#it's been some time since I last drew these two
gay-chef-boyardee · 3 days
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My Raven Queen Redesign! Part 2 of my EAH Redesign series!
I’m not gonna lie, this was hard, and I’m still not 100% happy with the result, but after… eleven hours…. I ended up with something I like! I even ended up overhauling her design three full times…
I’m not sure what this style is called, but I’ve been mentally referring to it as ‘fantasy detective’ since my references were all men in formal wear with long coats like Sherlock. I kept her headband (and reduced it to three spikes to more resemble a tiara), and added some spike bracelets to her wrists and ankles to match it. I wasn’t able to draw much from her story, since, unsurprisingly, ‘Snow White’ is about Snow White and not the evil queen. But I think that fits, since she’s not that interested in fulfilling her story anyways 🙃.
In her left hand is a wand! In Thronecoming, the gift the Evil Queen left that’s swapped with a coin is a magic wand, which we never see or hear about again (I’m pretty sure). So, she gets that back!
Her skirt has two layers. I wanted to incorporate her original skirt ruffles, so I placed it on the outside and singed the edges to make it look burnt, since Raven isn’t the best with her powers yet.
There isn’t too much more to say, I just went with my gut and drew up a cute outfit for her. No new poll, since I’ll be doing Apple next because the last one was so close. I also did not expect that last post to blow up like it did, thank you so much to everyone who reblogged and left such nice words!! :D I’ll leave you with some Cerise and Raven chibi doodles. Until next time!
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forest-hashira · 2 hours
this absolutely would not leave me alone, in reference to this post. @fushigurro thank u for supporting/enabling me. divider by cafekitsune. this is omegaverse, mentions of heat cycles/sex but nothing explicit. minors dni.
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it had been a few days since your synced heat with satoru had ended, and though it hadn't actually lasted longer than normal, it had felt like it, neither of you able to get the kind of relief you really needed. you'd given yourselves a day to sober up and recover, and then you'd had a much dreaded conversation.
you'd been everything to each other since you'd gotten together straight out of school. in all that time, you'd never needed anyone else for anything, even able to get each other through your heats with a little help from some toys. but this had been a brutal wake up call, a reminder that there were some things you'd never be able to do for each other, no matter how hard you tried.
it was unsettling to realize, though, and the following realization that you would have to find someone else to trust in your most vulnerable moments was downright scary. a new partner couldn't be just anyone, especially not if they were going to help both of you when you needed it. in fact, there was only one person either of you could imagine trusting with that.
and so you set up a coffee date.
"you feelin' okay, baby?" satoru's gentle voice pulled you from your mental spiral, and you offered him a weak smile.
"what makes you ask?" you set your drink down on the table, unable to stomach anything because of your anxiety.
"your leg has been bouncing nonstop since we sat down." he peered at you over the tops of his sunglasses, leaning in to rest his forehead against your temple. "it's all gonna be fine, you know that, right?"
"unless he hates us for asking this of him and decides he never wants to speak to us again." you weren't expecting the laugh your words drew from him, and you pinched his side harshly. "don't laugh at me! it's not impossible..."
you could practically feel him roll his eyes at you. "he's not gonna hate us," he soothes, the faintest hint of a purr rumbling beneath his words, easing some of the tension in your shoulders. "i doubt he'll say no, either. he's had a thing for you for years."
"he has not!" you turned and looked up at him, wide-eyed.
satoru cocked his head slightly, seeming genuinely surprised. "he has too! he told me once when we were drunk, before we all graduated and you and i got together. you didn't know?"
"of course i didn't know! he never said anything to me. i knew he was in love with you, though."
it was satoru's turn to look shocked. "you're lying to me."
"i am not! we all saw the way he looked at you. it was obvious."
your boyfriend seemed to pale at your words, as impossible as it was. "for how long?"
"from the very first day i met you guys. he still looks at you like that, y'know."
"who looks at satoru like what?"
suguru's voice startled both of you, and you looked up at him with burning faces. the alpha's brows pinched with concern as he sat across the table from the two of you. satoru pushed a black coffee towards him, but it went untouched as he spoke again.
"are you guys okay? you said you needed to ask me something important. is something wrong?"
you and satoru exchange a look, your omega offering you an encouraging nod.
"sort of," you sighed after a moment. "we, uh. well. our heats synced last week, and it sucked. like it was really bad."
suguru nodded, worry still painted across his features. "even with each other and..." he trailed off, glancing around as if remembering you were in a public place, and that it was probably not a great idea to talk openly about sex toys.
"yeah, even with that," you confirmed. "it was really, really miserable, and we really don't want to be caught off guard if our cycles ever sync like that again. which is why we asked you here."
now he really looked confused. "i don't think i understand."
"we need an alpha," satoru replied, his blunt nature a true blessing in that moment. "and you're the only one we trust to help us – to take care of us."
there was a beat of silence, then another. your heart began to pound, and you felt a bit sick all of a sudden. because this was it, wasn't it? your best friend outside of your partner was about to tell you both that you were disgusting simply for asking, and that he never wanted to hear from you ever again. he was—
"oh, uh... really?" there was no mistaking the flustered look on your friend's face, and that surprised you; he was usually so confident. "yeah, of course. i'm honored you trust me like that. anything you need, just let me know. i'll be there for you."
the relief that washed over you was so intense it nearly made you dizzy, and you were certain you would've collapsed if you weren't already sitting down. "you don't wanna take some time to think about it?"
he shook his head. "don't need to. if it means helping you guys, the answer's always going to be yes."
"whipped for us already, huh?" satoru teased, attempting to maintain his composure despite his face being the prettiest shade of pink.
the smile that tugged at suguru's lips was affectionate, his gaze warm as he took in the two of you across from him. "yeah," he agreed softly. "something like that."
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homara8524 · 21 hours
It's been a long time since I've advertised today.
Since I have many new followers, let me advertise my own mail order business. There is a small group of works that I drew during my hospitalization the year before last, which became a guidepost for my life. I am now selling these illustrations for the low price of $64 . This includes Winver characters as well as Touhou Pc98 characters.
I am currently battling an incurable disease and take medication every day that costs 1,000 yen a day. Just selling one piece can prolong my life for a month or two.
If you are following me and would like to purchase an original painting, please follow the link to the booth above to complete the purchase process. There is also a proxy service, so you can easily purchase artwork from me in Japan.
I also plan to sell some of the original artwork I have uploaded in the future, so please check back for that as well.
If you have any other requests for reproductions, please feel free to send me a comment or DM.
I will do my best to respond.
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