#ive not been around tumblr lately (tragic) life is such a bully but the second i can I am ZOOMING to look at everyone's stuff !!!! omg!!!
merry-finches Β· 4 months
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HAPPY "SECRET" GIFT DAY TO....Mo!! <3<3<3 @lotrmusical
Where would we all be without you? :>
I'm so happy to be a part of this little fandom, everyone is so welcoming and joyful and skilled and friendly, gahhhh I'm never over it. And creative, oh my goodness, when I have half a moment to indulge in everyone's amazing creations I've caught glimpses of πŸ‘€
So please enjoy mine, I hope you love it :] πŸ’š
I had entirely too much fun pulling from all sorts of places for the construction of this gift πŸ‘€ I... wonder... if they will all be obvious! Please do tell me what you spot :] (the invitation is open to all to yell with me always)
I think I managed to hit most of your likes list in one way or another ^.^
And a happy birthday to jirt too!
Heydey πŸ¦΅πŸ¦΅πŸ™ŒπŸ§(that looks deranged out of context someone take emojis away from me or get us better ones :D )
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