#just mocking the theater types he's known his whole life. king
philhoffman · 2 years
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This week’s Monday Philm is one of my absolute favorites. Along Came Polly (2004) is a pretty run-of-the-mill silly 2000s romcom, except that it features an unforgettable comedic performance from Philip Seymour Hoffman.
I’ve never written a real “review” of this movie because I don’t even know what to say about it, I just adore this role so much. I love how funny Phil is, genuine laugh-out-loud genius comedic timing. I love that this ridiculous flick helps cement him as one of the most versatile actors of all time. I love that this is many people’s first and/or favorite PSH performance — often because they’re aware of his dramatic range, which makes it even better how he cranked the “funny best friend” dial to 11 for this random romcom. A few months ago the wedding pratfall blew up on tiktok and I loved knowing that literally millions of people were laughing their asses off because of him, that he was making them smile right now.
I love that Phil’s friends say this is the movie closest to his actual sense of humor. I love that he really had fun making this film, which wasn’t always how he felt on sets. I love that he did Along Came Polly and went right on to make Capote and win an Oscar. I love that Sanford Lyle is inexplicably one of the hottest PSH characters of all time — the hair, the jaw, the joggers. I love that Phil sings. I love that he wears a kippah and dances the hora. I love how filthy Sandy’s hands are in the basketball scenes for no reason. I love “Let’s get married!” and “Did you spank her?” and “My lung’s are burnin’” and “Oh, I’m hugging, oh, I love you so much— LIAR!” I love that this is the first movie I want to watch whenever I’m sick. I love that his final scene still gets me choked up, no matter how many times I watch it. I love that he makes me feel the full spectrum of human emotions every single day.
I love Sandy and I love Phil <3
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Gotta love picture day...and seeing as I haven’t wanted to make much of anything lately, this was kind of nice to just sit back and do. 
First up we got some new ones: 
Aiden Taylor - the younger brother of Michelle and Noah Walker, Aiden was removed from the parental home when he was either 2 or 4, I’m not entirely sure which just yet. Following one of Noah’s fits in a store and the elder Walker’s reaction to it, social services were brought to the home. Noah was removed as well, but he was, for some reason, released back into their custody. Along the same line, Mr and Mrs. Walker never came to pick up their other son and Aiden was processed into the system. He was in and out of orphanages around New York and moved around quite a bit until he was 7 and was finally adopted by the Taylors. Madeline Taylor fell in love with him immediately and after meeting Mr. Taylor, Aiden went home pretty quickly as a foster and around his 9th birthday he received the signed adoption papers in one of his cards. The Taylors are both somewhat magically inclined, Madeline is involved in a coven in the city that actually does some pretty good magic but growing up exposed to it, Aiden has picked up some natural talents and eventually joined his mothers’ coven. His father believes in magic but doesn’t practice it, he says he grew out of it but believes fully his wife possesses “gifts”. Aiden works at 13th Moon Emporium near Central Park with Logan, Grayson and a young woman he has a crush on but has somewhat slid into the friend zone with. (His mentality on that is at least she’ll be in his life) Aiden has a piercing in his left eyebrow and apparently has his tongue pierced too, he plays with the ball between his teeth when he’s bored. 
Grayson Lewis - Grayson pops into my head every time I’m packing orders and this time he happened to do it and bring Aiden into my head with him. Anyhoo..the most I know about him is that he usually packs the monthly spell boxes with Aiden, lives in an apartment above the store and has known Logan longer than most people. He mainly manages what Logan refers to as the Herb Bar, where most spell ingredients are on display in large glass jars (like the ones that used to have candy in them)
Ivar - Ish’kar and Enid’s 2nd son. His mother was under the negative affects of...I wanna say another shaman’s cure, when she was pregnant and subsequently gave birth to Ivar, who’s legs seemed to have no bones at all. The deformity never got any better and his parents were left with a tough decision. In meeting the ancient and rare Owlwitch, Ornecka, they were told that Ivar would one day fly on darkened wings beside the Queen of the Black Moon. Ish’kar had already professed to his wife that he couldn’t bring himself to kill his second son, whether the boy would ever be the same as any other member of his family, he could still pass on his father’s blood and if he’s to play a part in the betterment of their people, who was he to deny the will of their gods? Because of his inability to walk, Ivar’s upper body is incredibly strong and he has even become incredibly skilled in climbing trees and using a bow. His other siblings will occasionally take him on their hunting trips. His uncle, Folke, made him a special set of bracers for his legs, to make them easier to keep together and move as one. He had tried walking but an infection took control of one of his legs every time he attempted it and after nearly losing him to a fever, his mother forbade him to continue to try. When Norelia brings Ish’kar and his people beyond the Wall, some are taken to the hatchery to see if they have the gift. Ivar was with his father, mother and younger sister as they were seeing if any of the dragons responded to her. Instead, a massive black and red dragon approached Ivar and allowed him to pull himself onto her back. 
Arthur Powell - Arthur likes this one quite a bit better, it’s more carefree...though one of the extra ones might also become his picture, I haven’t completely decided. A few things I’ve learned about Arthur in the last few days: He is an artist, painting, sculpting and even making his own open face dollhouses, furniture and ball jointed dolls for them.  He finds focusing on small stitches for pillows or painting miniature banisters for stairs calming and it helps him control his hysterical reactions. He’d gotten into the dollhouses when his dad had bought one for Frankie’s 8th birthday and had Arthur help him put it together. He was also a theater major at Tulane University and took a handful of art classes as well. During his first performance as Billy Flynn in the university’s presentation of Chicago, his disorder nearly ruined the tap dancing/courtroom scene, as he had started laughing in the middle of his tap solo. Nearly doubled over with it, he had managed to stop himself and without really knowing what to do, he’d started dancing the whole routine again. The director told him most people seemed to think it was part of the performance, likening it to Billy mocking the “judges” by laughing about how stupid they were. It worked and had given Arthur a little more confidence. He has tried several times to live alone but for some reason it never seems to work out for him and he ultimately ends up going back to the Home he lives in down in the French Quarter. The last time he tries, he begins having issues due to Frankie moving out of New Orleans and all the way to New York by way of California. Arthur ends up moving to New York as well. 
James Flint - James is actually Captain Flint from the Golden Age of Piracy (Sara’s story) as well as Prince John in England and in ancient Greece he was a sheep herder named Ionnes. Becoming one of Sara’s protectors after her escape from the Viking era, Ionnes takes her as far as he is able in trying to ultimately get her home. He is eventually “killed” by a warrior spear thrown by Ares himself, though when he meets with the Gods he tells Gaia how much traveling with Sara had come to mean to him and if he was able, he wanted to be something to her. He had a tumultuous several 1000 years, attempting to grow accustomed to his now more permanent place in the world that it drove him a little crazy, causing him to take over the Prince John persona in the middle ages in England. The real Prince was actually murdered somewhere on the road by the same group he attempted to hire to kill his brother, the King, so he could take over. Ionnes remembered who he was and why he was even in this time when Sara actually stabbed him following his killing of her husband, Guy. Begging for forgiveness from the Gods he gets a second chance as James Flint. As Flint, he generally manages to succeed in helping Sara, he also ends up showing up in California as well, as a heart surgeon. One thing about Ionnes/Flint that has actually stuck with him throughout his countless years is being gay. (He wants someone that looks like this: 
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John Knox - Lorelei’s brother, I keep thinking they’re twins but John is actually older than her by a couple of years. The two of them have been singing together since Lori could sing, and before that he used to play guitar for their grandfather. John has type 2 diabetes, though it’s pretty well managed, he generally takes a pill but has emergency needles and insulin if he needs it. 
Zach Shields - Zach is a little complicated. He’s married to a sweet, special young woman named Clare and works as a professional landscaper but...he’s also hell on wheels in a motorcycle and sells drugs on the side. He and Gabriel have a relationship behind Ben and Clare’s back. 
New guy 1 is a professor at Northwestern University in Chicago, he occasionally works with Emma Marcone in the Art History department. He also teaches anthropology and a specialty class that I can’t think of right now. 
Picture 2: might be used for Arthur, I’m not sure yet
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/beyonce-baby-advice-dakota-fannings-fifty-shades-learning/
Beyonce baby advice and Dakota Fanning's 'Fifty Shades' of learning
Drawing from her own experience, singer Celine Dion is offering some helpful advice to Beyonce, who will soon be a mother of twins like Celine is. While Beyonce is still in the midst of her pregnancy, Celine has been raising her twin boys Eddy and Nelson for the past 6 years. Therefore, in a recent interview with E! News, Celine directed some insight Beyonce’s way about what life is like with twins running around.
Celine told the media outlet, “I think it’s a double blessing. I have twins. I think she’s covered. She’s been in the business for so long; she’s got her own people…When she does something, she knows what’s she's doing. She looks amazing. She makes women dream. She’s so beautiful. She’s on top of things….I love you, Beyonce. I wish her the best.” The legendary Canadian-born songstress went on to add, “It’s going to be hectic in the house, but she’s fortunate enough that she can have all the people that she wants to help her, but no one will ever replace a mom, and she’s a great mom. I’m pretty sure of that.”
Beyonce has already had to divert her plans in order to facilitate her yet-to-be-born twins. Just a few days ago, it was announced that the Lemonade artist would no longer be performing at this year’s Coachella festival. While this announcement inevitably disappointed a lot of fans and ticket-holders, Bey’s team did promise that the singer would headline the music festival in 2019.
Beyoncé was overheard telling guests at a pre-Oscars bash on Saturday night that she and Jay Z will know the genders of their expected twins “in two weeks,” sources have told multiple media outlets. “She was telling people they’ll know the genders of the babies in two weeks,” said a source at the party, where Beyoncé and her hip-hop mogul hubby were surprise guests. But it’s unclear whether the singer was just being coy when asked about the genders, which can usually be known between 16 and 20 weeks or chosen in cases of in vitro fertilization. Fans have been rabidly searching for clues — from a recent Jay Z song with the lyrics, “I want a boy and girl,” to Bey’s father saying in an interview that his granddaughter, “Blue is gonna have brothers and sisters,” which only stoked further speculation that the couple’s having a boy and girl.
According to actress Dakota Johnson, being part of the intimate franchise Fifty Shades of Grey has been an “educational experience” for her. The series, which is based on the best-selling book series by author E.L. James of the same name, has drawn ample buzz over the past few years. While the franchise is undoubtedly out there and controversial, it seems like a bit of a stretch to call it “educational” on any level. However, while walking the 2017 Oscars’ red carpet, Dakota told E! correspondent Ryan Seacrest that she has learned a lot while working on the racy Fifty Shades set.
When asked by Ryan about what some of her takeaways have been from playing Anastasia Steele in the franchise, Dakota gushed, “It has been a very educational experience, both professionally and personally.” The 27-year-old actress went on to add, “I’ve gotten to deal with certain things in a more grown up way. I have a better outlook on certain parts.”
Although Dakota was an attendee at this year’s Oscars, her franchise (Fifty Shades) is certainly not the type of film to receive any Academy Award recognition. In fact, the first film received a notable amount of criticism from both audience members and movie critics. However, this did not stop the studios from going ahead with the second installment, Fifty Shades Darker. The sequel film, Fifty Shades Darker was just recently released into theaters, on February 10th, 2017. Unfortunately, it is not fairing any better than its predecessor (Fifty Shades of Grey) amongst movie-goers and critics.
Viola Davis won the best-supporting actress Oscar Sunday night for her performance in Denzel Washington’s “Fences.” “You know there’s one place where all the people with the greatest potential are gathered, and that’s the graveyard,” Davis began her acceptance speech with fervor. “People ask me all the time — What kind of stories do you want to tell? And I say, exhume those bodies. Exhume those stories.” She continued, “I became an artist and thank God I did because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.” The actress then began a long list of thanks with August Wilson, (“… who exhumed and exalted the ordinary people”) and Washington (“O captain, my captain… Thank you for putting two entities in the driver’s seat — August and God. They served you well.”). Voice cracking with emotion, Davis thanks her parents, sister, husband and daughter. With the award, she became the first black actor to win an Oscar, Emmy and Tony award for acting. It was perhaps the evening’s safest bet, as Davis had dominated the precursor circuit, winning 20-plus critical honors, the Screen Actors Guild prize, the Golden Globe, the Critics’ Choice award and the British Academy award as well. After a surprising loss for her performance in “The Help” five years ago, a narrative of Davis being due had no doubt coalesced. But Davis’s performance was powerful and deserving regardless. After all, she already won a Tony Award for the same role, albeit in the lead category. She, in fact, becomes the second person in history to win a Tony and an Oscar for the same role but in different categories. The first was “The King and I” star Yul Brynner. Mahershala Ali made history at Sunday night’s Oscars, becoming the first Muslim actor to win an Academy Award. He won the first award of the night, best supporting actor, for “Moonlight.” It was one of the more uneasy races in the major categories. While Ali had been the critics’ champ and won the Screen Actors Guild prize, he lost the Golden Globe (Aaron Taylor-Johnson in “Nocturnal Animals”) and the British Academy prize (Dev Patel in “Lion”) to other contenders. In the end, the “Moonlight” star pulled it out. During an emotional speech, Ali thanked his “wonderful teachers and professors,” and shared with the audience some advice he received from them: “It’s not about you, it’s about these characters. You are a servant. You’re in service to these stories and these characters.” He also thanked his wife, who just gave birth a few days ago. “I just want to thank her for being a soldier through it all and carrying me through this process,” he said of awards season. The milestone comes after President Donald Trump imposed a ban denying travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries entry into the U.S. The controversial executive order has sparked protests across the country. While Ali did not bring this up during his speech Sunday night, after he won a SAG Award earlier this year, he proudly declared, “I’m a Muslim.” “Moonlight” is up for several more awards Sunday night, including best picture. “Manchester by the Sea” star Casey Affleck is shooting a film in the wilds of Canada and says he’s looking forward to a break. “I am in the middle of doing a movie now that I would like to finish … and then I’ll just take it easy for a little while,” he said after winning a Film Independent Spirit Award. He’s filming “Light of My Life,” while he’s also been on the awards circuit. He added, “It’s easy to be dismissive or mock entertainment awards shows, but I do not feel that way. I just hope Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t make fun of me too much.”
He did it! Kevin O’Connell did it! After being nominated for sound mixing 21 times, O’Connell finally won an Oscar for his work on Mel Gibson’s “Hacksaw Ridge.” (He had held the record for most nominations without a win.) After thanking the director, O’Connell, who has said previsouly that he had written a speech for each of his previous nominations, only to return home empty-handed, had a heartfelt note prepared. “A special thank you tonight to my mother Skippy O’Connell who 39 years ago got me a job in sound,” he said and recounted what his mom said he could do to thank her. “Some day you go win yourself and Oscar, and you can thank me in front of the whole world.” “Mom I know you’re looking down on me tonight,” O’Connell said. “So thank you.”
Meryl Streep is probably the last star in Hollywood you would expect to be involved in a public feud with a fellow celebrity. However, this is exactly what happened after Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld said that the actress demanded to be paid to wear one of his designs on the Oscar red carpet. In an interview with Women’s Wear Daily, Karl revealed, “I made a sketch, and we started to make the dress [for Meryl].” The legendary fashion mogul went on to explain that he received a phone call from someone on Meryl’s team, who told him to stop making the dress unless he was willing to pay Meryl to wear the design. Karl ranted, “After [we at Chanel] gift her a dress that’s 100,000 euros [$105,000], we found later we had to pay [for her to wear it]. We give them dresses, we make the dresses, but we don’t pay.” Inevitably, Meryl faced ample backlash on all of the main social media channels, as people reprimanded her for asking for compensation as well as a free dress from Chanel. This prompted Meryl’s team to quickly respond to Karl’s allegations and release a statement accusing the designer of fabricating the story. Meryl’s rep told media outlets that the story “is a complete lie. Ms. Streep would never wear anything in exchange for payment of any kind. It is against her ethics and simply is not true.” Just hours after Meryl’s initial response to his interview with WWD, Karl released a statement, in which he backtracked on some of his previous bold claims. The designer said, “Chanel engaged in conversations with Ms. Streep’s stylist, on her request, to design a dress for her to wear to the Academy Awards. After an informal conversation, I misunderstood that Ms. Streep may have chosen another designer due to remuneration, which Ms. Streep’s team has confirmed is not the case. I regret this controversy and wish Ms. Streep well with her 20th Academy Award nomination.” To ensure that people heard her side of the story, Meryl went on to release a personal statement as well. The Devil Wears Prada star explained, “In reference to Mr. Lagerfeld’s ‘statement,’ there is no ‘controversy.' Karl Lagerfeld, a prominent designer, defamed me, my stylist and the illustrious designer whose dress I chose to wear, in an important industry publication. That publication printed this defamation, unchecked. Subsequently, the story was picked up globally, and continues, globally, to overwhelm my appearance at the Oscars, on the occasion of my record-breaking 20th nomination, and to eclipse this honor in the eyes of the media, my colleagues and the audience. I do not take this lightly, and Mr. Lagerfeld’s generic ‘statement’ of regret for this ‘controversy’ was not an apology. He lied, they printed the lie, and I am still waiting.”
Needless to say, we should not expect to see Meryl wearing Chanel anytime soon.
While stars usually try not to wear the same outfits and accessories as their peers at red carpet events, there was one accessory that numerous stars proudly donned at this year’s Oscars.
On Sunday, several of Hollywood’s biggest stars accessorized their glamorous ensembles with a blue ribbon. The ribbon served as a symbol of support for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU works to “defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Inevitably, the troubling political climate in the States prompted the various stars, who choose to wear the ribbon to the Oscars, to make a statement about their disapproval of some of Trump’s administration’s actions, views and policy changes.
When asked about her blue ribbon, Oscar nominee Lin-Manuel Miranda told the press, “I’m wearing an ACLU ribbon because they’re fighting incredible fights right now for American ideals.”
In addition to Lin-Manuel, some of the other stars who were seen wearing the ribbon included Ruth Negga, Busy Phillips and Karlie Kloss.
Erika Girardi is reportedly bringing her star power to ABC’s reality competition Dancing with the Stars. According to inside sources, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star will be joining the cast of the show’s upcoming 24th season. If you have caught Erika on Real Housewives, you know that she already has experience with performing on stage. In fact, the reality star actually has established herself as an artist within the dance music genre. Performing under her fierce persona Erika Jayne, the star has had several hits rank on the Billboard charts. Just recently, she released the music video for her single “Expensive,” which fans got to see some of the behind-the-scenes action for during an episode of Real Housewives that aired a few weeks back. While Dancing with the Stars’ home network, ABC, has yet to officially announce the cast of season 24, there is already plenty of speculation about which other stars will be competing. Currently, there are rumors that Olympic gymnast Simone Biles will be dancing on the show, as well as an undisclosed member of the girl group Fifth Harmony. Stay tuned for more details about the latest Dancing with the Stars cast! After publicly expressing her support for him throughout his Presidential campaign, transgender reality star Caitlyn Jenner is now second-guessing her backing of US President, Donald Trump. During the second season of her E! reality series I Am Cait, Caitlyn Jenner repeatedly said that she felt Trump would be better for the LGBTQ community than his Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton. Inevitably, Caitlyn’s remarks raised a lot of eyebrows, as even some of her closest friends questioned how she could actually support Trump and his controversial views. A few days ago, Trump’s administration announced that they were withdrawing the protection former President Barack Obama put in place to protect transgender students. Shortly after the announcement, Caitlyn took to her Instagram to express her disapproval of Trump’s unfortunate actions. On Thursday, Caitlyn shared a post, in which she wrote, "I have a message for the trans kids of America. You are winning. I know it doesn't feel that way today or every day, but you _ are _ winning. You are going to keep on winning so much you're going to get sick of winning. Very soon, we'll win full freedom nationwide, and it's going to happen with bipartisan support. For all our friends out there, If you want to be part of this winning side, you can help by checking out the National Center for Trans Equality and letting Washington hear how you feel loud and clear.” Caitlyn Jenner, Instagram post: Later in her post, Caitlyn gave a shout-out to young transgender student Gavin Grimm, whose lawsuit against his school district will be unraveling in Supreme Court in late March. Gavin, who identifies as male, filed legal action against his school after he was banned from using the boys’ restroom. Unfortunately, with the withdrawal of Obama’s previous bill, Trump has opened the door to many more unjust situations similar to the one Gavin is having to go through. This week, an announcement that thousands of music fans were hoping they would never hear was made. Early on Thursday, it was officially confirmed that Beyoncé would not be headlining this year’s Coachella. Almost a month ago, the “Formation” songstress announced that she and her husband, Jay Z, are expecting twins. The news of her pregnancy prompted ample speculation, as people wondered how the star would be able to fulfill her Coachella obligations while being several months pregnant. Initially, there were rumors that she was planning an elaborate stage set-up, which would allow her to perform a much less physically demanding concert. However, it has since been revealed that she will not be performing whatsoever. In a statement made to the Associated Press, Beyoncé’s Parkwood Entertainment and festival producer Goldenvoice explained: "Following the advice of her doctors to keep a less rigorous schedule in the coming months, Beyoncé has made the decision to forgo performing at the 2017 Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival. However, Goldenvoice and Parkwood are pleased to confirm that she will be a headliner at the 2018 festival. Thank you for your understanding." While Beyoncé is no longer going to be commanding the stage at Coachella, there are still plenty of big stars on the festival’s roster. Some of the artists who will be performing this year include: Lorde, Bon Iver, Future, Radiohead and Kendrick Lamar. Nonetheless, it is safe to say that fans were incredibly disappointed when they found out they would not be seeing Queen Bey at this year’s Coachella. Radar reported that she pulled out because Jay Z insisted on it. “Jay Z really put his foot down on this,” a source close to the family revealed, adding that workhorse Beyonce, who is expecting twins later this year, still wanted to perform. “The two had it out because she really did not want to let her fans down.” “She knew how much this meant to them, but Jay Z was not having any of it!” Kylie Jenner’s cosmetics line may be facing some familiar competition soon. According to new reports from media outlet TMZ, Kylie’s brother-in-law Kanye West is thinking about starting his own beauty brand. In a new report, TMZ claims that the “Famous” rapper is looking to create a make-up line inspired by his late mother, Donda West. While it has been 10 years since Kanye lost his mother, he continues to look to honor her through his various business ventures and projects. In fact, the artist established his creative company, DONDA, a few years back, which is the company he is planning to expand into the world of cosmetics. Just recently, Kanye filed legal documents, in which he applied for permission to have his DONDA brand develop and sell makeup, perfumes, and various other beauty-related items. While it has yet to be approved, the rapper is clearly serious about diversifying his creative company’s portfolio. Kanye has already proven to be a success in the world of shoes and fashion design; therefore it is likely that he would be able to make a healthy profit with a make-up line as well. Kylie and Kanye have already gotten in a bit of a spat due to business obligations in the past. A while back, Kylie signed a deal to be the brand ambassador for the athletic leisure brand Puma. She signed this deal just a few weeks after Kanye publicly said that she wouldn’t, as it would go against all of the work he had been doing with Adidas. Perhaps Kylie’s betrayal in signing with Puma is part of what triggered Kanye’s sudden interest in creating his own cosmetics line. We will just have to see if this latest venture of Kanye’s actually comes to fruition…
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