#it's just an explanation for why Kris always has the same sprite
arcanaix · 3 months
Goner Ralsei
I probably should've posted these earlier.
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These are the Sprites I share the most, possibly the ones I'm most known for. I came up with Goner Ralsei on a whim back in December, and it has de facto represented me online since. If you're wondering about the lore behind them, I have had its lore in my head for months now, but I've never typed it out and posted it publicly. I going to do that now.
EDIT: In my original version of this, I referred to Goner Ralsei with he/him pronouns. However, I have decided to refer to them with they/it pronouns from now on and have edited this according. I tried to find and change every instance, but I may have missed some. If you find anyone referring to them with they/it, don't get mad. Just explain to them that Goner Ralsei canonically goes by they/it.
I wanna say that if you want to use and of these designs but want to ignore the lore I made and just make up your own, that's perfectly fine.
I have always said that this is what Ralsei looks like at the end of Chapter 6 and through a good part of Chapter 7. At the end of Chapter 6, Ralsei no longer has a soul, hence that hole in its chest. That is true. However, I never mentioned two things: Ralsei willingly gave up the soul it had, and the soul it had up to that point (i.e. throughout chapters 1-6) wasn't its own.
While the above is the design I use most often, it's not their only.
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This is "Goner Darksei." (that was meant to be a placeholder name, but I never got around to replacing it) Lore-wise, this is what Ralsei looked like before Chapter 1. Basically, Ralsei is a Goner and part of the lore of this is that Goners are a kind of Darkner or some kind of Lightner/Darkner hybrid (I still haven't decided yet) and also that they don't naturally have souls. Anyway, either before or during the intro to Chapter 1, Ralsei was given a soul. They transformed into the form they currently has.
If you're familiar with @lynxgriffin's idea of what Ralsei's deal is, you can probably see where this is going, since I kind of stole theirs for this.
Ralsei was given Kris's Soul and its appearance shifted according to Kris's insecurities. This is only about Ralsei's appearance, by the way, not its personality. Under this idea, Ralsei's personality is its own and not based on Kris's insecurities. Presumably, if someone else had their soul put in Ralsei (e.g. Susie), his appearance would be different.
"Goner Darksei" is essentially its default state, what it looks like without a soul. After giving Kris their soul back at the end of Chapter 6, Ralsei slowly turns back into its default state throughout Chapter 7.
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This is "Ralsei Regression," as I call it. As I said, throughout Chapter 7, Ralsei regresses back to his default state. You may notice that the hole in their chest goes away.
If you're wondering why the reverse doesn't happen in Chapter 1, I have two explanations I'm not particularly confident in. One, the reverse did happen, and the hat covered it. Two, transforming from a default state into its current state is faster than the reverse and happened before Kris and Susie met it.
You may notice that Goner Darksei's leg movements are different. By which I mean you won't notice because literally no one did when I finalized Goner Ralsei's design last month and did that same thing. Basically, throughout Chapter 7, he is low on energy on account of no longer having a Soul. I believe Kris moves the way they do during the endings of chapters 1 and 2 for the same reason. Ralsei doesn't naturally have a soul, so it moves slightly faster than Kris, but going back to not having one after about a week of having one is a draining experience, hence why they still moves slowly.
While I'm here, here's an animation I made showing Ralsei regressing. This isn't how the process would actually work, but it looks cool, in my opinion.
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Another idea I had for this is that Kris's Dark World appearance also changes at the end of Chapter 6, with their skin and hair looking more like their Light World appearance. I did make sprites for those, called "Restored Kris," which you can see here:
Anyway, here's some art that my friend Cerise (@ceriisu on Twitter, follow her, she's amazing) made of Goner Ralsei!
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Original Scale
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agyrius · 2 years
Kris' Overly Uncanny Default Sprite...
This has been an idea of mine for quite a while, but...
Kris in certain scenes.....Scenes that we are told have Kris undergoing....Rather emotional moments, which are very important about their character...They just remain with the same default sprite
Like yeah we've all been laughing our tuna cans off, as we have yet another "-_-" child in the KFC gang, but it truly is weird
When Queen reveals that she has plugged Berdly's face and basically mind controlling him, everyone backs away in shock, even Kris....But Kris doesn't change their sprite in the slightest....They were shocked enough to back away like everyone else....but not enough to change their sprite...?
Same goes on in here, when Noelle intrudes upon Kris and Susie, right before they enter the Supply Closet, Kris very clearly is as shocked as Susie, instantly backing into the Closet next to Susie i guess in an attempt to hide the door for some reason (....Or it's just their first instinct to go near the strong, moss enjoying, purple dragon, mean girl to defend them from threats)....And even then Kris...Just slides away in their default sprite, there isn't even any walking animation
the entire thing just....looks so uncanny and I HIGHLY doubt that this is just Toby not wanting to make sprites for a single scene....Because come on, he has done that already countless times with Susie and let's be honest, if we got a shocked Kris sprite, we would all collectively loose our minds and paste into every meme possible
Even in the post-Spamton NEO scene, where Kris basically yells "NO"....their sprite remains unchanged, sure they turn away from us, but other than that....They remain the exact same
in all of those scenes, Kris remains unchanged, with their seemingly apathetic exterior never seeming to crack...
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...or so we've been lead to believe
There are countless times in which Kris is said to be showcasing emotions that we never get to see (heck we never even get to see what they are actually saying, depending on the Narrator and the Characters around them to tell us)
and all of the other characters' overworld sprites always change in scenes, even when we are most likely focused on the dialogue, or even for small moments
but NEVER with Kris....
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....and the same goes on in Undertale with Frisk
So, what? Are all the humans just a singular face at all times? Is that like a design decision that Toby made?
...well not really...Because we actually do get to see humans show off different sprites and I'm not talking about Chara, who other than having a smile as their sprite can also make a fully animated jumpscare
I'm talking about Kris
Whenever we are ripped out of them...or about to be ripped off, Kris becomes a trillion times far more...Energetic, gaining all sorts of overly expressive sprites and frames, their "-_-" sprite vanishes entirely
"..okay so maybe it's just that the Scene was given far more detailed sprites to make it clear what's going on with Kris?"
well that would be likely...but when Kris finally inserts back in, seeing a glimpse of their face feeling the pain that such an action causes them.......There's silence...They're just sitting there for quite a while...And then we are given back control, instantly, already on our feet, no animation in between and then the music returns as if nothing ever happened....
So we've seen Humans showcase different sprites showcasing emotions...and the only times it has happened was with characters that weren't under our control, Chara ,when they were talking to us had become fully independent from us and Kris when they are about to or have removed us from them
Leaving us with Frisk and controlled Kris...Who are both under our possession (details about that in here)
So where am I going with all this?
Well seeing as We are the only ones incapable of seeing their emotions and in general hearing their voice and only whenever We are in control...I think the conclusion I'm trying to reach is:
Whenever we possess Kris, Frisk or in general anyone....Seemingly an "illusion" is cast (or just something happens to make it like that) on them making us only see them through that weird default sprite which only changes when the sprite itself has undergone some rather big change in position (falling on ground, sitting on the floor after being knocked out, or when engaging in battle, which is the only place in which we see the large amount of their unique sprites (which are still devoid of emotion))
the best example I can think of would be from OFF (the game)...in which SPOILERS but
The Batter the protagonist we are specifically told we are puppeteering, exactly like Kris...And depending on our actions, he can become the final boss of the game...and well...His Sprite undergoes a slightly small change...Turning from just a baseball dude....To...Well, This and from many clues throughout the game itself it can be gathered...That this is how everyone has been seeing us the entire game, not as a normal baseball man, but as a "huge, frightening ducky"
And if you didn't know, OFF has been an inspiration to Undertale...soo....Who knows!
...Thank you for reading!~
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