#it's like the romantic movement from hit century like 18th maybe. Those are my Guys
twilightarcade · 5 months
man looking for books makes me feel like an absolute idiot. Yeah I like everything but the stuff I don't like. Hope that helps
#wordstag#it's so freaking. Particular also. Be normal freak#huge fan of fiction but also had a moment where i decided i hated fantasy and never got out of that moment#i like fantasy probably i think but me in that moment decided i was sick of world building and we never got out of that#and i don't like raw fiction it needs to be like. Something that could reasonably happen in real life while still being mildly unreasonable#yk?#nothing i could go out on the street and see or whatever . But it would be funny if I did#i think i need to go read some good fantasy books though fantasy is such a goated genre#the . The potential.......#also needs 2 be a story about people but if the people are completely uninteresting and flat Well#but beyond that it needs to have those themes and motifs shit and they need to be Not In Your Face#i think mystery is pretty fun like in concept but i haven't read very much . Good mystery as of late#ROMANCE would be so baller if it wasn't so about romance yk. Which is just a me problem#i think romance has insane potentials to explore a person's psych and whatever but it just. Never hits for me.#and sometimes it's not even a romance book and like they jsut start going at it like come on now. Not in public eye roll emoji#i would like romance more if it was less about smashing faces and more about the inherent intimacy of romance yk#imagine opening up your heart to someone that shit is fucked up . I could talk for hours about romance but it would never be about romanceT#it's like the romantic movement from hit century like 18th maybe. Those are my Guys#anyway love romance as a concept but i think there's a bit too much hype around it. We should chill a bit. Look at the stars and shit#ok where was i going with this actually
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redspiderling · 5 years
Back from Hiatus: Chick flicks, Romance, and the Black Widow Movie
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First of all, I must apologise for my ridiculously long hiatus but, as you know, life happens. Welcome to all new followers! I’m very happy you guys are here and that you decided to stick around even if cobwebs were beginning to grow in my poor old blog. So, let’s get to the point!
It seems we’re getting our movie! 
I’ve spent months rejoicing. Waking up in the morning, having a bad day and then remembering, we’re getting a Black Widow movie! Made life better.
But because my mind tends to wander to bad places more often than not, I decided to do some research. After reading some books on story writing, watching a ton of films and a bunch of interviews, not to mention catching up on a couple of articles about “films for women” (and then puking my guts out) I thought, hmm, there are clearly some points this film should avoid if it wants to be good. 
We’ve talked extensively about the specifics of the character of Natasha Romanoff, the background, the things we would like to see, the things we would definitely wish to avoid etc. 
What we haven’t talked about, is the general cinematic cliches that cling on to “chick flicks” like shit to a shovel. Of course one would say, the Black Widow movie is not going to be a chick flick. 
Oh really? 
I’m supposed to believe studios don’t market female led films for the female audiences first and foremost? Isn’t that the definition of a chick flick?
Listen here Marvel, you’ve obviously decided that hey, making a film with a female lead might not be the “gamble” you originally thought it might be. We are honoured you have reached this conclusion in a timely (*ahem*) manner.
I mean, we only needed this:
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and this
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and this
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and this
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and this
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for Marvel to finally go, “you know what, maybe we can make a film with, ya know, a woman who has like, more than 3 pages of dialogue?”
Geez, really? It took what, most of Hollywood’s finest to persuade you?
Anyway, I’m not going to dwell on the sexism too much because this would take all day but hey, Marvel, listen, you see all of the above more than decent examples of films with female leads? Do you know what they all had in common?
They were not thought of as “movies for the women”
You know what movies I’m talking about, the examples are endless. It’s those films written by 5-6 dudes and directed by a 7th one, all of whom think they have the golden key to making films for the female crowd. It’s basically a combination of pseudo romantic shit and some eye candy for the “unlucky” boyfriends who were hauled along by the female squad, with some “trying very hard to be funny but end up being just awkward” scenes for variety.
I’ve decided to help you Marvel. Not because I care for you, but because I care about Natasha. I’m going to give you definitions and examples, so you won’t have to google a lot of shit. We will talk about romance, because that’s what you think women want more than anything.
Definition of Romanticism: a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual.
Good modern examples: 
Captain America , aka Steve Rogers, aka Cinnamon Roll attempting to (almost) single-handedly save the world. That, is a romantic notion.
Wonder Woman, aka Diana Prince, aka Queen of the world, attempting to (almost) single-handedly save the world. Also, a romantic notion.
Notice how neither example contains the lovey-dovey kissy stuff girls like.
Bad modern examples:
Leonard Hofstadter, lonely albeit smart dude who hits on next door neighbour for years (and even breaks into her home) because of love.
Bella Swan, everyday girl falls in love with the high school stud and her live revolves around him because of love.
Notice how both examples are centuries old cliches that are in no way romantic, only perceived as such due to pop culture, and are generally bad for mental and emotional health.
All 4 examples were box office hits by the way, but the bad ones make me hit my head on my desk so hard, it leaves a freaking dent. And you don’t want a dent on my desk Marvel, or another bleak spot in your ever growing list of Meh films.
Now, I know some of you think, “come on, Marvel is too good to make mistakes like this”. 
Is it?! 
Need I remind you of this:
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(the love will fix us both)
Or this:
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(the love interest, also, what the hell text?!)
Or this:
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(the Romeo and Juliet)
Marvel does tend to stumble more often than not, when it comes to love stories. And because I know, I know, we will get at least one of those in the Black Widow film, I’m just thinking ahead and cautioning the people on board with this project. 
If you want love to work, you need to be able to love yourself first. We need to love the hero, before we love the people they love.
In Wonder Woman, we loved Diana and Steve, and we loved how the two worked together, because the writer took the time to let us know how and why.
In Captain America: the First Avenger, we loved Steve and Peggy, and we loved how the two worked together, because the writer took the time to let us know how and why.
We did not have time to learn and love Christine, to care about what went on with Stephen Strange. Same goes for Wanda and Vision. 
Writing in these cliches just because everybody else does and because “that’s what people expect” is not good enough. 
Everyone can be a fan of romance, in fact, almost 100% of American films have romantic elements to them, we are all hooked when it comes to this stuff, but romance is not just about heterosexuals falling in love, it’s about trial, and inspiration, and sacrifice. It’s about people trying to lead meaningful lives.
What I’m saying Marvel is, please, don’t be Catwoman, be Wonder Woman. Don’t be the Ghost-busters sequel, be Ocean’s 8. Don’t be Bride Wars, be Carol. 
Notice how all of the above were female led films. Some were good, some were bad. Some had good writing, some didn’t. All had brilliant leading ladies. You know what this means? If this film ends up sucking, it’s on you, not on womenfolk.
Present for those who made it this far:
Movies Starring Women Make More Money At The Box Office, Study Finds
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