#in short they're really important to diversifying the debate space
opal-apples · 2 years
anyone remember my speech and debate au well I do and I'm judging a tournament this weekend so I've got a lot thoughts under the cut. apologies for the jargon
ok jargon definitions in the tags
WWX: does policy because he's a brat (affectionate). loves it when people try to spread because he knows he can spread faster. if he does a speech event, he does impromptu & extemp because again he is Annoying (loving) (also i do extemp and impromptu bc i'm annoying too so. don't come at me.)
JGY: does policy because he's a realist. loves mind games. runs accessibility arguments because 1. they make him look good and 2. he hates people on big teams who think they're better because they have more resources than him. he does speech because he likes manipulation public speaking. i'm thinking persuade / info. he does extemp (see mind games) but not impromptu, he thinks he's better than the event (he is). i could see him thinking about running an protect sexworkers interp (DI?) but eventually decides against it
i think a wwx jgy policy team would be unbeatable bc wwx would give the most terrible bs case in the world and then jgy would make you feel stupid for thinking it's bs when it so clearly is. that's my hot take. also they both take everything personally but hide it well.
XXC: speech boy. IF he did debate he would do like LD but i don't see it for him. Does a lot of poetry and interps. The topics are all basic but he's such a good performer it doesn't matter. Doesn't think he's any better than anyone else (he is) and doesn't understand everyone in the circuit is a little bit in love with him.
SL: speech boy. would do debate but his want to hangout with xxc outweighs his interest in debate. does platforms because he has A Lot To Say. Crit because it's fun but also because it's pretentious. Thinks he's better than you (he's not)
Mianmian is a debate girl and i'm in love with her. queen of LD. good at running identity cases because debate is super sexist. she would be so reasonable and logical and friendly outside of round ok i'm done.
Yanli reads really beautiful poetry and interps. loses her chill later in her speech career and runs stuff on chronic illness and inaccessibility in speech due to it's stressful and demanding nature. (or at least i like to think she does)
XY: debate boy. would run purposefully annoying cases to twist his opponents' words. runs like 3 cases at a time so he can focus on the one the opponent didn't get to.
LXC is a speech boy and i love him a lot. does both interps and platforms. again the topics tend towards basic but he's just such a good speaker it doesn't really matter. one season he runs like an interp about absent fathers and everybody cries. doesn't do debate
if WN was on the team i think he would read like freaky dark interps. like they're good and he's very polite and positive outside of round but homeboy is REPRESSING A LOT
if JC and/or NMJ is on the team (which idk it's probably too theoretical/theatrical for them), they both take everything personally and do NOT hide it well. after like 10pm, NMJ cries whether he wins or loses (me too king). i don't see JC sticking around for very long except for his canonical pressure to compete with WWX in EVERYTHING
LWJ is not on the team (good for him!! wish that were me). he is however at almost every meet, first for LXC and later for WWX. likes to go over debate rounds with WWX if he finds them interesting.
WQ is not on the team she has better things to do
JZX is not on the team either god bless this boy. brings yanli coffee and doesn't know what's going on <3 (again. wish this was me)
anyway. thank you for coming to my tedtalk and i'm sorry for everything about this.
#right.#spreading: contraction of Speed Reading used to dump as much information into a speech as possible#policy: debate type that focuses on real world impacts. uses a plan. very fast and can spiral to purely theoretical arguments quickly#impromptu: speech type that gives the speaker 3 prompts. they have 7 minutes to plan and give a speech on the fly. usually funny#extemp: speech type that asks 3 current event questions. speaker has 30min to prep and 7 minutes to speak#persuade: speech type where there is a call to action from the audience to fix a problem#info: speech type that presents information on a relevant topic. no call to action#interps: speech events where the speaker takes a piece of published lit and performs it with an argument.#DI: dramatic interpretation. focuses on character development of an interpretive piece. usually sad#LD: lincoln douglas debate. can be very fast or not. supposed to focus on ethics and what is doesn't always :/#platforms: speeches that are written by the speaker. info and persuade fall here as well as crit#crit: has lots of names but rhetorical criticism is a critique of a piece of public rhetoric. like Is This Celeb Apology A Good Apology?#identity cases: debate cases that include the identity of the debater. im not an expert in them so don't want to speak too much for them#in short they're really important to diversifying the debate space#this is Niche Indulgent AUs Hour#brought to you by me a speech and debate kid#mdzs#jo talks#sorry again for everything about this#hmu if u have questions i guess#speech & debate au
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