#isn't this supposed to be your job... ummmm.
daz4i · 1 year
blegh. it's been a few years but i'm still so mad at my old therapist for screwing me over this much in the long run
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
[Translation] Spider / IT/If You're Caught, It's Over
Niki: Alright. That's just about it~. We did a pretty good job, don't you think?
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Kohaku: Niki-han, you were able to help me get the right shape, thanks a bunch.
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Kohaku: Ah, Niki-han. I was too caught up in cooking that I didn't even realize it was getting late. Shouldn't we be heading over to the ES building soon? Today's our costume fitting isn't it?
Niki: Aah, that's right. Shall we get going?
Kohaku: Yeah. I go leave these cookies in my room real quick. I'll be back in a sec.
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Rinne: Hee~eeeyy. Seeing Niki and Kohaku-chan together is so rare!
Niki: We got here together since we met up in the dorms together.
Kohaku: Hm? Is Anzu-han not here yet?
HiMERU: She was here just a bit ago, but went to go pick up the costumes. She'll surely return soon.
Kohaku: Fuu~n, I got it. Then, I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see.
HiMERU: Nn? Ah, it appears that Anzu-san has returned.
Rinne: Whaddya think, Anzu-chan? Did our costumes turn out nice? Mm, that's good to hear. "ES Halloween" this year is said to be really spooky. Of course, that would include costumes too wouldn't it? Right, riiiiight? I'm getting more and more excited for it~
Kohaku: (Augh....it's finally time. I'm gonna have to face these costumes now....It looks like they really gave it a lot of effort. I wonder how detailed they're gonna be. There's no telling if it's some sly spirit of mountains or rivers, or some kind of vengeful spirit. Or it could even be some zombie with it's skin rotting till it peels. I really, really hope it's not like that.....)
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Kohaku: (God, Buddha. I'm begging......!)
Rinne: Oh? Is that for me? Thannnnks!
Niki: Thank you, Anzu-nee-san*! --Nn? Hmm?
HiMERU: This is HiMERU's part? Thank you very much. Oya? ....This is...
Kohaku: (It'll be okay. Up until now I've done everything I could to prepare for Halloween. I've heard 100 horror stories, watched horror movies, and went to haunted areas at the ES building. Surely I've become immune after all of this training. There's no way it can be as bad as that!)
Kohaku: ! So this is my costume huh....thanks. --I wonder what kind of detailed evil spirit of rivers and mountains it's gonna be.
Kohaku: ....Wha?!
Kohaku: ....This. Could this be a spider motif? Ummmm...Anzu-han? I just wanna make sure, this spider theme is "Crazy:B"s costume? So the costumes aren't supposed to replicate sly spirits of mountains or rivers, any kind of vengeful spirit, or zombies from horror movies.....?
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Kohaku: Eh? What's so funny? Idol's costumes aren't supposed to be like that? Ahh, I guess so. It makes sense when you think about it. Doesn't matter how realistic and spooky Halloween is, there is still going to be lives held, so why would they put on makeup that would make it tough to tell if they're even idols at all? Oh jeez. I suddenly feel lightheaded....I was thinking it was gonna be some kind of scary ghost. I really had no clue what kind of costume I was gonna wear.
Rinne: What a relief, Kohaku-chan! Now you can focus on "ES Halloween" without any worries!
Kohaku: ....Nn? Wait just a minute. Anzu-han, what did you say just now? Could you say it again? Hmmm? The "units" participating in "ES Halloween" were told what motifs they were going to have beforehand, you say? ....That so. I was never told anything about that.
Rinne: U--uh oh...
Niki: Ah. Rinne-kun must've been...
HiMERU: --Making fun of Oukawa since the beginning, hasn't he?
Rinne: Wh-what are you saying? I dunno what you're talking about.
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Kohaku: .....Rinne-han (smacks his fists**)
Kohaku: I'll at least thank you beforehand for helping me get over my weakness.
Rinne: ....Uhhh, Kohaku-chan? Why are you smacking your fists together like that?
Kohaku: Prepare yourself!
Rinne: Shiiiit! Kohaku-chan looks serious about this! Run for it!
Kohaku: Get back here, bastard! I won't let you get away with this!
HiMERU: Ah! Amagi, Oukawa! We haven't finished the costume fitting here yet! Come back!
Niki: Annnnd they're gone~. Anzu-nee-san, sorry about that. Could me and HiMERU-kun get our costumes fitted first? Rinne-kun and Kohaku-chan will come back once they get bored or at least when Rinne-kun gets caught.
HiMERU: --Him getting caught is never going to happen. Maybe we should go after them?
Niki: They'll be back~. Aren't we as "Crazy:B" always like that?
HiMERU: .....Well, that's true. Let's leave them be until they get bored. Anzu-san, apologies for the inconvenience, but you can start with HiMERU and Shiina first.
(*): For ppl who didn't know: this is how Niki usually refers to Anzu. It's usually "Nee-san"/"Anzu-nee-san", meant to be referring to her as like a sister.
(**): Look at the gif below Kohaku is doing that movement (sorry that I chose Mario of all things but it was the best visual i could find)
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As a note, I think the "IT" in the chapter title is referring to a game of tag, and how the person who's doing the chasing is "it"! So in this chapter, Kohaku running after Rinne is "it" and if Rinne gets caught...well the rest of the chapter title explains that perfectly ^^
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icehot13 · 2 years
Ummmm,,,,I loved the new chapter. First of all, Wade and Steven having two months full of dinner dates and being happy together and doing (wholesome) hand stuff is great. And I was smiling while reading the beginning, also on the edge of my side waiting for some drama because with these two (and you writing) there is bound to be some. (And I keep sticking around for the angst you write so what does that say about me)
I was excited for Wade and Steven to have a night together but I was also wondering when or if Marc would make an appearance. Andddd...of course he did.
And on one hand, yay? for Wade getting a nice hand-job and on the other, fucking ouch with the "Don't come back.'
I was ready to cry with Wade. Of course, he would go to hang with Spidey and sulk post-break-up. Spidey being mad at the late night visit until he realized Wade was crying then he was just trying to comfort his friend as best as he could. I do love spideypool (both platonically and romantically, either way is great! I really love them so far in your fic!)
And last but not least, the return to the museum to see Steven. Nervous Wade rambling, desperately wanting to save their relationship and the boxes at the end with if you have to beg, and not the fun kind of begging which under different circumstances might have made me laugh but now just made me sad. I am with Wade, don't like when they say stuff that hurts.
Anyway, 👉👈 I am completely, absolutely, in love with this fic. And can't wait to see what happens next!
!!!!!!!! i love that you love this!!!!!! i hope you're ready for Even More Drama because this was supposed to be like 2 chapters long and instead it's got a little bit of PLOT now
(i ALSO love spideypool and of course i'm here for the drama so i looove unrequited spideypool where wade loooooves him but peter just like isn't super into it. just know that wade's ex-boyfriend-scrapbook only started because peter wasn't into him and his heart was BROKEN but he's bravely trying to find love again)
you're the best and ily and i'd also say you're quite a bit responsible for this now being EVEN LONGER AND SADDER so marc being sad is on you, now.
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pourcap · 2 years
thoughts: pg chapter 2
(...) it was obvious that the Regent had chosen the worst standard of men he could find to send out with his nephew. starting this chapter by once again discovering the regent is an asshole, i see
Laurent’s pretty face wasn’t doing him any favours. (...) even Damen, who had frankly no objection to men slandering Laurent, was finding himself annoyed. was auguste as attractive as laurent? or did he simply not have to deal with comments like this because he was more of a natural leader and didn't have the regent manipulating most of the veretian court? anyway, it must be annoying for laurent.
A strong Laurent meant a weakened Regent, and if Vere was distracted by a familial squabble over the succession, that only benefitted Akielos. Let Laurent and his uncle duke it out. ohhh damen can be pretty calculated himself <3
Damen had found his gaze drawn to the easy arrangement of Laurent’s limbs, the balance of wrist on knee, the long, finely articulated bones. (...) the snake could relax, you could not. i love how damen is both attracted to laurent and wary of him
Laurent watched all of this, but did nothing about it. that seems... out of character? he's planning something, isn't he? at least i hope he is because i genuinely hate govart. so. much.
Damen sighed, turned and went to find Jord. damen is sooo fed up with literally everyone there hhh
'(...) And what will you be doing while Jord stops that fight?' 'Getting massaged,' said Damen, succinctly. i love him and his snark sm :')
'Well? Attend me,’ said Laurent. ‘Attend,’ said Damen. ummmm
okay good job not getting turned on, damen... (/s -- i know it wasn't a coincidence that we got all of these details about how soft laurent's hair is or how white his skin or how tense the muscles beneath the warm skin of his back !!!!)
'You any good?’ ‘Yes,’ said Damen. i know i say it all the time but i really love when damen gets cocky
'(...) You’re only here to fuck the Prince?' shut up orlant??? i liked you???
Damen supposed he should feel flattered that Laurent had set his best swordsmen to guard him in the palace. so did damen's physique give his fighting capabilities away or did laurent know even when damen first came to vere that he was a good soldier/fighter? i can't remember
i don't actually dislike orlant (but, like, why the real sword?? that was so uncalled for. is he the one sent by the regent to cause problems??) but he deserved losing against damen
oh laurent was watching !!!
Damen passed his own sword off and went to him. why do i find that hot...?
Laurent didn’t answer, and Damen couldn’t interpret his expression. ?? is he....... impressed? attracted to damen? scared? i have no clue
Damen couldn’t help his amused breath of reaction to that, or the long, scrolling look from Laurent’s head to his toes and back again, which was probably a little insulting. But really. what the fuck??? aaah and damen thinks laurent is a bitch??? lmao he's so &%§"&
why did that make me blush a little, though??
i hate how really attractive people can get away with being arrogant dicks sometimes
Laurent flushed. The colour hit his cheeks hard, and a muscle tightened in his jaw as whatever he felt was forcibly repressed. It was not like any reaction that Damen had ever seen from him before, and he couldn’t resist pushing it a little further. i am so confused. are they flirting?
'(...) you shouldn’t take that stuff before a fight. Slows your reflexes. Saps your strength. Just some friendly advice.’ ‘Thank you,’ said Damen, after a long, drawn out moment had passed. oh my god. i have an exact idea of what damen's face looked like in that moment.
aimeric is every bit the troublemaker damen thought he'd be, huh
'(...) I think you should have Aimeric turned off.’ ‘What?’ said Laurent. yessss i love this i love damen and laurent working together and damen being smart and laurent being surprised by how astute he really is
(...) ‘And which one of the border castles does his father hold?' aaah damen is starting to get laurent's scheming !!
man, damen really thinks like someone who's fought a lot, with a lot of men, even though he's only, like, in his early twenties. i know it's normal back in the day but still, he must've been under a lot of pressure and had a lot of responsibility for someone so young :/
oh, okay, so laurent definitely knows how people talk about him
'Why do you give me good advice?’ asked Laurent. i love this!! they're really talking to each other!!
aaah that was such a good chapter
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