#it's because of like . the domino effect and how their world is hurtling towards catastrophe but nothing has changed to stop it except them
metacove ยท 2 years
strangle the fear. I want to hear about the blorbos
My Number One blorbo, my main squeeze, my second in command, and my silliest rabbit is called Nathan Camelli.
He pretty much grew up with me, or vice versa, so his story begins when he's 12 years old and living with his sister, Cleo. They quickly come to believe that their parents have been abducted under the premise of an all-expenses business trip. After trying to follow their parents to warn them, Nate and Cleo are promptly apprehended by agents and tossed into a portal to Hell and essentially left there to die.
They try to blend in by joining a tour led by a friendlyish demon named Mark. On the tour, Nate manages to stumble into the middle of an assassination attempt. Given that he now knows too much, he and his sister are conscripted into the organization that had been plotting the assassination and are put to work as agents to hunt down the monsters that the organization has lost track of. One particular fight with a werewolf leaves Cleo in a coma, and when she regains consciousness it is because of her newly discovered lycanthropy. They are finally able to return home, years after they had left, and find that their real parents are still missing and that their master bathroom is completely empty except for a large, heavy standing mirror that acts as a portal to another dimension.
The two inevitably part ways as Cleo struggles to control her lycanthropy and Nate, unbeknownst to her at the time, had attempted to sell his soul to save someone's life. Believing that he is soulless and akin to a demon, Nate returns to hell and builds himself a tree house to live in (yeah). He discovers that he possesses latent magical abilities, and he pushes himself to excel as quickly as possible with them to the point of frequently burning himself out. All the while, a group of mysterious individuals from his past are impersonating his family and attempting to take over his life, discrediting him at every turn. In the middle of all of this, two younger teenagers that have heard of his past have come to his tree house and asked for his help preventing what could be the end of the world, determined by the choices of another teenage boy that he's never met that allegedly needs their assistance. He uses his magic to protect the group and his experience to guide them as one of four informal leaders, alongside a teenage vigilante named Josh, the Mothman and her wife (yes).
Pushing himself against the grindstone, his spellcasting begins to take a toll on him. Believing that he is soulless, irredeemable and unwanted, he begins to morph into the monster that he already believes himself to be. In a last ditch effort to stop all of this, he travels into the past to convince his past self to take a different path and, now completely unrecognizable, only succeeds in scaring his younger self into exactly what kicked all of this off to begin with. With the help of his sister and her friends, he's brought back to the present and is detransformed, just in time to aid the child of prophecy and his friends in preventing a catastrophe, and to retire to the Underworld and settle down.
For now.
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