#just blowin smoke but i hope i'm in the Vicinity of sense
blackjack-15 · 5 months
"he's not our uncle" "well richie's not your cousin" "HEARD AND RESENTED" this scene is amazing
"i don't mind it" oh carmy. that's not great.
um. cicero's looking between syd and carm as they argue about carmy getting vs retaining the star? no reason for that cut, the scene would linger on carm and syd arguing since they're the speakers, but it chooses to go to cicero watching them with that look on his face? yeah there's no reason for that apart from, well the obvious reason. adding cicero to the They've Been Knowing club with tina and 80% of the viewers of this show
carmy putting the whole land/restaurant/everything up as collateral -- not only is it their only choice, let's be real, but also it sets up an interesting dichotomy -- while carmy doesn't wanna lose, would it lead to his happiness? i'm still feeling that 1) they'll succeed by the skin of their teeth and 2) carmy will end up stepping away after creating a Good Spot to work and eat at
gosh the sydcarmy banter is so GOOD this episode. sure hope no incel stalker chick comes by to ruin that or anything, that would be a damn shame
"you want a star, yeah?" "i think it'd be nice" "godspeed" yeah i think that's where it's gonna go. this is carmy's namesake, but it's syd's ship to helm ultimately, and it's her that's gonna get the star (with help from the crew of course!)
"TREMENDOUS" "thank you" the sarcastic tremendous?? after it's the word he used to describe her dish in s1 and that they flirted over?? this is flirting right now thank you i am Flapping My Hands in glee
I CALLED IT WITH TINA!!! AND SHE'S SO HAPPY IT'S SO CUTE!!! carmy talking about finding people eager to learn and syd immediately thinks of tina, it's wonderful
calling it now, the people who are gonna become Bedrocks of the restaurant (with carmy/syd leading of course and nat on project management) are Tina as the new sous, Marcus finally fulfilling that copehagen storyline and really diving into patisserie, and...i'm gonna say Richie -- giving him purpose, they mention that he doesn't have his food handler's license as foreshadowing, and he's gonna use his natural charisma and knowledge of people/the area to good use. def front of the house for him. also balances the giant personality (carmy/syd) in the back of the house
eff it i'd love for pete to get involved too, he's gotta have a marketable skill. handling Difficult People in the restaurant? or oh my land, helping out in HR. if he can deal with the berzattos he can do HR
bring back louie i miss him. he can get suspended again as a treat
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