#it's nothing weird or gross or anything i prommy
cidandy · 10 months
i have the most INVALID chip headcanon EVER & i can NEVER talk about it because it's CRINGE & the fandom would KILL ME WITH KNIVES!!!! but in my brain it makes SO MUCH SENSE
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satanfemme · 3 years
do you have any movie recs for people who want to get into horror but are nervous about it? i wanna get into the genre but specific and excessive kinds of gore freaks me out (i esp have a weird thing about throat slitting and stuff like that but yeah sorry ajslgdjlsa)
aaa ok hello! thank u for ur patience, I absolutely have some recs for u if you still want them!!!! btw the first few r gonna be ones I already covered in my freaky movie list, so sorry for repeats if u already looked at that post!
(also, this list is probs gonna be a bit different than most "beginner horror" lists online, cause I'm mostly gonna be thinking of movies I don't remember being very graphic, rather than thinking up "movies for beginners". cause tbh I feel like the best way to get into a genre is to just jump into it and try it out, see what sub-genres and tones u prefer, and go from there. rather than just being like, """omg u NEED to see [over-hyped franchise movie] FIRST or else ur not a Real horror fan uwuw"""". also I'll make sure to give u a good range of horror here, some of these r gonna be lighthearted and some of these r gonna be actually-scary, and some of these r gonna be psychological)
what we do in the shadows - vampire mockumentary, there's some blood but iirc nothing major? some werewolves in wolf form get hurt tho, if animal injury bugs u too. that said, it's a comedy so, like, def an easy watch
the blair witch project - very suspenseful shaky cam found footage horror. has a great build and scary climax, and absolutely no gore at all iirc. I don't think there's even any blood in this one
carrie - supernatural coming of age movie with a very sympathetic lead. there's a fair amount of blood (also pigs blood) in it, and a fair amount of deaths, but I can't recall any actual gore
the addams family - family friendly comedy horror. I think there's some violence in the form of dark humor but this is another one where I really can't even recall any blood (tho it's been a while so I can't prommy for sure)
bram stoker's dracula - there's a fair amount of violence, but surprisingly little gore iirc. a lot of traveling from place to place and exploring a creepy castle and a guy turning into rats and dogs, this is a vampire movie <3
ju-on the grudge - ghost horror movie, where a lot of the violence is implied/off-screen. this one is very freaky and the ghosts have really cool character designs
the lighthouse - this one's weird and not my fav, but if u want to see a horny homoerotic movie about claustrophobic lighthouse keepers, I don't think anyone even dies in this one besides, like, a mermaid.
texas chainsaw massacre - there's some gross on-screen violence towards the end, but for 90% of the movie it's pretty off-screen, and even when it does happen it's not overly bloody/gorey. just violent. and! this is a slasher! so if u want to try out slashers without too much, u know, slashing, I rec this one for sure
get out - this one's a really cool commentary on racism, and I think there's violence towards the end but the majority of the movie is psychological more than anything
the shining - a family goes to a freaky hotel and things go downhill from there. there's a lot of blood in one scene, but outside of that there's like. no actual gore/blood of any kind, just people being scared and getting chased around!
ok that's all I can think of rn, and u might wanna double check the plot summaries or doesthedogdie for ur specific triggers wrt gore, but!!!! I hope I was at least able to give u a starting point here! horror is a really cool and broad genre, so even if none of my recommendations strike u, I suggest checking elsewhere too before giving up on the genre completely <3
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evilneo · 3 years
idk the fandoms ur in but ummm for the ask game that benrey (?) guy ! (literally praying that is a guy u post about and i’m not mixing something up djksjd)
YEAH THAT IS A GUY I POST ABOUT!!!! Benrey! I know Benrey :)
This is abt og Benry btw, no aus, just og hlvrai :3
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay CANONICALLY 👍 also alloaro :)
Gender Headcanon: xe/xir pronouns! Complicated gender that xe also doesn't really care abt 👍 definitely nonbinary (not a man and also not a woman) (I actually have a fic im writing about it! It is.. doubtful that I'll ever finish it tho ahgshdjsjsksk)
A ship I have with said character: Frenrey is a popular one (which I do enjoy the enemies-to-friends-to-lovers dynamic) BUT I really like Tomrey rn (yes I am a sucker for best friends-to-lovers. 👍) And Frenreylatta is always a win in my book! (I LOVE the potential dynamic. And the potential for MANY layers of hurt/comfort. I made a few posts about I think!!!!)
A BROTP I have with said character: Benry and Tommy :) (which is canon) BUUUUT also I love the potential dynamic of Benry and Coomer (both were the first in-game characters who were self aware, albeit in different ways!) and Benry and Bubby (both subjected to Black Mesas bullshit :( also they both canonically teamed up (but that was for less than good reasons :/))
A NOTP I have with said character: I can't bring myself to like Benry/Forzen. I just. Can't? There's nothing wrong with it!! I just don't care about most variations of Forzen :p (except for the Mothra-Made variants/aus :) love those guys!!)
(also anything gross is bad :/)
Random headcanons: ⤵️
*gives xir psychosis and BPD* i PROMMY im.not projecting ok??????? Ok :)
There's also a user on here that HC xir as a system which I am 👍👍👍👍👍 about!!!! What are headcanons if not self-projection by another name
ALSO I love the interpretations of Normal Guy Benry and Eldrich Gordon. My friend Darkin does that well if I remember right :3 💛
General Opinion over said character: WAHHHHHHHHH I love xir. Lives rent free in my brain.* Also we don't like it in fics where they make xir say gamer words ALL the time. My funny guy has NEVER said pogchamp. Please know this.
*my headcanons for Benry (the character) are wayyyy different to Benrey (my alter). I made my headcanons for Benry as far as possible from Benrey so it would be less weird for the both of us 👍 just making that clear
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