#jameela's already crossed some baby milestones and the re-introduction process is going at a good pace despite the initial surrogate option
statisticalcats2 · 2 months
Fort Worth Zoo has hit a bit of a hurdle in Jameela's rearing because the female they had hoped would be a surrogate mother for her just isn't interested enough so they're now focusing on another female in the troop.
There are people commenting on the above update making comments about like giving Jameela to Zookeeper Chad which is super annoying but there is a special type of humor in seeing this when I'm still so sure that Fort Worth Zoo had a subtle, plausibly deniable dig at Zookeeper Chad and Mogo Zoo in one of their initial posts about hand-rearing Jameela fgyeuiud
Anyway, the keepers at Fort Worth Zoo are doing great for Jameela and I have no additional worry for her future.
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