#jankiest order ever i know it wasn't on purpose
peemanne · 8 months
pee-man yakuza ost review: Kiwami 1 (IT MEANS EXTREME!!)
So since I did a little write-up on the original game's OST and I thought it'd be fun to do it with Kiwami's soundtrack, since I got the original's soundtrack fresh in my mind, and because I haven't actually played the Kiwamis yet. (i've been playing these games in the world's jankiest order don't question it).
So here we are! Since it's my first time fully listening to this, I decided to make this write up a little more complete. And by little more, I mean I wrote about just about every track available to me. Whoops.
I wrote and listened to this over the course of 3 nights, so I'll mark the "sessions" as such if you're curious. I'll also have hyperlinks to all the tracks in their titles for convenience.
This is gonna be a very subjective thing, and I'm gonna make a LOT of comparisons to the original work. I'm sure at least some of my opinions would change if I actually played them in their original, specifically Kiwami context, but for now, here are my thoughts on Yakuza Kiwami's soundtrack. (i don't think there are any major spoilers for most of this post!! though i'll be using a pastebin to talk about the final boss theme so keep that in mind)
it means extreme by the way
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Session 1 Receive You Reborn
I love this rendition so much. The revamped, heavy drums. The heavy guitar. THE VOCALIST. I can’t even understand Japanese but they add so so much to the track. I still haven’t played Kiwami myself but I know for a fact this ended up getting cut from the english release because of licensing funnies, and that just sucks, because this song ROCKS. A more than worthy rendition of the original, iconic theme. The lyrics actually make the song reflect into Nishiki instead of the original reflecting to Kiryu, which is just amazing. The lack of the “ROLLING EYES FALL” choir stings a little, sure, but it’s gonna take a lot more than that to take this track down. It’s so good. 
極龍の嘶き+ 極龍の胎動 (Roar of the Dragon Redux):
I’m assuming this is the main menu theme, and it’s pretty good at conveying the mood and atmosphere for the story, I feel. It’s quite the haunting melody, and I love those sirens at the very start, referencing the opening scene with Kiryu getting arrested. Pretty cooooooooool. 
Renewed Unrest:  (Remake of Unrest)
ok but listen to that bassline though. mmmmmmmm. 
The original Unrest track is one I’ll definitely remember: Yakuza 1’s atmosphere was one of its greatest strengths in my eyes, and that panic track solidified that a lot during those tense moments in the story. This remake is really good! It still has the strong atmospheric sound of the original, while giving it more instruments to work with. It tells you there’s danger right around the corner, but you don’t know when it’s gonna jump. 
迫 (Urgency): I think this is a blow to the city remake? I’m not confident in saying that. But hey, it’s another good, more tense panic theme. Not much to really say here, but I still like it. They use some unique instruments here (my dumbass only really noticed towards the end) and I think they’re awesome and add a lot to the (obvious) urgency of the track. 
Funk Goes On 極:
Kiwami!! It means extreme!! This is probably one of the more famous tracks in like… the whole series. I’m pretty sure most of its success is because of Majima Everywhere funnies. Anyways, I think the original wins out here, but Kiwami isn't bad at all. It’s definitely faster paced: whether or not you think that’s a good thing is up to preference, but it does make a distinction between the two. I’m much more preferable to the original’s rocky jazz. It feels more effortlessly badass, y’know? The techno in Kiwami isn’t bad, sure, but I feel it just lacks some of the punch the original had. 
Flirt With Bomb: (Remake of son of a gun)
Look how they massacred my boy… My son of a gun (2006)...
Alright, I’m not really being fair with this one, but I just vastly prefer the original. Still though, this is a solid track in its own right. It still gets the hype going, and I just love the buildup at the start. I like how they handled the techno here more than they did Funk Goes On Kiwami, honestly. But again, I just like son of a gun more. Like, way more. I’m getting sad just thinking about it. 
Scarlet Scar by Fierce Tiger: (Remake of Scarlet Scar)
Pretty sick, actually! I feel like this matches the original’s energy much more than the last two battle themes did. They even kept the original samples with unintelligible mouth noises and stuff!! And you gotta love those Y1 sirens, I love it when the tracks add that in. The original still feels like the heavier of the two, but this one still stands as an aggressive, raw track to match the Shimano Family’s brutishness. It's a bop either way, that's for sure.
Ideal For Violence: (Remake of Intelligence For Violence)
I ADORE this track. I love the guitars. I love the little “YEAH YO!” at the start. I love those crass, vaguely drug-related (probably) unintelligible English vocals, and those guys yelling “YO! YO! YO!” with him. AND THAT SAX. That sax has been stuck in my mind for so long. I like the original Intelligence For Violence, sure, but Ideal is just amazing to me. Why does RGG keep giving Shindo the coolest tracks ever? Hell if I know, but I’m so glad this exists because of it.
Session 2
Get Over It
First completely original song I’m pretty sure, and comments are saying it’s the generic long battle theme. And I think it’s a pretty solid track! It does a good job at setting up the stakes and some of the tragedy of Y1’s fights, and again, I like some of those unique instruments they use. It’s almost trance-like in some sections. And that guitar section in the middle: that’s what really makes the track. It reminds me a lot of Solitude and that atmosphere of that track, and considering that’s one of my absolute favorite tracks in the series, that’s pretty high praise. It sounds dream-like, but still tense as hell and it really gets the blood pumping that way.
キワメシトキ (no translation sorry :C)
Apparently this is the theme for some prototype Extreme Heat/EX Boost/Install Super/Devil Trigger thing in Kiwami? Anyways, not really much to say here. The drums feel heavy I guess, but there’s just not much to this. Can’t imagine hearing it repeatedly either without getting at least somewhat annoyed at it. Meh. 
The End of the Dogma: (Remake of End of the Drama)
Alright, I’m feeling this one! I really like how they handled the techno here: the original feel can still definitely be felt strong, while still allowing it to crank it up a notch and be its own thing. The original still feels more raw, which honestly applies to almost all of the remakes, but this one hits hard in its own right. It’s those triple echoes, man. The WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH. I dig this one quite a bit! I’d personally put it on-par with the original. 
Pray Me ~Revive~:
they removed most of the unintelligible rap parts 0/10 remake
Look, I can excuse some songs just now quite matching the energy of the original, but I’m just not really on board with Revive. Of all the tracks in the original, Pray Me was probably the rawest sounding, angry track, and Revive tries to match it, but it just… doesn’t do it for me. There are some parts to like, of course: the more orchestral sounding sections near the end are pretty cool. But like…man. I just can’t help but feel a little let down by this one. It should feel like it’s more energetic, but it really doesn’t. It’s honestly not that bad, but compared to the original, it just can’t stand on its own. 
Receive You the madtype: (Remake of Receive You the Prototype)
CONFESSION: This is my least favorite of the Majima themes. There’s just something about it to me that I can’t really put my finger on. It just feels like it’s lacking something. Maybe Hyperactive and Subtype just spoiled me in regards to the more techno themes, I don’t know. It’s still good, don’t get me wrong, it’s probably one of the better tracks out of the OST so far, but man. I’m sorry I can’t explain it, I really am, but it just feels off to me. Cannot emphasize this enough, it’s still an actually pretty damn good song, but it’s just not for me personally with the competition it has to stand up to. Maybe I’ll warm up to it the more I listen to it like I did with Subtype, but for now, I think it’s the weakest Majima theme.
Virtical Point: (Remake of Turning Point)
I don’t know why they named it like that with the typo. Anyways, Turning Point is probably my favorite track in the original game, so I also walked into this one with pretty high expectations. And after listening to it, I honestly can’t really compare the two. But I can say I did quite like the track. I can feel the sorrow and the overall mood of the original more, but this one is literally just rave music. And I like Yakuza’s literally just rave music tracks, so… 
I can’t really say how much this would fit the big fight it plays in, because again, I haven't actually played the Kiwamis. But as a track, Virtical Point’s a hell of a vibe. I’m not saying it's completely devoid of that feeling the original had, the build-up sections are amazing, but I feel like they trade some of that for just pure techno blast. And I love those drops with the “FEEL THE FORCE” and “FEEL THE POWER''s. I’m glad this is probably what led them to create Rake Your Inside, which is very awesome and cool and swag.
End Point still better though don’t @ me 
Ogre Has Reborn: (Remake of Ogre Has Returned)
Don’t really know if this is gonna surprise anyone, but this is actually a remake of a Yakuza 3 track! Lau just used the generic boss theme in the original game. 
Anyways, this track’s interesting, because it sounds more… triumphant, more than anything? It’s really badass in a pretty unique way in that aspect. The first half conveys the intimidation part well, but the second half just sounds amazing. The original track does that too, and honestly I think it sounds better there, but here it feels more refined and even graceful. I dig the little Chinese motifs too, of course. Pretty dope track overall. It’s all ogre now.
The Wicked:
Another original track, and I can probably appreciate this one more than usual because I don’t have the nightmares it seems to be associated with. 
I quite like this one! Like the last track, it feels triumphant: it’s one last, herculean push to the finish line. The piano and string sections convey that really well, but it still exposes the wickedness of the other side. It still feels menacing, like evil itself. The choir actually fulfills both roles perfectly, too. The techno doesn’t feel too overbearing either, which can be a bit of a problem with the OST at times. 
Cool song that I’ll be glad to remember just as a cool song and not whatever nightmare boss fight Kiwami players had to sit through. 
Final Boss Theme pastebin: (spoilers, obviously)
Lunatic Warrior (Remake of Fiercest Warrior from Ishin!)WHERE’S THE “afloi” AT THE START????
Anyways, pretty cool track. It’s against some VERY stiff competition to me (I adore the Amon themes), and while I don’t think it’s quite as good as they are, this one still slaps. This is Kiryu and Amon’s (technically) first meeting, and it makes sense that it wouldn’t really be as menacing as stuff like K2’s Fiercest Warrior, for example. The main melody’s catchy and the choir remains amazing. And while it’s not AS menacing as some other Fiercest Warriors, it still fits that quota pretty well. This track has a lot of energy to it, which I appreciate. Plus they got the sirens back. I love the sirens. 
TAKUMI 2016 (Remake of TAKUMI 2009 from Yakuza 3)
I’ll have to admit that I wasn’t really a fan of the TAKUMI themes for a while, then I listened to 0’s again, and suddenly I think they’re awesome now. Anyways, this one’s definitely up there with 1988. This goes prettttyyyyyyyyy hard. I love the graceful mix of the traditional bits with the intense techno breaks: it makes for a pretty one-of-a-kind track while still being sick and feeling heavy. Pretty neat! 
Also it sounds like a song from one of the rhythm games I play (Rhythm Doctor) so it gets bonus points for reminding me of another game I really like. 
Amusing Octagon:
I knew this track from before this session because of a meme with Walter White complaining about not being able to play Yakuza Kiwami OST - 20 Amusing Octagon or something
It sounds like a Tekken track. Like, you could slap this onto some random character select screen and it’d probably fit perfectly. This hits pretty hard! It fits the colosseum vibe really well and just sounds great on top of that. It’s a fun track. Amusing, even. Maybe even Yakuza Kiwami OST - 20 Amusing Octagon or something
Session 3
Ruthless Octagon:
It’s a mean track. Ruthless, even. Maybe even uhhhhhh
I think Amusing’s the better Octagon here but this one’s decent too. I’m gonna assume this is what plays for final rounds, and it does a good job at conveying that last push feeling. It’s heavy, it gets the blood pumping, and again, fits the colosseum vibe like a glove. I've been told they used this for K2's colosseum too, and overall they made a pretty good choice for a track to bring back for it!
Set My Heart:
I have literally no idea what this plays for. It sounds like another character select screen to me. Anyways, really fun track! It’s short, sure, but it’s a funky little beat the whole time and doesn’t overstay its welcome. And I love those brass sections, making it even better. It’s just a short little vibe, and it doesn’t really need to be anything more than that. 
Everlasting Spirit:
This is randomly super catchy. Again, absolutely no idea what it plays for, but it’s a real earworm…
This sounds like something that would play while Kiryu busts a move with a completely straight face the whole time. I’d probably be dancing with him, too. Cool song! Gotta love that percussion. 
In a Dead Heat:
Now this one sounds like a customization menu theme for a racing game. Probably pocket circuit, if I’d have to guess. I really dig the guitar riffs they use here. It’s just a cool, short upbeat track to get you ready to very excitedly scream at toy cars. 
Beastie Beat:
so true beastie 
This one sounds really arcade-y, in a good way! It’s really fun and even feels a little nostalgic. Again, I dig the guitar riffs they use in this one. This definitely makes me want to very excitedly scream at toy cars. 
Smack In The Forest:
Sounds like a more intense version of the last track, like a final-lap scenario. It’s definitely more energetic and the guitar feels heavier. Something something scream at toy cars. Good track. I want to make out with pocket circuit fi
As a Memory:
I know for a FACT this plays in Yakuza 5. I can’t remember exactly when, but I’ve definitely heard it in there. Probably with Haruka. 
That aside, the track’s a little repetitive, but still pretty fun. It’s just a little something to maybe bop your head to for a few. I like the strong bassline throughout, it really adds a lot to the vibe. 
TONIGHT-restart from this night-【Full Spec Edition】:
I’m playing through 6 right now and I recently got to experience playing this song for the first time. You can’t do this to me RGG
It’s no secret Takaya Kuroda’s a great singer, but man… He really poured his soul out for this track. You can really just feel all the sorrow Kiryu’s had to bottle up. That chorus just hits so hard. 
意地桜 (Iji Sakura) 2000 [Full Spec Edition]:
I’ve listened to the Ishin version and I just like the more traditional, heartfelt ballad that one was, but this one just steers into a completely different direction and I just can’t dislike it for that. The instrumental is way more badass than it really has any right to be, lmao. This track makes me want to go outside and very angrily pluck out turnips from the ground. That chorus is just unbeatable in either version, and is very easily my favorite part of the song. Not really a karaoke song that I’ll be blasting on repeat, but it’s a pretty cool track nonetheless.
ばかみたい 哀愁 Baka Mitai ~Sorrow~ [Full Spec Edition]:
I had no idea Kiwami had a Baka Mitai remix! I was completely expecting to just skip this one because it’s… well, it’s Baka Mitai. Who in this community hasn’t heard it a million times? 
So it’s an acoustic cover with some strings slapped on there for good measure. I think the original still stands superior, but it’s still really neat that this gets to exist alongside it. It amplifies the sorrow a bit more (I mean I'd hope so from “Baka Mitai ~Sorrow~), and obviously Kuroda’s cover of Baka Mitai is legendary at this point. This was more or less destined to sound good no matter what, and again, it’s just really cool that this exists. 
Ishin spec still better though don’t @ me 
Moment de la Petite Sirene 刹那の人魚姫 (Heartbreak Mermaid) [Full Spec Edition]:
This song caught me off-guard: it’s pretty damn good! I’m admittedly a sucker for this kind of music, and I honestly prefer this version to the original’s. It’s catchy, sounds a little nostalgic, and also has Spanish guitar. And Spanish guitar is always a win. The singer’s also pretty good, she really adds to the more laid back feeling this track has. It sounds like something I’d have blasting in my headphones while doing grocery shopping at 9AM. It just has that kind of vibe, I can’t really describe it in another way. 
ユーロde×3シャイン (x3 SHINE) [Full Spec Edition]:
Maybe a little too energetic for my tastes, I think the original does better here, but this isn’t a bad rendition. It’s just the chorus which is my problem, though. The original has such a memorable, fun chorus, but here it’s just not as strong. It might just be I find Yuki to be a way better vocalist, but eh. It feels like it loses itself a little with going all in with the energy. 
オトメタルmy life (Otometal my life) [Full Spec Edition]:
I love how split this track is. You got a guitar just FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE in there, and Haruka just singing sweetly. No seriously, the instrumental’s so sick in this one. Haruka’s honestly a really good vocalist, and Kiryu just hyping his daughter up by putting his ALL into screaming for her is amazing as well. It’s so stupid, and it dedicates 100% effort to it anyways, and that results in this insane, fun karaoke song. Also completionists apparently hate this song for some reason, which I find very comedic. 
10/10. I thought it was “oatmeal” at first. Also made me forget this actually showed up in Yakuza 4 first. This one's cooler though
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in conclusion and stuff
Overall, I'm pretty mixed on Kiwami's soundtrack. There are a couple of songs, while not bad, just don't really compare to the original. The techno direction isn't inherently bad (look at LJ, 0, LAD, those all have amazing music), but Kiwami can definitely go a little overboard with it, souring some songs.
That being said, Kiwami still has no shortage of just fantastic tracks. Ideal For Violence is literally the best thing ever, for example. The original tracks are pretty strong too, with Get Over It and The Wicked being tracks that really caught my attention. The karaoke selection's a nice little bonus too, basically being a remix selection, which is just fun.
Maybe I'd like Kiwami's soundtrack more if it didn't have to directly compare the whole thing to the original, but for what it's worth, I still think it has a very solid OST overall. RGG's composers are just on another level honestly
Since I had a lot of fun making this, I'll probably end up going wildly off-course for my original plan for these and just start doing full soundtrack write-ups. Oh well. I'll probably take a look at Kenzan's next, if that's the case. Until then, thanks for reading me ramble about video game osts for awhile :)
also i still promise i have swag please its not the only thing i listen to you have to believe me please don't leave pl
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