#like back then yanqing is the port and jing yuan is the ship and then afterwards it's vice versa
bunathebunny · 11 months
hmm thinking about yuanqing and port and ship metaphors thing
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ihatechosingnames · 10 months
HSR Timeline
While I was reviewing my screenshots, especially the ones about Yanqing's Companion Quest, I started having doubts about the timeline of events on the Xianzhou Arc.
HOW did Jingliu get on Luofu after it was sealed shut? We can assume she was at the port after Dan Heng and company left, just in time for Yanqing to miss them but for him to meet Jingliu. Yanqing is after all the youngest lieutenant of the Cloud Knights and Jing Yuan's retainer, he realizes something is wrong (unlike Sushang). He starts quietly interrogating her with the excuse of making conversation (look at my clever boy).
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Luckly for everyone, Jingliu is not there to bring more havoc to Xianzhou, at least not directly. Her presence is a problem anyway, since she is there to catch and kill (again) Blade (too). Poor Jing Yuan, not only Blade is crazy and a terrorist and Dan Heng doesn't recognize him, now even his previous master is on the same ship.
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[Funny thought: From Blade's backstory we know that Jingliu killed Blade many times, so we have
Dan Heng that escapes from Blade, killing him in self-defence because he doesn't remember a thing about his time as Dan Feng.
Blade that follows Dan Heng to kill him
Jingliu that follows Blade to kill him. A murder-chain. With only Blade that gets killed. Ahahahaha. Sorry.]
HOW did Jingliu know that Blade was on Xianzhou? From what I got, they shut down the port, kept the Loufu in lockdown and I don't think they comunicated with the other ships telling "we have a Stellaron Crisis, the Cursed/Blessed Arbor revives and we lost a Stellaron Hunter that was in our custody". It's bad reputation. And it is possible that the other ships aren't even near the Luofo. Does she have a GPS locating Blade just like Blade can locate Dan Heng? And even if she did, HOW did she get in Luofo? While Luocha had the convenient excuse of being a merchant, Jingliu doesn't strike as one. I mean, look at her, she looks like she will murder you.
One thing that I am at little puzzled is that there is no way to tell how much time has passed from one mission to another, how to collocate the companion quests in between the storyline.
Look at Luocha:
during the Trailblazer mission he was with Dan Heng just before his fight with Blade and consequent awakening
but we already have his companion quests where it is said "This was two days before the Ambrosial Arbor came back to life."
Bailu's Companion Mission is also difficult to collocate in the timeline, it definitely happens in a few hours, but between which Trailblazer Mission?
Since I have some problem, I'll try to make a timeline but seriously need some help or some kind of official timeline from HOYO.
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