#it was the 70s. maybe they only had beanbags & just went out to King's Table every night
songbirdstew · 6 months
Help, she's adorable
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Royal's brick costume became Glitch's new favorite hidey hole today.
She continues to have and to cause problems.
I put her fancy litter into her regular box -- I had switched to her a standard low-walled tray while her cystitis was at its worst. Her regular box is clear plastic with high walls. The idea is she gets a nice, doublethick layer of litter to bury her mess AND it keeps all the litter inside. This worked great with the pine pellet litter, buuuuuut she's still getting the sandy litter all over the fucking place. EW.
She has decided she no longer likes the one wet food she was liking. She'll drink the gravy, and if we add water to it, she'll drink that. But she won't eat the fishy morsels now. She just wants the cronchy kibble. So I think I'll try one of the urinary health kibbles for her. She and Charlie both skipped their Get Along Pill Kitty Valium Composure Chews yesterday, but they both ate it today. The shrugs and headaches are free!
She's definitely having a hard time again, poor kitty. The good thing is she's actually drinking water as I type. The vet suggested a fountain, but we have to really think about where we would place it. Our floorplan was not drawn with any kind of reasonable functionality in mind, so every piece of furniture or anything just becomes a new obstacle.
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