#last time i updated this fic i had 1/5th the followers i have now wtf
Hey girl I know you’re busy but just want to say I love your stories. A few questions. 1) will mirror mirror & demon Erik be updated soon? And 2) after reading the 5th chapter of crazy Erik how do you feel about it especially since it went completely left from the original chapters? 3) will the next chapter bring it back to how it started or will it be like the last chapter going forward? Not gonna lie but the chapter left me feeling like wtf & not in a good way cause it went from crazy Erik to crazy female. No disrespect I love everything you’ve written but this was the only one I couldn’t get into especially after rereading the first 4 chapters repeatedly. Anyways I look forward to more Erik stories. Much love… 🩷
So yes I do plan to update Mirror Mirror soon because I did that fic originally around spooky szn so I want to bring it back. Demon Erik (incubus Erik) I would love to do as well for you guys around the same time if I can.
As far as crazy Erik goes, i felt good about the direction I decided to go in. It wasn’t my original decision but I felt it was the best. My original decision was to have him disappear and relocate. Remember, Y/N is pregnant (was) so basically Erik wanted a child. He finds Y/N, killing her sister first and then proceeds to kill her when he finds out she had an abortion. After he does that he relocated and basically started a new obsession with a woman who is pregnant. That was going to be my original take in chapter five.
Will the next chapter bring it back to how it started? Basically the way it started did indeed happen. They did meet at a poetry reading, they did fall in love, all the events leading up to being trapped in his beach home happened. But some of it is implanted memories; fabricated. So basically if you notice in this chapter, Y/N is made out to be the crazy one and
Erik is supposed to be this big time psychiatrist. Notice how he’s the only psychiatrist in the hospital. Notice how there is only mention of women patients. Notice how he says that she is his most difficult patient. Notice how he sleeps with her which is uncalled for since he’s supposed to be her doctor. None of it makes sense. And she keeps reliving this cycle. Her mind is strong despite what he tells her and she will eventually figure out that he is not who he claims to be.
I felt as if the first four chapters were great, but I wanted to take a different direction. I wanted it to throw everyone for a loop. It was intentional because I didn’t want to make it predictable. So, will chapter 6 go back to the first 4 chapters? Yes and no. It’s going to still follow the same storyline as did in 5 but she will realize that Erik is playing games with her and she will have to escape. That’s all I can say for now. I plan on chapter 6 being the final chapter because I don’t want to drag this story out lol.
Thanks for asking!
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