#im iffy about where to end sunday's chapter
written-rebellion · 6 years
Perfect Distractions
A/N: @ all the people who were worried Jamie would be all aimless and depressed on campus, y'all know what’s up LOL
Jamie is feeling the weight of it all, Claire hasn’t called in weeks, and as always, all the facts of this fanfic are contrived specifically to make fluffy university/modern-day au scenarios. Please let me know what you think!
Part One: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] | Part Two: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Three: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Four: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Five: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Six: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Seven: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Eight: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Nine: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Ten: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Eleven: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] |
Part Twelve: Message Received | Chapter 1
Slim fingers were skimming down his bare arm as tuneless humming pulled him slowly out of sleep.
He was answered by tiny butterfly kisses brushing against his nape and between his shoulder blades. He shivered pleasantly, turning to meet his favourite shade of whisky.
“Hi,” she said softly, nudging his nose with hers.
“Mo chridhe,” he whispered, cupping her cheek before pulling her lips to his.
He couldn’t place the feeling – not that he ever could with any great certainty – but something desperate inside had him pressing his fingers into her skin, lips recklessly insisting against hers.
“What's the matter, love?” She was giggling. “Have any big plans today?”
“Hmm?” He pulled away to look at her, finally taking in the space around them.
“This isn’t yer room…”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“No, of course not.”
“This is—”
And just as the familiar scent of Lallybroch wafted past him, he woke up.
In his dorm room.
“Go to class,” John ordered from somewhere nearby.
Well, nearly alone.
“Aye, ye dinna need to keep remindin’ me,” Jamie groaned, pushing his face into the pillow.
“Yes I do,” John called as he shut the door behind him.
Jamie stayed pressed into his bed a moment longer, trying to draw Dream-Claire back to him. But like John, she was gone for the day.
He reached for his phone on the nightstand, arm heavy and reluctant from sleep. 
 >          Morning,
 >          Or, good night in yer case.
He waited for the small notification telling him the messages were delivered, but – like the last 20 or so he'd sent in the past few weeks – it never came.
She was in the thick of it now, he knew. She and Joe had spent a few days in Manila to acclimate themselves before driving to rural areas in a province called Cavite. Wherever they were, cell service was sparse or she was busy, but likely both. She’d spend most of the 6 weeks there and Jamie was feeling the weight of it all.
He hadn’t heard her voice or seen her face, save in pictures, for weeks.
But that didn’t stop him from texting her, a far cry from his attempt at not seeming too eager early in their courtship. Those blank little circles mocked him, telling him no – no matter how much he wished – she  hadn’t seen any of his messages.
He knew her well enough to expect more exasperation than apology when all 28 messages finally reached her. She’d roll her eyes at him, tease him about the sheer neediness of it all, and he was certain some sort of dog metaphor would be used.
But it didn’t matter what she said.
He just needed to see her.
By evening time, 28 had turned to 31. But only because the diner they had their first date in finally updated their beer selection and Jamie was sure she would want to know that.
“James Fraser, ye truly are a mess.” He sighed, running a tired hand down his face as he walked back to the dorms.
His ringtone barely made it through two notes before it was squashed against his ear.
“Ah, so she hasn’t called then,” Jenny’s pointed voice said through the phone.
“Nay,” Jamie said, matching her tone.
“And neither have you, brother.”
“Ye haven’t called in weeks either.”
“Well, ye can imagine I’d rather keep this line open, ye ken?”
“Ye’re actin’ like a child, Jamie.” Never a spoonful of sugar type of person, his sister. “What would Claire say if she saw ye moping about like ye are.”
“Ye dinna ken I’m moping about!”
“Oh aye, I do. Ye like to think ye can hide whatever ye’re feeling but I’m no’ Claire. I can hear yer heart in yer voice alone.”
He made a grunting noise and Jenny sighed.
“This is her job aye? This is what she’s wanted to do since before she met ye.”
“I know! I just mi—"
“Miss her, I ken. But ye love her, no?”
Jamie blinked.
“O-of course.”
“And ye plan on spending yer life wi’ her?”
His face burned. Always trust a Fraser not to pull punches.
“Then what’s a few weeks ye wee fool?! The world kens she’s just as mad about ye as ye are for her. She’ll come back to ye so just suck it up and wait.”
He was silent long enough for any other person to think he’d hung up, but not Jenny.
Then he chuckled.
“Ye’re quite enjoying my plight, aren’t ye?”
“I dinna ken what ye mean, dear brother.” Her voice was laced with a smile.
“Verra well, Jenny,” he said. “But if I can wait on Claire to call, surely ye can wait on mine, no?”
“No,” she said before hanging up.
Jamie shook his head and – though he thought against it – opened up his and Claire’s message history.
 >          I expect ye’ll be overwhelmed by the messages when ye get them. Apologies, lass. But, if ye read any at all, I hope it's this one. I love ye, and I’m proud of ye. I miss ye, aye, but I’ll be waiting right here for ye when ye return.
He nodded, resolved, and was about to slide his phone into his pocket when—
One by one, the checkmarks in the corner of his messages lit up and turned blue.
She was reading them.
Then, below what had essentially been his diary for the past few weeks, three tiny dots bubbled up.
He held his breath, waiting – as he had been for weeks – on her reply.
Read Chapter 2
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