets with broad shoulders recently. His tie looks too fancy tho, smth I'd wear to an event. & his hair also looks like he's going somewhere. He would fit in at a funeral & I don't mean that in a sexy emo way. Actually I kind of do, he looks good I just don't like it.
Ooh Esposito's outfit too. All his layers. Very bisexual of him.
RC, in a voice: Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of Castle and Beckett. (Beckett smiles at his antics.) Their ongoing mission: to explore strange new motives, to seek out new witnesses and new suspects for murder, to boldly go – oh, right over here.
Lol easy code. They probably change it frequently tho.
Oh! It's another space thing! corporate espoinage! Have we met him before?
It's like that time some author got investigated by the military. He saw the public floor plan for a boat but the rest of the floor plan was confidential. He then thought about it for a while & figured out the most efficient floorplan for a boat like that. The military said "how did you know our floor plan?" & he said "this is the best way to build a boat, of course you would make it like this". These things have the same end goal & so since they are both going for the best path to achieve that goal, they end up with the same (or similar) technology.
Interesting reaction.
That feels like it should not be the best way to decide who goes on your mission... But he was the first choice before he got emotional! But he did get emotional... SOMEONE was stupid enough to leave the murder weapon
Oh no he's going to bust open esposito's helmet to the noxious gas OH & I REALIZED, THEN RYAN IS GOING TO HAVE TO GO IN & SAVE HIM & ofc they'll end it with witty quips about how ryan now wants to go to mars.
This is an awesome fight/chase scene JE: Come on, Mikhail. Are you crazy? Bro! Where’re you going to run? You’re on Mars! (I could clip that but I won't)
That's not the usual door they enter through... He was leaving &... never coming back??? wait what?
Oh they're def sad he's dead, even if they are guiltily glad in some ways. Oh it WAS a mars trip for the rest of their lives! Dang! Oh no, not sex Ah nvm they are time stamped lmao: So your alibi is that you were spying for Granger.
He edited the clock but not the reflection? THE ROVER WAS IN THE HUB THO
THE COMPUTER KILLED HIM lmao, edited in the rover was holding it? The rover did it? Oh well ig the rover is controlled by mira, so yeah mira killed him lol
data ARE wrong, castle, "data" is a plural word.
I kind of get it but they can't control it manually? That seems dangerous. Things need to have big clunky levers & mechanical parts, not just digital. So the computer did do it OR SOMEONE TOLD IT WHAT TO DO & TOLD IT TO DO IT AT A CERTAIN TIME SO THEY'D HAVE AN ALIBI
they are letting people from the outside in, that's not smth they'll get on mars irl.
The way she talks makes it move its mouth lol. RC: Well, at least she’s not asking for a lawyer.
That "how do you know" was WAY too human the fourth rule of robotics is you gotta make its eyes go red when it turns evil. She needs captions on her face in addition to the audio imo. How do you know they are optimal w/o running diagnostics?
WHAT? WHAT IS COMPROMISING THE MISSION MIRA? Castle, she can hear you. But why isn't she denying him tho? Protect everyone on it? She is protecting someone from leaving. ANGELA DIDN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH TOM, SHE DIDN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH A FEMALE ASTRONAUT, SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH MIRA Mira: Pilot, specialist... deceased idk why I found that so funny
Everything she's learned will be wiped? then she won't have the-- oh nvm you claim her memory will still be intact. But what if she's glitching out one day? What if you need to turn her off & on again? In that case she SHOULD keep her learned stuff. Unless this is a full reboot... idk bro I'm not a tech geek.
Ok she would TOTALLY just lock down the keyboard if it is a touchscreen keyboard. You would need a real keyboard, smth nice & clunky.
Where r your hats? HOW long term? You should be fine for a few hours. It shouldn't be THAT deadly, esp if your astronauts are there. Maybe long-term exposure would harm them by like, causing issues down the line but not rn. Like asbestos or lead in your bones.
Yeah YOU shut off communications. Nausea & a rash, not coughing like that... & like, would it really be that short of a time to take effect? idk. If it is that fast to take effect & it is that deadly, then it really should not be classified as "it won't kill you" babes. Then again, the spy had to wear stuff like that, he was probably not up there for long. I was under the assumption that it would be painful & nauseating & annoying (even if you only come into contact with it once) but it wouldn't kill you, even if you're in the atmosphere for hours, for days even. Maybe you would get a rash in your lungs & die like that. I just think it's kind of unrealistic to say it's non-lethal & then switch to it's lethal. Give them a bit more time. Define long-term. Say maybe "it is harmful but not deadly, at least in the short term, but if we're exposed continually for more than maybe ten hours it could lead to severe damage, & if we're too nauseous to get up & get help we could be exposed for more than 24 hours, which could potentially cause (harm that leads to) death."
lmao I love how they were so caught up thinking they were on mars that they forgot they had cell phones XD XD XD Oh no she fainted. Oh wait nvm we don't get an intense rescue. We had ice (dirty bomb episode), we had fire (arson episode for rysposito), we had air (mars episode), we had water (linchpin/pandora cia episode), now we just need earth.
This is how! The other astronaut got taken out, that's why they have the three suits for castle beckett & Jansen, & then they still had another one for esposito!
The mission data too? that's expensive af
I love how castle has his mask on properly while beckett is the one who doesn't have it on at all & jansen it holding it to his face but taking it off to talk
One of them? Which one tho? Tom himself?
KB: [nods] Killing two birds with one stone. Tom, (who everybody hated), and Mikhail, who was selling secrets. She just said that XD Wow all the pilots kinda suck huh. This one everybody hated, the other one tried to run him over...
Didn't someone accuse haroum of smth before?
The two of them? Well yeah, that's how you get someone to break Or all three like I said before!
"You have no proof" is such a weird line. It's like saying "Yes I did it but you can't prove it" girl say "I am of the belief that you are mistaken; you have a lack of proof & therefore cannot sway my belief." or smth like that. "I didn't kill him, you don't even have proof to show me why you think that is the case." Interesting theory, but I believe it to be untrue, especially when you have no evidence to validate your theory. "I didn't kill them, where are you getting that idea? You don't have any evidence implying it is me so why are you saying that?"
Prisoner's dilemma. Captain, say "all three of us will turn around, write our statements, & hand them in at the same time." Or beckett is just saying that, lying the way cops do, to make them confess.
That's the moon probably, not mars... right? I see mars often, when I look up at the night sky. I have dates written in my agenda.
OH IT WAS A RUSE AHAHA. but lol cops & their lies. Castle really is becoming a cop. btw what sculpture did castle get from maya or whoever the girl in the s3 premier was?
KB: I think that when people are stuck together in a small space for a long period of time they lose perspective. Me: quarantine hhhhh also like when vacation space travel is a thing I'm going to be so excited. There are totally going to be seasonal jobs there where you can live on mars & be a hotel room cleaner for three months, then spend two days travelling back home after that bc space travel will be that fast.
frenetic, good word yes the odd hours lol sdjhfksjdfjdhgkjh marthaaaaaaa & I love her jewelry BABIES Martha martha martha I love her! so maybe the psychic was wrong, the beautiful woman who came to live in his loft & stay with him forever did NOT stay forever... then again, becks is there. Remember when martha half moved in with Chet? Yeah.
*quiet* Me: awkward *quiet* Me: OH WAIT SEXY TIME
indian restaurant? def loud lol
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