#it's related to purity culture; if things can only be Good or Bad then obvs louis can't be bad
statementlou · 2 years
Can you help me explain what rads thought was gospel? And that algorithm thing what was that? Thank you!!
oof I'm not going to really do this justice, but the whole party line of this huge segment of fandom (which bleeds heavily into discourse in larrie circles without people really realizing it- people will accept certain things as fact and then use them to base arguments off of without realizing that those ideas are just things said without basis by people who also believe, for example, that Harry is actively working to sabotage Louis' career because he hates him) is that Louis is constantly fighting his label and team because they force him to do things (like for example the reason he talks about stunt stuff is because otherwise 'THEY' won't 'LET' him tour rather than, the choices and trade offs a closeted person makes to make it in the industry are complex and sometimes shitty) and that his label and team don't do the things they should to support him and that powerful people in the industry are actively working to sabotage his career to the extent of paying radio stations NOT to play his songs because he crossed people while in 1D. And so they are very protective of him, which is nice right like aren't we all, but specifically with an inflated sense of self importance-- we have to do promo for Louis because NO ONE ELSE WILL, his label doesn't do anything the only reason any of his releases have any success at all is fan projects (yes people seriously believe this)-- and with feeling sorry for him like POOR LOUIS HE IS SO OPRESSED BY THE POWERS THAT BE (and by Harry, lol) OUR POOR HELPLESS VICTIM BABY. Louis himself, in contrast, has spent the last few years repeating that he would rather people did not feel sorry for him in a way its hard not to feel is pointed, and telling us that he has chosen to do something other than chase number ones in a way that also feels pointed (especially that he would keep repeating that while occasionally also admitting that well... it would be all right if it happened! and making some efforts to see if he can make it happen without compromising what he wants to do), and we have seen firsthand all the things his label and team are doing (including A LOT of promo) and how well it is all working. But you still get folks who will say that he's lying, he's being made to say that stuff, that his team are lying- I literally saw a post saying that the head of BMG Italy was lying about the capacity of the Milan show, that it wasn't really 17k or whatever it was, to make it look like Louis was doing well when really his tour was flopping because BMG didn't want to do their job, or, something. IDEK. So when someone says 'wow look the algorithm put Louis on a spotify indie playlist!', maybe they just don't understand how spotify/promo/capitalism work and think that's how you get a new single on spotify playlists (it's not; your label/ team pay them) but just as likely they are coming from a place of, we know his team doesn't do promo (because some people on tumblr said so) so this must be how it got there!
In today’s article we learn tons about exactly what is being done behind the scenes, and we get Louis saying how he chose the people he works with and is happy with that choice and that it bothers him to be pitied. But I can tell you with certainty that at least one person will unfollow me for this, 3 others I don’t know about will block me, and nothing will change any more than it has at any other point over the last 3 years when he told us the same stuff :/  it’s always simpler to have a villain to be mad at when things happen that aren't what you want (Louis coming out, Louis being the biggest pop star in the world, whatever) after all
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lilyev · 5 years
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wassup my dudes, i’m bee and i’m a huge ass nerd who’s super excited to be here ! pls take my daughter lily and love her, or hate her, w/e, i’m fine with it either way
isn’t that LILY EVANS ? yeah that is HER, sitting there at the GRYFFINDOR table with those other SIXTH years and i think i heard sybill saying they look like ZOEY DEUTCH… whoever that is! when she looks into her crystal ball she sees fireflies, coffee with cinnamon, cigarettes in the backyard, honey-flavoured chapstick, chipped nail polish, lying on the roof during a thunderstorm, flowers growing from cracks in the pavement, the feeling you get walking out from a cinema.  anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty TENDERHEARTED, TEMPESTUOUS, and INDEPENDENT. apparently they’re a MUGGLEBORN but i’m sure that’s not related. 
aesthetic: fireflies, coffee with cinnamon, cigarettes in the backyard, the smell of bookstores, honey-flavoured chapstick, whispered secrets, the burn of firewhiskey in your chest, chipped nail polish, polaroids, lying on the roof during a thunderstorm, chapped lips, the summertime buzz of cicadas, flowers growing from cracks in the pavement, burnt chocolate chip cookies, jane austen novels, angry tears, happy tears, scribbled notes in the margins of old books, the red glow of a sunset, the feeling you get walking out from a cinema
lily evans grew up in cokeworth, england, a “distinctly unmagical” town that is solely known for being the fourth-largest steel producer in england. the steel factory smokestacks in the west loom over the town and its winding alleyways, cinder blocks, and weeds growing out of pavement cracks.
lily’s childhood was that of mowed green lawns, challah bread, flintstones reruns in grainy black and white, and playing outside after dinner with petunia till the sky grew dark and the fireflies and mosquitoes came out and their parents would call them back home for bed.
her parents were both university professors who had met while getting their doctorates, her mother in german literature and her father in political science. they were both academic, intelligent people, and saw no reason not to treat their children as such. this meant lots of political discussion over the dining room table — at nine, little lily knew more about the government deficit than most of her schoolteachers probably did. petunia tended to tune out these debates, claiming disinterest, but lily loved them, listening in avidly even if she didn’t understand. as she got older she began to participate more and more, and often even brought up issues she was interested in.
but despite her brightness, contrary to popular belief, school hasn’t always come naturally to lily. she just could never quite bring herself to focus in school. some teachers labelled her a chatterbox, others simply labelled her trouble. really, it was more of a combination of a desire to befriend every creature she met with an inability to sit still.
because lily yearned for something more than life at the end of the cul-de-sac, yearned for some great adventure. she was a curious, fearless thing as a child, always leaping off of the swing and tugging tuney to go explore on the other side of the tracks, where their parents didn’t allow them to go.
so when she met a sallow-skinned boy from the wrong side of town, and he told her about magic, lily was enraptured by the thought. severus snape and the world he spoke of represented, to lily, the adventure she’d only ever dreamed of.
you all know the story — lily didn’t mean to, but she traded one best friend for another, and petunia was left behind, hurt and angry.
flash forward to eleven year old lily – small for her age, sitting on a stool in the great hall and listening to the hat debate between slytherin and gryffindor. after she ended up being sorted into gryffindor, and heard everything her housemates had to say about slytherin, she couldn’t help but wonder why the hat had thought it might suit her. ( like mother like son, am i right ? )
but lily is ambitious and proud, and ( especially as a first year ) overflowing with a desire to prove herself. but when it comes down to it, she has a softness under her skin that doesn’t suit the cold blood of a snake, and her instinct to protect those she loves vastly outweighs her self-preservation instinct.
and all of a sudden, she was doing better in school than she ever had before. hogwarts gave her eager, curious young mind the adventure and intrigue it had been craving. for the first time, she actually wanted to learn. the professors quickly became used to the wiry girl with messy auburn hair and bright eyes sitting in the front row of every class and peppering them with questions.
she became the gryffindor prefect last year, something she was both very excited and very apprehensive about. she’s very conscious about the influence she has on younger students, and she’s determined to prove that she was the right choice.
lily evans has two main motivators: sentiment and spite. on one hand, she’s romantic and nostalgic, clinging to her fairytale endings and her belief that everyone has at least a little bit of good inside of them. she’d like to believe that everything will turn out the way it should, and that all pain is temporary and useful.
but on the other hand, she has her temper. lord, this girl is stubborn and proud to her very core. she does not easily admit she’s wrong, and she’s often guided by her emotions rather than her reason. it’s not a great combination. she has been called tempestuous.
she tends to make snap judgements about people and stubbornly sticks to those snap judgements. it takes her a while before she admits that someone isn’t as bad as she had previously thought, or that someone is worse than she previously thought ( see: james potter, severus snape )
she doesn’t react well to personal criticism. she can be pretty defensive and even hypocritical sometimes.
but for all her faults ( and she has many — she’s stubborn, over-idealistic, proud, spiteful, at times selfish, hypocritical, quick-tempered, biased ) lily loves. and she hopes. with all her heart.
she cares so much about everything. she wears her emotions on her sleeves. she cries when she’s angry, and when she’s happy, and when she’s talking passionately about something she loves.
if you’re someone lily evans loves, you should count yourself lucky, because she will defend you to the death. and if you’re a person who lily evans hates, you should also count yourself lucky, because no matter how much she hates you, there’s a little part of her that believes in the good part of you.
sometimes she wishes she was tougher, less vulnerable. she wishes the word ‘mudblood’ wouldn’t sting each time it’s flung at her like a grenade ( but it does ), and she wishes she isn’t disappointed with every chanukah that goes by without a card from pertunia ( but she is ). but in true lily evans fashion, she stubbornly holds her chin up high and smiles and doesn’t let the world see her hurting.
she keeps trying to keep a diary but she always forgets to write in it, although she refuses to admit it’s a hopeless cause.
has a love for sweeping, dramatic classical music and movie soundtracks
lily comes from a progressive jewish family ! lily was never really super into it when she was little ( she enjoyed the chanukah dreidel games and the purim festivities, loved listening to the stories of esther and the exodus, but fidgeted all through hebrew school and hated the solemnity and fasting of yom kippur ) but she has a greater appreciation for the culture now she’s older. still doesn’t really observe kashrut though.
[ HOLOCAUST TW ] part of the reason she’s super super super against blood purity is bc of this and obvs also cause she’s a muggleborn ! her mother was eight when the second world war started, and as lily’s gotten older she’s heard more and more about her mother’s experience. and it chills her how much it reminds her of all this blood purity and voldemort stuff. [ END TW ]
petunia converts to catholicism for vernon when they get married and lily is so angry she cries for days, but then their mother sits down with her and talks about how everyone has their own faith and you can’t judge someone else for theirs
loves cats even though she’s allergic to them ( has a toad named gilbert, after gilbert blythe from anne of green gables )
has an irrational fear of seaweed – not the kind you eat, the kind that brushes up against your ankles when you’re swimming. also afraid of flying and airplanes
has an extensive collection of nail polish ( picks at her nail polish when she’s nervous )
a physically affectionate person – loves hugs, and cheek kisses, and platonic hand holding
loves old audrey hepburn movies 
she always loved when her parents read to her but she never had the attention span for actually sitting and reading books even though she loved them
[ DEATH, SMOKING TW ] she smokes …… she knows it’s bad but she started after her paternal grandfather died when she was 12 – they were going through his belongings and she found a half-used pack of his cigarettes and pocketed them. she just smoked them to try and catch his smell and feel closer to him but it developed into a habit and then an addiction ( although lily will insist she can stop anytime ) [ END TW ]
bisexual as FUCK thanks 4 coming to my ted talk
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