#learn to differentiate 'i wish there was more wlw' from 'wlw is morally superior to your dirty yaoi'
envymeshi · 2 months
I'll be real. The Dunmeshi fandom has a TERF problem.
Or at the very least, it has a problem of good-intentioned people reblogging terf rhetoric without giving it much thought.
Now, someone posting 'It's a shame how mlm content is more prevalent than wlw content in fandom, and that female characters keep getting overshadowed by male characters, and we need to analyze our internalized biases against women when engaging with fiction' is completely a-ok! I completely agree with this sentiment! However, stuff like 'mlm shippers only care about porn and don't even bother to analyse the characters they ship, meanwhile they overlook wlw ships with way more nuance, character, and depth' is terf shit! I'm sorry! We need to be able to spot 'men are inherently more sexual and disgusting than us pure women' out in the wild!
And no, I'm not just making people up to get mad at. There's a reason the people posting about the 'disgusting people sexualizing the female characters' have reccomended blogs that look like this.
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