#it's really fun to see how everyone makes a mechanic make sense in their sagau fics
blooming-cecilia · 2 years
a thought on the traveller as a vessel for the creator in sagau
aka rambles and general thoughts on the bond between the player and their chosen vessel + some other things bc i got carried away whoops🧎
so the traveller has a canon name (aether/lumine) but u never rlly see/hear it said anywhere and is instead replaced with whatever the player inputs for their name for players to self-insert onto right
and the only time the canon name was really said was when the abyss! twin and the traveller meet in we will be reunited
so i like to think that. perhaps only the player and the abyss twin gets the privilege of knowing their real name. they use whatever name you give them at the start because they are your vessel and this must be what you want
that and as your vessel, the one who has been with u and have felt your guidance for the longest out of everyone, they are naturally in sync with u and understand u + your intentions
basically: they have a lot of trust in u. because your guidance has not led them astray befor and you have brought them to where they are now. the least that they could do is to give you their name, let themselves be an open book to you; you and their sibling know them more intimately than anyone in teyvat has the privilege to
(you can also hear their own thoughts, and while the traveller isn't as aware of it, it would not be so surprising when they find out that u are able to. they expected nothing less from their guide.)
on that note: what does the traveller know about their guide? not a lot of personal details i'm afraid. there's limits on what personal things we can directly say bc we are supposed to be acting as the traveller, but the traveller is observant and takes notice on the little things you do and the way you guide them so they do pick up some personslity traits and gets a gist of what kind of guide you are
aka they pick up on your playstyle!
are you a good strategist? able to utilize your team and their strengths well? do you like fighting in general, and are you fond of challenging the abyss?
or perhaps you like to focus more on their (your) relationship with the other characters? the story of each nation you travel to?
are you perhaps the more curious type: fond of exploring the vast world you've stumbled into? never letting a stone go unturned, each ruin thoroughly investigated thrice over?
maybe you like to hoard and stock up materials: always picking up various items, making sure to always have a full inventory?
or maybe you like to spend time decorating in your teapot, making the prettiest builds and making the place an even more welcome home after a long day of adventure?
whatever your playstyle is, it's fun for the ever curious traveller to learn more about you in these ways!
i like to think when your presence fades and can't be felt as strongly (or: when you log out), the traveller and paimon like to discuss and talk about what you did for the day, like you're a puzzle they want to solve and they've picked up new pieces of you along the way today
when you have more characters in your roster, i also think they join in on these little chats traveller and paimon have, but the two of them definitely know you waaay better than everyone else! (paimon does not hesitate to gloat and say it out loud often. the traveller feels the same way, but they're a bit more subtle/modest with it, with a smug grin and a line about it every now and then.)
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