#kendall sees that ease and he's a little bit in awe. this is a real man who has lived a full real life in his body.
scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
i need to rewatch archer & take note of all the scars cyril likely ends up with, i feel like that information is important for archercession specifically
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𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖉𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍
Part 1 of idk how many
ps: don’t mind me, i just felt like indulging myself. you can ignore this and go on wth your day
The first time Raven Kendall saw that all too familiar logo -- circular shape, of grey, platinum and orange colours, a bit angular on the inside -- she thought this must be another one of her crazy dreams. It wouldn’t be the first time this has happened to her; being the avid gamer that she is, more than a few of her dreams have taken place in the worlds of her favourite video games. However, there were two factors that disproved that theory: she wasn’t alone in this “dream”, as it usually happens in these, and it happened right before her eyes.
Well… not technically, no. But, in a way, it did.
She and her closest friends decided to take a trip around the country, get out of the city and have a long holiday all for themselves. They were college graduates or were able to cover their working shift to make this trip possible; in her case, while Raven did get a teaching degree, so far she’s not planning on becoming a full-time teacher and, instead, focus on her booming figure-skating career. A few hours after their trip had begun, she was one of the first to take a nap -- Janisse was the designated driver, herself occupied the seat next to her, and Ignis, Clara and Fred all were located on the backside of their rented van. Never would’ve she imagined to be awoken by Janisse to find this.
No, this wasn’t the road to explore the country at their leisure. This was a sight both unfamiliar and familiar for the ice-skater. She’s never been here before -- hell, she’s never been in this corner of the world -- but those buildings were all too familiar. Raven has seen them time and time again, either offensive or defensively, while playing Overwatch.
‘IMPOSSIBLE.’ Raven thought to herself. ‘Gibraltar may be a real place but this base shouldn’t exist. That logo shouldn’t be here…’
Overwatch is just a game, an FPS with the occasional drop of lore to make it a strange mix of modern and sci-fi. Something like the base at Watchpoint: Gibraltar shouldn’t exist. And yet, here they were, staring in awe at the different buildings that had seen better days.
Against better judgement ( I mean, what else were they supposed to do?? ), all five friends got off the van to explore. Their van was located at one of the endpoints of the map, where the payload reaches the end; the girls followed the grey path. That’s how they eventually came across the first attack spawn, Winston’s quarters, and came across the gorilla in question.
None of them had a plan, really, so Raven had to improvise their situation. Saying that they were from an alternate dimension where this world and all the people in it are characters felt like too much of a stretch, even for a monkey scientist, to believe. Time travelling, somehow, seemed much more believable. To her relief, Winston bought it; to him, they were 5 young women from 2018 now stuck in the year 2076. Unfortunately, despite the massive technological advances in the Overwatch timeline, time travel wasn’t mastered by anyone, so the monkey couldn’t help them get back home.
He did, however, offer shelter to them. Watchpoint: Gibraltar was huge and nobody knows somebody is living here, so they could stay safe from the dangers of their new present -- mainly, Talon. In exchange, Janisse offered their services to him and anyone who may come later.
“We may not be fighters of any kind,” she said, “but we can provide for those basic and important daily needs. Cooking, cleaning, paperwork, assistance… it’s the least we can do to lend a hand.”
With everything settled, Winston made Athena unlock five rooms close to one another in the staff area while the girls went to pick up their bags from the van. The bedrooms were all the same: a living space of rectangular shape, a private mini bathroom, a single-sized bed, a drawer for their belongings, a small desk, and a medium-sized window, all covered in the same shade of grey as the outside walls of the base.
The A.I. informed them of the few residents while they moved around. Winston, of course, has been living here since the fall of Overwatch; Lena Oxton, also known as Tracer, was the first to answer the Recall not too long ago and was currently piloting a jet to pick up Mei from Antartica, who has been frozen up until recently. Other than that, Raven and her friends were the only other new residents of Gibraltar.
Once the night rolled in and Raven laid down in her new bedroom did it down on her just how far away from home they were. In another country, 60 years in the future, and in the reality of a video game she played just a couple of days ago. There was no way to go back home.
By their second day in the future, the food rations the girls had packed for their trip were gone and down in their stomachs. The idea of buying food to prepare proper meals was out of the question too; Winston explained many things, but one of the most important ones was how much the Omnic crisis caused inflation all around the globe. With the money they had available in cash, they bought fewer things than what they could’ve back in 2018.
Thankfully for them, Lena arrived that afternoon with more than a few surprises. Mei was one of them, but the least surprising one; then, inside the jet, were multiple supply boxes filled with food; the last but most surprising one, were the other two travellers. Raven was the last to arrive at the jet, her friends were already helping Tracer and Mei take the boxes to the kitchen, and was about to do the same until she saw two figures descend.
It was them. The stealthy cyborg ninja and the wise mentor omnic, Genji Shimada and Tekhartha Zenyatta.
In the short time Raven got to play Overwatch, she found out that aiming with shurikens is mcfreaking hard, not to mention his other abilities like the dash and reflect, but the ultimate was her major pain the butt. On the other hand, while aiming with the monk was just as hard and he was as slow as a snail, the girl was content knowing he never had footsteps sounds, or that no matter what his orbs would be utilized by someone, and his ultimate has saved herself and her team in the past. No matter what, though, she had fun playing as them.
To think she was now standing in front of them, dumbfounded and with a shocked expression on her face. It took Ignis’ gentle shook and the calming presence of the monk to pull her back to reality. Man, how silly did she look spaced out like that?
“A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Miss Raven.” Zenyatta, while lacking in facial expressions, sounded as calm and gentle as he did in his voice lines. It made her relax in his presence, the butterflies in her stomach vanished and felt like herself again.
“Likewise, Zenyatta. I hope the flight from Nepal wasn’t troublesome.”
If she had to guess, the monk was looking at her with the omnic equivalent of a smile. What a shame that these machines were not made with facial expressions, Zenyatta could be even more adorable if he were able to emote like Orisa. Once she turned to the cyborg, the tension that had left returned to her body. She’s seen pictures of him without the mask as well as the skins of his younger self; Genji was anything but a monster, he still looked like a hot piece of ass even as a 30’s something-year-old man who has gone through hell and back until he found inner peace.
Raven knew he was human, as human as he could be with his cybernetic enhancements but still a person regardless. And yet, seeing him wearing the full suit, his face hidden from everyone, gave her chills. Not being able to read his facial expressions put her at edge. He must’ve sensed it or noticed a slight shift in her body language, because the next thing she knew, Raven heard a chuckle coming from him while he extended a hand towards her.
“Yo,” Damn, his voice even had the slight echoes from his suit when he talked. “I can assure you, miss, that I don’t bite.”
That brought a laugh out of her. Was he trying to be cheesy to ease her nerves? Who knows, anything is possible while his face remained hidden, but his voice did sound jovial and not at all serious. In the end, it worked.
“Good to know, agent Genji.” There was an amused grin on her face as they exchanged a firm handshake -- the sensation of his cold suit against her skin made her shiver a little, though, but nothing she wasn’t used to. The cold never bothered her, and neither would a metal suit with an intriguing Japanese man inside.
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