#it's the ceci n'est pas un pipe of visual shots
twig-tea · 5 months
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screencap stolen from linked post by @burnsuncomet ; I was going to reply to your post but then I just kept writing and I didn't want to fully derail so I made this separate post instead!
I've skimmed the tag now and I'm going to need more people to be as obsessed with this mostly-unsmoked-cigarette-in-the-cake shot as I am. Mork quit smoking because the smell bothered Day, and we've since seen how much emphasis Day puts on scent so we know it really did matter to him. And when Mork was in an emotionally vulnerable moment after playing matchmaker for the man he's in love with to get together with someone else, he asks for a cigarette in a moment of weakness. But this shot shows us that he mostly resisted, and went for a walk instead, and it was the thought of Day's happiness (the birthday party and his relationship with August, as represented by this birthday cake slice) that helped him suppress his craving even as it drove him to emotional distress in the first place. Even while Day was worrying about him regressing, Mork was thinking about Day and doing what he thought was best for Day's happiness. Day didn't actually need to find Mork to help him stop smoking.
Plus just like, it's a cigarette put out in a cake slice. Rendering both unconsumable. Nobody will want to eat that cake now, and that cigarette cannot be relit. I can't stop thinking about it. It's fantastic. It's such a tiny and non-disruptive tantrum while simultaneously being an act of care. The ash tray is right there, but Mork said no, I'm ruining both of these things at once, because I can't have anything I want and I don't want anyone else to have them either and I'm mad that they will but I won't stand in their way so I'm taking it out on this symbol instead [because it's the merging of two symbols: what August did for Day (throwing the surprise party; performative) and what Mork did for day (quitting smoking; truly meeting Day's needs/wants)].
And as a visual bonus, it kind of looks like a candle, except it's a cigarette AND the wrong way round! Like the world's saddest and most disturbed birthday celebration.
And of course because Day is blind, he wouldn't be able to see it, and so he wouldn't know that Mork had signalled that he didn't actually smoke much of the cigarette.
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vallencias · 5 years
Unity and variety
Unity: elements that are all similar
Variety: elements that are all different
Example:  I work at a daycare where I work with a co-teacher and while we both have different teaching styles we have to come together to teach our students.
Balance: an artist achieves this by combining unity and variety
Example: At work we have to work to find a balance between everyone’s teaching style.
Emphasis and Subordination
Emphasis: highlighting a particular aspect
Subordination: less important pieces to not take away from what they are highlighting
Example: In the painting by Magritte he is emphasizing the painting of the pipe while using subordination to say that it isn’t a pipe, its’ just a painting of a pipe.
Directional forces: to guide your eye in different orders
Example: This is something that we see in our everyday life multiple times a day. When you see an advertisement there is a directional force so that you see the product they are trying to sell.
Repetition and Rhythm
Repetition: a repeated motif
Rhythm: sequence
Example: At work I have a daily schedule that I have to follow, and it is almost always consistent. The consistency of this schedule allows me to get into a rhythm at work where I know what is to be expected each day.
Scale and Proportion
Scale: to show proportions
Proportion: show differing size
Example: At work we were learning about dinosaurs and we decided to see how tall my students were compared to a dinosaur footprint.
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René Magritte, LA TRAHISON DES IMAGES (CECI N'EST PAS UNE PIPE), chapter 1 lesson 4
This painting by Magritte is a surrealist oil painting but it’s also relatively minimalist. The painting is of a pipe which has deep shadows and bright highlights which is the use of shading. It also uses cartography, it uses contrast by directly imposing the image that is presented.
One personal experience I had where color affected me was when we went on a family vacation to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia. One night we were sitting on the back porch watching the sunset when the intense orange pink hues from the sunset covered the luscious greenery. If I had to pick a “color scheme” that fit my life it would be greyscale. I tend to wear a lot of black, white and grey. I have never been one to express myself through color and feel more comfortable in neutral colors.
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For my art project I chose to paint an equal sign. While this may not seem like much I feel that this is simplistic enough that my message wouldn't become muted. When deciding what I was going to paint for this it took a lot of thought. I, unlike my brother, didn't get the same artistic gene he did. Since being in this class and visiting a few museums I have learned that just about anything can be art if it has a meaning. Something I am passionate about is equality, in today’s current society this could not be more relevant. There has become this stigma around equality that women are fighting for the idea that we are above men, and that just not the case. We are fighting to be equals. We don��t believe we are superior, nor do we believe that any race, gender, or ethnicity is superior. At the end of the day we are all the same species even though we may be diverse in what we look like. It sort of plays into the whole Unity and Variety definition that we learned. We all may be diverse but at the end of the day we all need to unify as human beings.
This photo is depicting Ferguson Missouri after the police shot Michael Brown. After the shooting it caused a national controversy that attracted protesters and journalists from all over the country. This photo visually represents discord in America because the photographer Robert Cohen captured the subject, Edward Crawford, in the middle of a protest throwing tear gas at the police while wearing an American flag shirt.
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