#it's the way gabe and beelz can happily and safely go on dates wile azi and crowley never truly have that freedom
local-human-disaster · 10 months
Ok but, i just don't think we can really compare Gabriel/Beelzebub with Aziraphale and Crowley. Like, Gabriel and Beelzebub fall in love very quickly, and it's very cute with the "Every Day" song and the jukebox and all, but... idk, to me it feels like Earth is just a coffee shop to them. A place for them to meet and date, but the place itself doesn't matter that much. Gabriel loves "Every Day", but only that one song. The two of them don't seem to have that all encompassing love for Earth like Aziraphale and Crowley do.
Plus, a huge factor for their really quick love imo, is that they're both of high status. It's so much easier to do your "enemies to lovers" speedrun when no one is watching your every move. I'm just thinking about this, especially because back in season 1, Crowley and Aziraphale's Arrangement was found out quickly with evidence from centuries ago all along.
And idk, but thinking about the two pairs really makes me look at the whole final scene in another light. Aziraphale can't just turn down the offer easily like Gabriel accepts the sacking because of his deep love for Earth and humanity (and thinking that with new power, he could make things better for everyone). And Crowley can't just run away with his love like Beelzebub can because he doesn't have the power to protect himself. They've never been safe from Heaven and Hell, and eloping right now won't solve that.
Somehow this makes it hurt more for me. It's like Aziraphale and Crowley can't have their fairy tale happily ever after not just because of their own issues and personality, but also because of factors outside their control.
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