#like sure if you're gonna throw your writing down the shitter fine whatever but THAT WHOLE SHIT? yikes
farshores · 2 years
wait wtf happened 💀 I feel like I missed a shitstorm
To keep it short, sweet, & not ranty: Kaidan addon update - they massacred our boy /hj
Dialogue is p low-tier, very Yt Women Romance(tm) & draws away from his original set up, imho at least lol but in the end that isn't what bugs me.
What has me seeing red is the devs throwing a fit & pearl clutching because folks were asking if they're going to keep in/respect the asexual option the base mod has. (Because obviously that means they want to do away with all the romance/sexual options as does anyone with a single, mild criticism - amiright gamers /s)
Which idk bout y'all but that is not a good look lmao
EDIT: lmao one of the new devs is biphobic as well - don’t use the Kaidan add-on folks
EDIT 2: Screenshots of the whole fiasco regarding Kai’s asexual option have been provided (do note this is what’s left after some deletion) and will be added below the cut - Names of the discord members were censored for general precaution + I hope y’all are mature enough to realize not to bug the VA Dan about this. Again, this is not an excuse or reason to harass anyone, this is to inform others so they can form an opinion & hold accountability.
That being said, I will be posting my short personal opinion below, because lol i do have opinions - transcript has been added
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[Image transcript:
"My thing is I'm fine with it if it's unlocked via other dialogue tbh because I 100% have characters that'd be down for it. But others would be like...no? So how do I vote for that XD"
"I like what she has done with the mod. It makes him more real and with faults. He is an harlequin romance novel character. I'm sorry, but I had to give in my two points there. He isn't excuse me Just don't where the amulet o mara don't wear it, don't get no reomance Um Okay"
"I mean for me even in the base Kaidan mod it got mized up after a while, I don't know if that was my game being bugged though. (I did think there was an odd flaw in that if you choose to wait the first time dialogue kind of got lost???)
"Okay now hold on, some people are asexual but not aromantic. They don't want sex but do want love and romance."
"Yeah exactly"
"As an asexual, I always choose the romance without the sexual stuff."
"this is where I exit the convo, have a nice night guys."
"Would it be possible to add a option where you can tell Kaidan what you're comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with?"
"Now in all fairness you need to consider [redacted] side too, Adding content may not always be in line with the original author's intent. This is [redacted]'s work, not Liv's. It's not necessarily fair to impose another person's will to limit her creativity and it's difficult when some do want that content. Yes what [redacted] said was insensitive but I think it was from frustration of a feature they wanted being cut not out of malice. It's not okay to dogpile and shout out her opinion. Let's take a deep breath."
"Do you want him to be a monk that is tranquil in dragon age terms?"
"No? I want him to be who he is already."
"They might mean don't ruin his protective nature."
"I think that would be a great shame (I'm tired and not expressing myself very well sorry)"
"Making him more sexual when not in a relationship would feel more bishop like and less like himself or how Live wanted him to be."
"You guys really don't want to hear what i am feeling right now, so i'll be a nice respectful [redacted] and just stay behind."
"OK EVERYONE. THATS ENOUGH. This is what's going to happen: [redacted] will remove ALL sexual related stuff. So everyone can drop it now. From now on will focus only on quests and the like"
"I think there is room for both. Kaidan can be more open to being more saucy if his lover mentioned they wanted it. He dated Ros for Divine's sake Dagon knows she asked for worse. But [redacted] isn't able to make everyon happy. You have to be understanding on both sides."
"we will make him a monk. with protective tendancies"
"TBF he was traumatised by Ros"
"sorry [redacted] I'll shut up"
"From now on, if anyone wants sexual material they will have to donate and get a bespoke from Dan like some other people have done."
"sorry if its a dumb question but when you said all the content did you mean everything in the whole mod itself or just a new patch? again, sorry if thats a stupid question."
"So, I'm getting confused now. Is there too much romance in the mod now as well? Sorry but I just feel frustrated at this point. Yeah sexy might be too much but romance as well?"
"I don't think anyone is saying there's too much romance? (though more friendship stuff would be lovely too!)"
"no [redacted] its perfect on your end its just some people having different opinions"
"how about she removes /all/ the sex shit period from her mod and just leave what is in the original mod for you guys?"
"Oh god no [redacted] the romance stuff is lovely!" (unable to read the rest of the message)
"Yeah there's a cold romance and the hot romance I believe."
"Please keep in mind this is [redacted]'s mod. I payed for all sex lines myself. she was being nice and sharing. But ok, we will take them back. The donations where used for regular comments and a large quest. We will not be able to please everyone. Lots of people have privately asked us for more romance and sex and that's why we took this route. Now because you guys those other people won't get anything. There. Now y'all are up to date. Better to just drop the subject and everyone have a good rest of the night."
"There are three"
"I am just confused at this point also, Is it just like, have two paths the more slow romantic and..."
"There usm byt /u haven;t been able to figure out how to go along the paths so far."
"I love the romance stuff!"
"Sure x"
"I'm going to be really blunt here, and I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk. But....people that have not donated really shouldn't be asking for anything. Plan and Simple. Suggestions are welcome by everyone of course. Telling [redacted] what to do with her mod? NO. I talk to Dan, not only professionally, we are friends. Guess what, what you hear is how he is. He IS Kaidan. We give him a script and he runs with it. He does whatever he wants. Adds cussing at will and even changes things. We just use whatever he gives you. Soooo if someone doesn't like Dan's stuff then by all means don't use the mod. I WILL NOT tell Dan what or what not to do. Anyways, sorry for being so blunt. Some of you needed to know this. Most of you are really nice people. Thanks."
"go on" ]
Now I don’t want to sound like a jerk here, but there’s a difference between being blunt & throwing a fit because people were (rightfully) upset at your response to a simple suggestion.
You’re right! It isn’t our mod, but if you’re going to take the mantle of taking other’s suggestions & criticisms - you gotta do so without this whole attitude lol. I don’t give a damn if you’re best friends with God - this is not acceptable behavior & if your first response to someone going “Hey is this thing from the base mod going to be respected/stay” is “OOOH SO YOU WANT NO SEX OR ROMANCE WHATSOEVER OOOOH YOU’RE PULLING OUR LEGS BOOHOO” then maybe - just maybe - being a mod dev ain’t for you. & I seriously recommend logging off for a bit & finding something else to do.
Spicy take but trust me when I say someone not being 100% interested in the same shit as you isn’t the end of the world. Both opinions can be discussed but it needs to be done so respectively & the devs failed in that.
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