#it's just heavily overshadowed by baseball and american football - two of the most boring sports on the planet - for reasons i don't get
carriagelamp · 2 years
that hockey kissing post is like... call me a conspiracy theorist but maybe it was hockey rpf propaganda
there may be a component of that, but honestly i suspect it's mostly a combination of "not a lot of americans follow ice hockey so it feels like a Strange Different Sport Who Even Knows What They Do" paired with "no one has the common sense to check for a satire site and take it at face value" and "okay but we have had Rival Lesbian Hockey Marriage and DO have a hug mechanic built in so maybe it's not the least plausible thing ever"
like i assume people into rpf at least know the rules well enough to know that kissing, sadly, is NOT a part of the game, i think they just provided the bizarrely homoerotic gifs to start with xD
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