#it sounds like a brag but pls have mercy I've accomplished so little
allfillernothriller Β· 24 days
Yard Act (+ Murkage Dave + Folly Group) @ Les Nuits Botaniques, Brussels, Dream Job Tour, 28.04.24
[CW eyestrain: flashing lights]
Land of the Blind
What. A. Night. The acoustics? Terrible. Did they play Grifter's Grief and Petroleum like I expected they would? Nope. Am I disappointed? Not in the least. There's no way for me to assert one gig was better than the other. They were unique experiences and I'm so happy I went to both.
My favourite spot at any given concert is near the singer's mic but a little to the side so that I can get a good view of the bassist. As you can tell on the video, that's precisely where I was πŸ₯°
10mins before the start of Murkage Dave's set, there was still only 12 of us inside, and man. That was heartbreaking to me (at least at first). I saw him get on stage and start his set fully focused like everything was normal, but it certainly didn't feel normal to me. Back in Paris, the venue was full from the moment they opened the doors. (Maybe cause this time was a festival?) Thankfully, people started to come in bit by bit and by his 4th song the tent was filled. But in the meantime I turned into a self-appointed hype man and cheered + sang along anytime I remembered lyrics from his set in Paris. He flashed me the biggest smile and that was my job done. I'll say, he killed it! He acts out some of his lyrics while singing them and I love how theatrical his presence on stage is. In the end, he told us that while we were 12 at first, he felt very welcomed by the fact that his performance attracted the rest of the audience inside. I'm glad it turned out to be a positive experience for him bc I was quite worried during the first 3 songs.
Folly Group was the best kind of slap in the face. You know me, I went without listening to anything first. That strategy has never failed me and I'm going to keep doing that until I die. They are so good?? Ridiculously good. I'm defo seeing them again some day, in a nebulous future.
Yard Act... They were magnificent. Beautiful people, beautiful show. They gave their all for the last one, the energy was electric! Daisy and Lauren went all out with the dance moves and I was so here for it! Love them, love the vibe they bring, it's the icing on the cake. I hope they'll stick with the band next tour (fingers crossed).
Now here come the fun parts.
James, James, James.
Dunno if any of you recall the post I made for the Paris gig, but basically he caught me singing along to the newest songs and went through a hilarious mix of emotions bc most ppl in attendance didn't know the lyrics yet. (It was at the very beginning of the EU tour, by the end of it more and more goers had had the time to memorise the lyrics.)
Well, this time I was front row and in his line of sight more often than not. So of course he noticed I was pit choiring (dunno if that's a thing but you know what I mean) during the 2nd song (Dead Horse), came to the edge of the stage right in front of me, crouched a little, looked me straight in the eye and basically sang the last verse with me. Thing is, he did it again during the next song (When the Laughter Stops) for the remaining half of the 2nd verse and from that point on, it turned into a game, sort of?
Land of the Blind was next, he gave me a pointed look from the mic stand at the very beginning of the 1st verse (to see if I'd start singing straight away I assume?), he didn't sing directly with me this time BUT mimed the 'magic trick' in front of me. (πŸ₯°)
Now for the real shenanigans. The following song was Fizzy Fish and it is my absolute favourite. However, there is a tricky part at the beginning of the song β€” a tongue-twister (and rather long at that). You prolly know where this is going. So, when I cheered obnoxiously at the first notes, he got a twinkle in his eye and a grin that spelled trouble and before I knew it, he was squatting in front of me, initiating the most intense eye contact I've received in years (eyes wide and intent, as he does), daring me to follow. And you best believe that I always mess up this part when singing in the comfort of my own home, and given the smug look James was giving me, he was 100% trying to trip me up. But I wasn't going to turn down a challenge from one of my favourite musicians, was I? Bc the other thing is, that lil stunt of his channelled my focus and I was able to sing through the tongue-twister for the 1st time thanks to him. He feigned annoyance and moved to the other side of the stage, and that was fucking hilarious. He came back at the very end though, and addressed the β€œkeep your silly grin plastered accross your stupid fucking face” line to me. Love that man.
Oh, but we're not done. Next up was We Make Hits, and I believe that's their most popular one from the latest album. The crowd was extra responsive, and James tried to interact with as many people as possible. He still sang the first chorus with me, but the band (not just James) went and tripped *everyone* up on the 2nd one (took a longer pause between 2 lines basically), everybody in the crowd fell for it, except me. (I'm not psychic, their body language was easier to read from my pov.) I'm not gonna lie, I felt a tinge of pride.
James 'left' me alone for the next few songs (for one he was too hyper to stay put, and that would've been unfair to the rest of the audience if he gave attention only to me). But! He sang the tiniest bits of A Vineyard for the North and 100% Endurance with me and that meant the world. James is a certified sweetheart and I wish he was my big brother.
Surely, I'm done now, right? Think again. Bc I have to tell you about Ryan. I'm autistic, right, it's no secret. I'm very sensitive to sounds, I do suffer from misophonia and that does include music sometimes (heavy autotunes, recorders...) but that also means I get the exact opposite of that. Sensitivity works both ways, and I've been obsessed with bass guitars and basslines for as long as I can remember, and even that is putting it lightly. (I could make a post about that to go into further details if you're interested but this one is never-ending enough as it is.) When filming a performance, I keep my eyes off my phone as much as possible, but I always try to make sure to get decent footage of the bass. Now Ryan was quite far off to the side, and the stage was rather wide, so that meant if I wanted him in the frame, I had to blatantly orient my phone towards him. I got caught, obvs. He didn't pay much mind at first (I like how he looks very focused and overly serious when he's playing, you wouldn't guess he's just as silly as James is), but after a while he realised I was filming him specifically a lot. He sort of kept and eye on me from then on, and so we made eye contact several times (esp when James was interacting with other members of the crowd). I was unapologetic bc I'd kill for his basslines, but at one point he raised an eyebrow at me, tilted his head towards Sam (who was at the opposite side of the stage) and nodded once. I chuckled, nodded back and filmed Sam bc I felt called out. πŸ₯² (Don't get me wrong, Sam is a tremendous guitarist but tHE BASS.) I basically got scolded by one of my favourite bassists of all time for not giving his bandmates enough attention, that was both sweet and really funny. Ryan caught me again a few more times (I couldn't help myself) and he'd give me a glare with no real heat or roll his eyes lmao.
I had such a blast! Towards the end of 100% Endurance, James thanked their crew and each band member, I yelled "LOVE YA" enough times to pass as the lunatic I am, so that was great too (/gen). James always thanks Ryan last (they're the co-founding members), and takes the time to hug him and give him lil kisses to his temple and cheek, and that's when Ryan melts. Lemme tell you, seeing a grown man drop his professional musician mask and turn into a puppy in anticipation at the sight of his co-founding bandmate walking over to him is the most adorable fucking thing ever. (The queerplatonic vibes they got going too πŸ₯Ή) I'm a bit sad I didn't record that, but there'll be other opportunities.
This time it wasn't just Murkage Dave joining in on the Trench Coat Museum fun, but Folly Group too and the result was insane! Sadly all my footage is extremely saturated (again, the acoustics suuucked).
After the concert, a handful of us goers were waiting round to see if we could get a setlist but the security staff didn't know anything about that. Thankfully, Ryan walked back on stage to get something so I asked him directly. He was so surprised he didn't reply, he simply gave me an acknowledging glance and proceeded to peel off his setlist with the greatest care in the world. I immediately thanked him profusely (and loudly) and some guy waiting with me had the audacity to say Ryan wasn't going to give it to us. I got super defensive and told him that yes, he was, what do you think he's doing? Ryan gave me a fond lil lopsided smile, got up and went on to peel off (just as carefully) all of the remaining setlists. I just... Lost it, half yelled β€œAWW YOU'RE SUCH A SWEETHEART, YOU'RE THE BEST”, thus successfully embarrassing the both of us. He sent me a look that said β€œdo you have to be so loud?” (tbf I didn't). He gathered the setlists in a pile and handed them to the staff so we could have them. I've never received one in such good condition, they always get at least a tad torn and/or crumpled. But look at that! πŸ₯Ή
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I love him so much, protect him at all costs. ❀️
Even though I remember everything vividly, I'm still having trouble realising everything I've told you here actually happened. I'm a lucky bastard.
I'm in love with this band. 🧑
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[Click on 'read more' for bonus vids & pics]
Murkage Dave keeping it real (World I Want to Live In)
He's got a sense of humour too (Gotta Go DJ)
Folly Group setting the tone (Awake and Hungry)
[CW eyestrain: flashing lights]
James making the most of the last gig (Pour Another)
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Daisy & Lauren πŸ«±πŸ»β€πŸ«²πŸ½ (Pour Another)
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James decided to sing the 'clean' version of Land of the Blind, and I decided to ruin it
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Yard Act tricking the crowd (We Make Hits)
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Losing my entire mind over them (Dream Job)
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I can't post the video itself bc my obnoxious cheering pollutes the audio, so have a gif instead (Dream Job)
[CW eyestrain: flashing lights]
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The four words James sang with me (A Vineyard for the North)
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A very blurry James singing with me (100% Endurance)
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Better yet, the video
[CW eyestrain: flashing lights]
Ryan staring at me disapprovingly while I'm filming him (The Trench Coat Museum)
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He looks absolutely done with me but don't let that fool you, he's a very endearing man 🧑
Bonus anecdote:
The woman who was next to me at the barrier (I'd say she was in her 50s) accosted me after the gig was over and told me she had fun watching James sing with me πŸ₯Ή
Post-concert sap for everyone involved 🧑
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