#lbr i'd rather mindlessly watch something undemanding right now
imminentinertia · 2 months
something something the theatre aesthetic and structures of 7 Days Before Valentine and Playboyy something something
But seriously. I want my brain to say things about how much like a stage play Playboyy looks, with its great number of scenes that have a flavour of tableau vivant. All the scenes with projecting on the characters ffs.
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(By the way, this is Zouey in episode 4. They told us. It's not even a vague hint. I missed it completely.)
7 Days Before Valentine is even more theatre-like, it could easily have been turned into a stage play (flower shop on the left, coffee shop on the right, Sunshine's room in the middle, other scenes in front).
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These two shows are permanently linked in my brain because of the visual styles and which I wish I could say something coherent about that.
It's ambitious, that's certain, and bold artistic choices are generally guaranteed lower scores on MDL than easily digested cute shows whether they're perceived to be successful in their ambitions or not.
To me, 7 Days Before Valentine gets a 10 for style, another for plot and a third for acting.
Playboyy gets an 11 for style, -100/10 for costume choices, -10 for the use of English because I couldn't find any consistency at all, 10 for the crime plot but -1 for hinging everything on Jason Lee, etc etc. This show veers wildly between genius and full body cringe. But still, amazing style. And it gets a solid 100/10 for the tragedy of Nuth and Phop, which never read like anything but seriously star-crossed lovers to me, and had the most gorgeously haunting set designs of the show. Of any show, honestly.
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