#like redistributed to humanitarian aid and social systems
HOPE Token Project
HOPE Token
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About HOPE Token
The HOPE team needs to transform into a pioneer in establishment coins and help interface the power of cryptographic cash with the challenges of the high level world. Assumption is worked through the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) association. The basic stock is 1,000,000,000 tokens. We will devour 1% of each trade. We have made the most strong establishment way to deal with ensure that our blessings show up at the amplest possible reach for a variety of reasons, and that we are moreover set up to help those denied if there should be an occurrence of a sudden disaster.
While we are essentially based on supporting medium-sized affiliations that solidly influence close by areas in their spaces of activity, we think about the basic impact of greater overall causes, so we have developed a framework to help both. Reliably we support great purpose in different classes like young people, environment, guidance, people with ineptitudes, food taking care of, desperation easing up, etc
The HOPE team reviews tasks and pre-picks recipients subject to open models. We address pre-picked great motivation to our neighborhood hold a general vote. For 3 progressive months, HOPE will provide for greater overall affiliations. The gathering will pre-select the recorded causes, anyway the keep going choice on recipient decision will reliably come from our holders. $ HOPE has unmatched symbolism and an incredible selfless method expected to intensify advantage and neighborhood.
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A Charity crypto token powered by community and determined to change the world
We are a deflationary crypto token with exponential price growth benefits for holders and charities.
HOPE Token has unprecedented tokenomics and a robust charitable strategy designed to maximize profitability and social impact reach.  
We are setting up the stage for a new way to connect crypto investors with a reliable donation pathway and also raising the bar for transparency and accountability.  
Our project attracts long-term investors who believe in the infinite possibilities of bridging the innovation of the cryptocurrency space with the challenges of the world today.
We focus on building relationships with humanitarian aid organizations and creating a space for dialogue and education to bridge both worlds.
Our vision is to leverage the creativity, innovation, wealth and community power of the crypto space to radically support underprivileged people around the world.
We have built the most robust charitable methodology to make sure that our donations have the widest reach across different causes and that we are also ready to support those in need when a sudden natural disaster hits.
*Find out more details in our whitepaper. https://hope-token.com/whitepaper
How achieves $HOPE Work
With a fundamental outright store of 1,000,000,000 tokens, $HOPE is applying a 8% cost charge that will be deducted from each trade, which will be used thusly:
From this 8%
3.5% is assigned to month to month endowments made to affiliations picked by our holders.
1.5% is dispersed to a joined disaster help store that will be conveyed if there ought to be an event of an emergency event.
The extra 3% of the 8%
1% to promoting and operational expenses. .
1% to the six owners and every person from the affiliation.
1% will be Burned.
We've moreover sorted out some way to convey our Tokenomics to a level that no other coin has reached already.
We're clearing a path for another technique for partner crypto monetary patrons to a secured blessing way, and expanding current guidelines for straightforwardness and obligation. Our endeavor pulls in long stretch monetary patrons who believe in the limitless possible results of solidifying the improvements of the cryptographic cash space with the issues of the high level world. Not in any way like other philanthropic tokens that use blessings fundamentally to progress advancing, we see blessing the leaders suitably.
Token Detail
Token Name : $Hope
Blockchain platform : Binance Smart Chain
Coins accessible for use: 1,000,000,000
Ticker : HOPE
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Benefits of HOPE Token holders
We have an incredible system that benefits our holders and the causes something similar. For our model, we will use an episodic proportion of a month to month endowment of 100k. The reason decided for some irregular month will get 80% of the blessing in one bit (80k in our model), anyway the extra 20% (20k as indicated by the model) will be reinjected into $HOPE and given to the establishment over the going with a day and a half. In this model this would mean the reason will get 80k immediately and thereafter segments of $555,55 reliably for the going with a day and a half.
Why do we do that?
By buying $HOPE reliably with 20% of the blessing entirety we are guaranteeing our worth keeps going up and produce a secured and strong, continued with fake turn of events. Perhaps a whale would come in reliably, buy 20% of the supreme blessing whole (as indicated by our model this would be 20K in one month) anyway never dump in light of the fact that $HOPE itself is the whale. $HOPE won't dump-we will steadily redistribute. The slow revision of that 20% will be synchronized with the 20% of the accompanying blessing that will be used to buy trust token eventually to make more prominent liquidity and holders, notwithstanding grant the token to drastically increase through time. This will offer a fair ROI for our monetary sponsor as time goes on, lower shakiness and persistently bring a higher new floor.
In addition, since it will induce a reliable extension in regard, the hidden added $20k will in like manner increase. The extra secures will be held and shared through airdrops between a couple of sporadic holders and exhibiting.
Right when you have accumulated a lot of financing, it's not hard to get the phone, consider a reason and offer money that is what a huge load of the current bsc coins do to utilize exhibiting. At $HOPE we do things whatever other path in light of the fact that giving isn't a thought everything considered, it is our fundamental objective and the clarification we exist.
What's Special about $HOPE?
$HOPE bases on a substitute grouping of help every month. Why? Since we will presumably have whatever amount of agreeable impact as could sensibly be anticipated across a wide scope of causes and besides impact exhibiting as shown by world events that help different makes month.
$HOPE has a dedicated disastrous occasion help save which will be passed on if there ought to be an event of a world emergency event like a deluge, hurricane, incredible woods fire or any sudden calamitous occasion.
$HOPE's selfless system follows worldwide unselfish benchmarks which are consistently investigated and accustomed to guarantee our guide follows world examples.
$HOPE takes confidence around there and the power of participatory theory so our holders will assign causes they should add to and besides vote on who gets.
$HOPE has extraordinary tokenomics and a good benevolent method planned to support profitability and social impact reach. We are setting up the stage for another way to deal with interface crypto monetary benefactors with a trustworthy blessing pathway and moreover expanding current principles for straightforwardness and obligation. Our undertaking attracts long stretch monetary supporters who trust in the interminable possible results of traversing the advancement of the cryptographic cash space with the challenges of the current reality. Not in any way like other establishment tokens that use endowments basically to siphon advancing, we expect the obligation of administering blessings incredibly truly.
What are you doing next Tuesday May 18th at 11pm EST?
Read below, we have an invite for you!
HOPE has been invited to present our project at the Crypto and Blockchain Global Conference.
We are excited to elevate our brand by sharing the stage with some of the thought leaders in the space and we would love to have you with us!
The conference is run out of California and our time slot is 8pm PST (11pm EST).
The event is free! You can register here: https://crowdcreate.us/crypto-conference/
For more information about $ HOPE, click the link below:
Website : https://hope-token.com/
Whitepaper : https://hope-token.com/whitepaper
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Hopetokenofficial
Telegram : https://t.me/HopeTokenChat
Twitter : https://twitter.com/RealHopeToken
Author :
Forum Username: Manuel Akanji
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2954998
Telegram Username: @Manuelakanji777
BEP20 Wallet address: 0x00F321558065b1c9dca5e6EcbeECE9B01F73D6E1
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jadonsancho09 · 3 years
Review HOPE Token
The Hope Foundation created Hope Token to combine the world of crypto with charities that gives individuals the chance to participate in project, which focus is to help bring equality to the world.
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A Charity crypto token powered by community and determined to change the world
We are a deflationary crypto token with exponential price growth benefits for holders and charities.
HOPE Token has unprecedented tokenomics and a robust charitable strategy designed to maximize profitability and social impact reach.  
We are setting up the stage for a new way to connect crypto investors with a reliable donation pathway and also raising the bar for transparency and accountability.  
Our project attracts long-term investors who believe in the infinite possibilities of bridging the innovation of the cryptocurrency space with the challenges of the world today.
We focus on building relationships with humanitarian aid organizations and creating a space for dialogue and education to bridge both worlds.
Our vision is to leverage the creativity, innovation, wealth and community power of the crypto space to radically support underprivileged people around the world.
About HOPE Token
The HOPE team needs to transform into a pioneer in establishment coins and help interface the power of cryptographic cash with the challenges of the high level world. Assumption is worked through the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) association. The basic stock is 1,000,000,000 tokens. We will devour 1% of each trade. We have made the most strong establishment way to deal with ensure that our blessings show up at the amplest possible reach for a variety of reasons, and that we are moreover set up to help those denied if there should be an occurrence of a sudden disaster.
While we are essentially based on supporting medium-sized affiliations that solidly influence close by areas in their spaces of activity, we think about the basic impact of greater overall causes, so we have developed a framework to help both. Reliably we support great purpose in different classes like young people, environment, guidance, people with ineptitudes, food taking care of, desperation easing up, etc
The HOPE team reviews tasks and pre-picks recipients subject to open models. We address pre-picked great motivation to our neighborhood hold a general vote. For 3 progressive months, HOPE will provide for greater overall affiliations. The gathering will pre-select the recorded causes, anyway the keep going choice on recipient decision will reliably come from our holders. $ HOPE has unmatched symbolism and an incredible selfless method expected to intensify advantage and neighborhood.
How achieves $HOPE Work
With a fundamental outright store of 1,000,000,000 tokens, $HOPE is applying a 8% cost charge that will be deducted from each trade, which will be used thusly:
From this 8%
3.5% is assigned to month to month endowments made to affiliations picked by our holders.
1.5% is dispersed to a joined disaster help store that will be conveyed if there ought to be an event of an emergency event.
The extra 3% of the 8%
1% to promoting and operational expenses. .
1% to the six owners and every person from the affiliation.
1% will be Burned.
We've moreover sorted out some way to convey our Tokenomics to a level that no other coin has reached already.
We're clearing a path for another technique for partner crypto monetary patrons to a secured blessing way, and expanding current guidelines for straightforwardness and obligation. Our endeavor pulls in long stretch monetary patrons who believe in the limitless possible results of solidifying the improvements of the cryptographic cash space with the issues of the high level world. Not in any way like other philanthropic tokens that use blessings fundamentally to progress advancing, we see blessing the leaders suitably.
Token Detail
Token Name : $Hope
Blockchain platform : Binance Smart Chain
Coins accessible for use: 1,000,000,000
Ticker : HOPE
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Benefits of HOPE Token holders
We have an incredible system that benefits our holders and the causes something similar. For our model, we will use an episodic proportion of a month to month endowment of 100k. The reason decided for some irregular month will get 80% of the blessing in one bit (80k in our model), anyway the extra 20% (20k as indicated by the model) will be reinjected into $HOPE and given to the establishment over the going with a day and a half. In this model this would mean the reason will get 80k immediately and thereafter segments of $555,55 reliably for the going with a day and a half.
Why do we do that?
By buying $HOPE reliably with 20% of the blessing entirety we are guaranteeing our worth keeps going up and produce a secured and strong, continued with fake turn of events. Perhaps a whale would come in reliably, buy 20% of the supreme blessing whole (as indicated by our model this would be 20K in one month) anyway never dump in light of the fact that $HOPE itself is the whale. $HOPE won't dump-we will steadily redistribute. The slow revision of that 20% will be synchronized with the 20% of the accompanying blessing that will be used to buy trust token eventually to make more prominent liquidity and holders, notwithstanding grant the token to drastically increase through time. This will offer a fair ROI for our monetary sponsor as time goes on, lower shakiness and persistently bring a higher new floor.
In addition, since it will induce a reliable extension in regard, the hidden added $20k will in like manner increase. The extra secures will be held and shared through airdrops between a couple of sporadic holders and exhibiting.
Right when you have accumulated a lot of financing, it's not hard to get the phone, consider a reason and offer money that is what a huge load of the current bsc coins do to utilize exhibiting. At $HOPE we do things whatever other path in light of the fact that giving isn't a thought everything considered, it is our fundamental objective and the clarification we exist.
What's Special about $HOPE?
$HOPE bases on a substitute grouping of help every month. Why? Since we will presumably have whatever amount of agreeable impact as could sensibly be anticipated across a wide scope of causes and besides impact exhibiting as shown by world events that help different makes month.
$HOPE has a dedicated disastrous occasion help save which will be passed on if there ought to be an event of a world emergency event like a deluge, hurricane, incredible woods fire or any sudden calamitous occasion.
$HOPE's selfless system follows worldwide unselfish benchmarks which are consistently investigated and accustomed to guarantee our guide follows world examples.
$HOPE takes confidence around there and the power of participatory theory so our holders will assign causes they should add to and besides vote on who gets.
$HOPE has extraordinary tokenomics and a good benevolent method planned to support profitability and social impact reach. We are setting up the stage for another way to deal with interface crypto monetary benefactors with a trustworthy blessing pathway and moreover expanding current principles for straightforwardness and obligation. Our undertaking attracts long stretch monetary supporters who trust in the interminable possible results of traversing the advancement of the cryptographic cash space with the challenges of the current reality. Not in any way like other establishment tokens that use endowments basically to siphon advancing, we expect the obligation of administering blessings incredibly truly.
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For more information about $ HOPE, click the link below:
Website : https://hope-token.com/
Whitepaper : https://hope-token.com/whitepaper
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Hopetokenofficial
Telegram : https://t.me/HopeTokenChat
Twitter : https://twitter.com/RealHopeToken
Author :
Forum Username: Jadon Sancho
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2954208
Telegram Username: @Jadonsancho09
BSC Wallet address: 0xb05fc25bCfa612Eaef1Fa17cEBF05A675a40D5e1
1 note · View note
writemarcus · 4 years
NEW Black Mutual Aid Carves a Path for What Support Can Be in a Revolution
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By Marcus Scott
Do not be deceived into thinking otherwise: The summer of 2020 will go down in history as a once-in-a-generation uprising against the police brutalization of people of Black descent in the United States. Fueled by the video-capture of the nonchalant murder of 46-year-old George Floyd after Minneapolis Police Department officer Derek Chauvin knelt on the victim’s neck for eight minutes as three other officers sporting a thousand-yard stare looked on, a siege of ongoing protests and civil unrest sparked and raged—and continues to rage—across the nation.
Following Floyd’s death, the identities of several martyrs began trending on social media: Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African-American emergency medical technician in Louisville, and Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old African-American man in Georgia’s Glynn County, among them. Both cases prompted dialogues around racial inequality and racial profiling, as well as anti-Blackness and the value of Black life in the US and abroad, with Black Lives Matter leading the charge. Ultimately, the demands for justice by Black Lives Matter began to trickle into conversations surrounding workplace discrimination as well as a lack of representation and equal opportunity in myriad industries.
Theatre is one of those industries.
For better or worse, longstanding American theatrical institutions with problematic histories began virtue-signaling and woke-washing, re-branding their websites and social media accounts with resources to fight against systemic racism. The reaction incited a political storm, provoking artists who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) to share their own experiences. The despair birthed platforms such as the We See You White American Theater movement, which produced a 31-page document of demands written on behalf of BIPOC theatre-makers taking issues with companies and individuals seeking to profit from the culture war. That document addresses “the necessary redistribution of power and funding.”
Enter NEW Black Mutual Aid.
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The brainchild of activist Nzinga Williams, NEW Black Mutual Aid Fund (NBMA) strives “to create the safety net and financial support for Black Theater Professionals through a time of revolution and pandemic,” per the Google doc Williams created where Black theatre folx can privately request funds.1 Those funds support everything from protest supplies, bail, and lawyer fees (for protesters) to dinner, rent support, plant care, and more.
Williams, who earns a living as Company Manager at Atlantic Theater Company, says the project was birthed between March and May—the beginning of quarantine, when she also tested positive for COVID-19.
“I started getting better right around the time that George Floyd was murdered,” Williams said, noting that many of her friends and loved ones took to the street, risking their health at the price of justice.
“I wanted to create a support system for us. For the Black people on and off stage that give themselves tirelessly to tell stories. We needed a safety net. They needed to feel like they could go out and protest and someone was going to have their backs. These often incredibly empathic and creative folx who have been mined for their talents (on and off stage) over and over again deserved that support system. Wealth, access, and resources are so often influenced by race and gender. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to affect change on a microlevel in our community.”
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Joining the anti-racist groundswell in the American theatre, Williams said the times felt especially fraught being both an Aquarius (the humanitarian of the Zodiac chart) and a Black woman, expressing that it is difficult to ask for help when you need it, as Black women are taught from an early age to persevere and take care of others at the expense of themselves.
“NBMA is about redistributing wealth in order to put it into Black theater folx,” Williams shared. “Funds aren’t allocated for anything specific; people are allowed to request multiple weeks in a row. It is a first-come, first-serve model. We are here to help create just a little extra help, no matter what that looks like, for our community.”
Money comes into the NBMA, and then money goes out—usually via CashApp or Venmo. Those who are able to give, and then those who are in need request. From there, Williams gets to work in fielding the Google docs and their requests.
She noted NBMA is for all Black theater professionals, regardless of gender expression and outright need, illuminating the fact that most theater professions, including Williams, are out of work until at least January 2021, when theaters can reopen.
“This is true for people from all walks of life in theater, but unfortunately due to the systemic racism that is prevalent in both our industry and government, this is adversely impacting Black theatre-makers more,” Williams said. “There are people like me who do not have the option to move ‘home’ but also cannot afford to pay rent without a job. If NBMA can help with groceries one week or transportation to and from protests, maybe even a bit towards rent, we can keep Black theater artists alive. And truly in this climate, staying alive is an act of radical resistance.”
Williams stated none of the work would be possible were it not for her particular administrative and stage managerial experience built up over time from working in nonprofits, which has single-handedly produced the fruits of her labor. She elucidated that her knowledge of surveys and spreadsheets have kept things organized, while her ability to manage people has helped her be transparent and manage expectations. She also noted that her networking skills and inventory of close friends helped, especially in enlisting financial advisors for the fund, creating an LLC, and crafting a logo.
The hard work paid off. Not only has the fund seen strong online traffic (check out the buzzing Instagram account @newblackmutualaid), but Williams has also been tapped by industry leaders to participate in events like the inaugural Antonyo Awards, created by Andrew Shade of Broadway Black.
Presenting lighting and scenic design prizes with friend and stage manager Cody Renard Richard, Williams said she had an amazing time participating, despite her nerves—Williams usually prefers to work behind the scenes.
“I do not have a ring light so my cellphone was balancing on my windowsill in order to get the best light, and we had to hold multiple times when my downstairs neighbor decided to blast the newest Bad Bunny album, which is fire by the way,” she laughed. “Watching all my amazing friends and family was an added bonus. There was so much Black theatre joy on Juneteenth this year and it really filled my soul.”
Although a lot of positivity has come out of her efforts, Williams is highly aware that she is only at the tip of the iceberg with regards to fighting police brutality and creating pathways toward justice. With the recent loss of civil rights icons John Lewis and C. T. Vivian, Black liberation has become imperative for emerging BIPOC activists like Williams who believe the nation is in the midst of a revolution.
“In a revolution, it is necessary to have several lanes. No revolution was ever won by one means of protest,” Williams said. “Being in the streets is necessary to get people’s attention. It is necessary for creating community. It is necessary for keeping pressure on systems and individual people. That is the power of protest.”
“We need people talking about political reform and driving that as much as we need the people physically sitting in in Louisville and taking to the streets in Portland, New York, Seattle, et cetera,” she added. “Anti-Blackness and racism are pervasive. It has subtly stained so many factions of our life. I believe we need to fight it everywhere we can.”
If you are interested and want to know more or get involved, Nzinga Williams would like you to follow these accounts, to name a few: @Justiceforgeorgenyc, @Warriorsinthegarden, and @Untilfreedom.
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Contributor: Marcus Scott
Marcus Scott is a New York City-based playwright, musical writer, opera librettist, and journalist. He has contributed to Time Out New York, American Theatre, Elle, Essence, Out, Uptown, Trace, Hello Beautiful, Madame Noire, and Playbill, among other publications.
0 notes
rightsinexile · 6 years
“Ostensibly to protect its citizens, the European Union, like the United States and many other countries in the Global North, has developed policies that aim to stop refugees before they can enter their destination countries. [...] An in-depth analysis of the [Refugee] Convention’s preparatory materials and the early practice following the drafting of the Convention shows that the order of the day was cooperation to admit refugees in the absence of particularized security threats — not cooperation to deny refugees access wherever a security threat could be imagined.” Securing the Borders Against Syrian Refugees: When Non-Admission Means Return. Elizabeth Leiserson. Yale Journal of International Law. March 2017.
“Although Southeast Asia currently hosts more than one million asylum seekers and refugees (Amnesty International, 2017; UNHCR, 2017b), most Southeast Asian countries, with the exception of Cambodia, Timor Leste and the Philippines, have not signed the 1951 Refugee Convention and do not offer local integration for refugees in their respective territories.” Forced Migration and Protracted Transit in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Danau Tanu, Antje Missbach, Dave Lumenta. Antropologi Indonesia. 2017.
“Asylum legal aid lawyers are under continuous public scrutiny. On the one hand, these lawyers are portrayed as being solely motivated by profit. On the other hand, they are depicted as leftist activists frustrating the legal system.” Asylum Legal Aid Lawyers' Professional Ethics in Practice: A Study into the Professional Decision Making of Asylum Legal Aid Lawyers in the Netherlands and England. Tamara Butter. January 2018.
“Living Beyond the Borders highlights the Canadian immigration policies and the challenges faced by migrants, particularly visible minorities. The book further presents multiple perspectives and arguments on how immigrants and refugees react to their ‘new home’ in the north and how they maintain memories of their country of origin.” Living Beyond the Borders: Essays on Global Immigrants and Refugees. Edward Shizha, Rosemary Kimani-Dupuis and Priscilla Broni. January 2018.
“This book explores the legitimacy of political asylum applications in the US and UK through an examination of the varieties of evidence, narratives, and documentation with which they are assessed. Credibility is the central issue in determining the legitimacy of political asylum seekers, but the line between truth and lies is often elusive, partly because desperate people often have to use deception to escape persecution.” Political Asylum Deceptions: The Culture of Suspicion. Carol Bohmer and Amy Shuman. January 2018.
“Since the mid-1990s, the US Border Patrol’s policy of Prevention Through Deterrence has intentionally pushed migrants into increasingly remote corridors in the Southwest borderlands. This policy has turned the natural landscape into a lethal weapon that injures, kills, and disappears border crossers.” Disappeared: How the US Border Enforcement Agencies are Fueling a Missing Persons Crisis. The Disappeared Report. No More Deaths.
“This report presents country of origin information (COI) and expert testimony on Nigeria up to 8th November 2017 on issues for research identified to be of relevance in refugee status determination for Nigerian nationals.” Nigeria: The situation of Indigenes and Settlers. Asylum Research Consultancy. January 2018.
“Serious atrocities have been committed in the Kasai region in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since mid-2016, forcing many to leave their homes and even their country. [...] Asylum seekers [...] in Angola described how in March and April 2017, this militia killed state officials, and on some occasions ordinary citizens, in towns in the south of the Kasai.” Violence and Displacement in the Kasai. International Refugee Rights Initiative. January 2018.
“Global policymakers agree that a major challenge facing refugees is their treatment as a short-term humanitarian problem rather than also as a long-term development challenge. This paper agrees that refugees constitute a development challenge, but it argues that certain development policies have contributed to the status quo of refugee poverty and marginalization in the first place. The paper places particular emphasis on policies of austerity and of laissez-faire. In their stead, it argues in favor of policy approaches that are egalitarian and redistributive, and that emphasize refugees’ economic and social rights.” Refugees, Development, Debt, Austerity: A Selected History. Leah Zamore. January 2018.
“In the article, titled ‘Refugees and displaced people: how Japan can help’, Dr Crisp outlines five ways that Japan can play a role in assuaging the current global displacement crisis. These include continuing to provide emergency funding; supporting the introduction of longer-term and developmental approaches in situations where many people have been displaced; using its skills in design and innovation to promote the use of new approaches and more effective technologies; providing a greater number of refugee resettlement places; and continuing to play a role in preventive diplomacy to help prevent and resolve conflict.” Refugees and Displaced People: How Japan Can Help. Jeff Crisp. November 2017.
“[This policy] brief examines how return-based migration management leads to three problematic developments: first, discriminatory practices; second, the use of means of constraint in the context of IOM returns; and third, insufficient guarantees to protect asylum seekers with protection claims from deportation to Turkey. Human rights violations by design: EU-Turkey statement prioritises returns from Greece over access to asylum. EUI Policy Brief. Jill Maybritt Alpes, Sevda Tunaboylu and Ilse Van Liempt. 2017.
“The second policy brief explains what happens with people after readmission to Turkey. Deported non-Syrians are unable to apply for asylum from within Turkish detention centres, as well as regularly forced to sign return papers. Readmitted Syrians are without effective protection and have in several cases felt obliged to return to Syria. The brief also offers a synthesis of how the failed Turkish coup d'état further undermined already weak protection mechanism for asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey.” Post-deportation risks under the EU-Turkey statement: What happens after readmission to Turkey? EUI Policy Brief. Jill Maybritt Alpes, Sevda Tunaboylu, Orcun Ulusoy and Saima Hassan. 2017.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/united-states-of-america/five-things-you-need-to-know-to-understand-venezuelas-crisis/
Five Things You Need to Know to Understand Venezuela’s Crisis
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A slow-simmering political crisis that has gripped Venezuela for months appeared to be coming to a head this week as opposition politicians issued a direct challenge to the authority of President Nicolás Maduro.
The leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, called for a military and popular uprising to oust Mr. Maduro from office, triggering a day of protest that turned violent but later fizzled. Mr. Maduro characterized the action as unconstitutional, while Mr. Guaidó maintained it was a necessary move to restore legitimacy to the presidency.
Both sides now seem to be scrambling for control, with Mr. Maduro appearing alongside troops on Thursday to reaffirm his status and Mr. Guaidó admitting he does not have the necessary support.
This week’s attempted uprising failed to change the status quo. But the confrontation has been years in the making, driven by an economic downturn and political discontent. Here’s what you need to know to understand how Venezuela came to this moment.
Venezuela is a country made rich by oil, and has seen that wealth evaporate.
Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, and the country’s economy is largely tied to its oil wealth. This oil wealth once made the nation one of the richest in Latin America and helped stabilize its democracy although the riches were not equally shared. But the past few years have seen the economy spiral toward collapse.
The International Monetary Fund predicts that Venezuela’s inflation rate will reach 10 million percent in 2019, becoming one of the worst cases of hyperinflation in modern history. Experts say government mismanagement and corruption is the source of the country’s economic woes; Mr. Maduro blames damaging United States sanctions.
The legacy of Hugo Chávez looms large in Venezuela.
The legacy of President Hugo Chávez — Venezuela’s former leader and founder of the country’s modern socialist system — still hangs over the nation more than six years after his death.
Mr. Chávez came to power in 1998, elected after a failed coup. He quickly rose from political outsider to popular figurehead, bringing in a socialist ideology that redistributed the country’s oil wealth and created a robust social welfare program.
His government seized private factories, mines and fields, and founded state companies and cooperatives. High oil prices contributed to a short-term reduction in inequality and poverty as social programs made food, housing and health care more widely available.
Within the country, the notoriously charismatic leader proved popular, but not universally so. During his years in office — he was re-elected in 2006 — his leftist ideology and bombastic approach to foreign relations proved polarizing.
While his programs drew broad support from poor Venezuelans, it also alienated some of the country’s wealthy elites.
Maduro is Chavez’s chosen heir.
Before his death in 2013 from cancer, Mr. Chávez hand-selected his heir — Mr. Maduro, the current president. Adherents of his left-wing political ideology are known as Chavistas, and the group makes up the majority of Mr. Maduro’s current support base.
Like his predecessor, Mr. Maduro increased the executive branch’s control of the country.
He has made strides to dismantle the country’s opposition-led legislature. And he oversaw a redrafting of the constitution that consolidated power under the presidency, steering the country toward autocracy, and moved to quash all dissenting voices through violence and intimidation.
The move drew reprimands from opposition politicians at home and from leaders internationally.
Two men — Maduro and Guaidó — are now vying for control.
In January, Mr. Maduro was sworn in for a second term in office after an election that was widely denounced as fraudulent.
Two weeks after the inauguration, Mr. Guaidó, then a little-known 35-year-old leader of the opposition-controlled National Assembly, declared himself the interim president, pointing to the constitution to declare Mr. Maduro’s presidency illegitimate. He vowed to hold new national elections.
The announcement brought tens of thousands of supporters to the streets, catapulted him to the international stage and saw the United States, Canada, and many Latin American and European countries recognize him as the legitimate head of state.
As a result, Mr. Maduro cut off the few remaining diplomatic ties with the United States.
The months since have been a tug of war between the two sides for popular support and control of the military.
Mr. Maduro still has the backing of the country’s top generals, a loyalty that Mr. Guaidó may have underestimated as he called for the military to throw their support behind him. Mr. Maduro believes Mr. Guaidó’s effort to oust him is part of a coup engineered by the Trump administration.
The power struggle has played out in competing street demonstrations and with dual messaging to the population.
Last month, Mr. Guaidó and his foreign allies tried to bring large amounts of aid into Venezuela from neighboring countries, but Mr. Maduro’s forces sealed off the borders with Colombia and Brazil, saying the country didn’t need the support.
His government later agreed to allow Red Cross aid into the country, which is currently suffering from a widespread humanitarian crisis triggered by the economic downturn.
The country’s humanitarian situation is dire.
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