#like fuck dude girls beautiful and boys handsome and nonbinary amazing
motherofponies · 6 years
Ten Facts Game
Tagged by @silverowldragon, I love when you tag me, thanks! <3
Rules from OP: “Oooook everyone, I think we all have to get to know each other a little more. That’s why I decided to start this game. Write ten facts about you and tag ten people!”
P.S.: I apologize in advance for any mistakes, I’m a little sleep deprived so my English is probably worse than usual.
And now, my ten facts!
1 - I recently started to identify myself as nonbinary. I’m not out to my family - they’re all super everythingphobic, so I’ll probably never come out to them - but I’m out here and to my closest friends. And I’m really, really happy about it! Cause I always felt that I was somehow “broken”, like a girl who never knew how to be a proper girl... Then I find out that I don’t need to be a girl, or a boy, or anything, and now all my life finally make sense for me. Knowing that I’m not alone, that I’m not the only one feeling like this and identifying the same way... is amazing. I know that sounds clichè, but I’m a new person since then.
2 - Earlier this year I made my dream trip to South Korea. I spent ten days there, including my birthday! And everything was even better than I ever imagined! I had amazing moments with my best friends, went to awesome places, ate delicious food and just had loads of fun. Aaand I kissed two really handsome korean boys... Something I still can’t believe, cause I really don’t think that I’m good looking, and I’m fat, but we always hear that people in Korea are, like, suuuper worried about beauty and weight and everything, so... I don’t know. Maybe they loved my dazzling smile, BAM! LOLOL! But, back to what really matters, South Korea is a really, really beautiful place, I was just amazed like, all the time. Oh, and I saw snow for the first time while I was there! Yay! Lots of new and good experiences! (And yes, I like kpop, but no, I didn’t go to any concerts there. I just bought some CDs)
3 - I’m a singer, rapper and composer. I am, really! I released a “pre-debut” song with two friends, that I composed with one of them. You can hear it here:
Now I’m training really hard with other artists, and... who knows? Maybe in a not so distante future I’ll be here showing you more of my songs! (I also write portuguese versions of music, just for hobby, and I LOVE DOING IT SO FREAKING MUCH, probably is what I love the most to do)
4 - I have lots of books. Like... LOTS. OF. BOOKS. I can’t say how many, cause I never counted, but I think is safe to say that is more than 500. I learned how to read before I went to school, and never stopped, lol. There was a time when I used to read 3 books a day. I have medals that I won reading - I swear! So, I always wished a job that would allow me to read all the time. And then I became a proofreader. Aaaaand I hate it. But, that’s life. Wishes are dangerous, kids! I think is because of it that I read less now. I lost a little bit of the pleasure of reading. Sad, really sad.
5 - I love playing videogames. I can spend HOURS playing a game that I like. I have a Super Nintendo (I have it since I was, like, 8 or something, and yes, it still works!), a Playstation1 and a Xbox 360. I’m not as good as my sister, but so what? I just wanna have fun, and I don’t need to be the best to have fun, right? That’s why I don’t like to say that I’m a “gamer”; when you say that, people start to demanding proofs or something stupid like that. So, I just say that I love playing videogames, and that’s it. So, no, I don’t do all the side quests, I don’t do all the alternative endings (ok, I did with Chrono Trigger, but I fucking love Chrono Trigger), I don’t do 110% of the thing, leave me alone, I just want to have fun, go away.
6 - I really like Celtic music. I discovered it accidentally, actually. I’ve bought a CD to give to a friend. It was a time when I was dealing with a terrible insomnia and, one night, I decided to play the CD while I was not sleeping... and I fell asleep hearing it. So, i didn’t give the CD to my friend and kept it for me. Now, everytime that I need to calm down or concentrate, I put some Celtic music, and everything is good while Celtic music is playing.
7 - When I was a kid, I had those beautiful big eyes, so my family used to call me “Corujinha” (little owl). Beacuse of that, I always loved owls. My room is full of them everywhere, on everything possible. Shirts, socks, notebooks, stuffed animals, mugs, boxes, keychains, wallets, bags, I don’t even know, name it and I probably have it. I even have a painted stone that’s an owl. So, yeah. Owls everywhere. And I love it. <3
8 - I never had a proper romantic date. Like, I had a “boyfriend” when I was 14, but we just saw each other at school, never went anywhere else. After that, I just... well, just kissed some guys here and there, and yeah. But a date? Never. Pretty lame, uh?
9 - I fucking love musicals. I have a shelf full of DVDs and I can spend a whole day watching as many musicals as I can. Like, dude, I even like Cats, and not ironically, I’m so fucking sorry but is true, I love that musical, man, don’t give up on me, please, I just love everything musical, I’m not normal, buddy, please don’t leave me!
10 - People are probably tired of hear me saying this, but I’M WRITING A WEBSERIES, AND IS LITERARY INSPIRED, AND WE’RE (probably) SHOOTING IT VERY SOON, AND I’M EXCITED AND HAPPY AND YEEEEEAH!!! Aaand you can follow us here: @hyggeprod.
That’s it. YAY! I DID IT!
And nooooow I’m tagging: @babiangelli, @poneisqueescrevem, @readingcactus, @captainjackstorari, @henryhigginstrashclub, @themurdochmemesteries, @hermioneeowynp, @lmliw, @caringcrabtree, @i-also-kill-a-mean-griffin
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