#im deliriously typing this while listening to false's stream
riacte · 9 months
speaking of duo names it's like. the "-duo" is usually for /p while the mashup of names is usually for /r bc non mcyt fandom usually mashes up names for /r. but the Thing is that oftentimes the mashup name is used for /p in canon (not looking at you #SHIPrendoc). like grumbot and all that.
but since mcyt shipping etiquette is that you tag all your stuff (and hide them from main tags although that's less enforced now), it makes sorta sense for the ship name to NOT involve cc names so 1) distanced from the cc branding itself 2) leaves space for ccs to use their mashup name for platonic duo stuff 3) easier to avoid / blacklist if the ship name is niche.
however the usual instinct is to use the mashup name for shipping and make up some duo name for the platonic side of things. like scarian vs desert duo. this is occasionally subverted: enter treebark! but for treebark's case it's because they have an established platonic duo name, renchanting (which also happens to include "ren")
i mean we can make cool ass duo names but unless they make it themselves (eg. convex), we usually have to tell the ccs that this is their duo name now (vs them mashing up their names bc that's the quickest option like ren randomly putting pearldog as the name for his prox chat vc with pearl). but if we make a cool ass ship name (like treebark) we can hide until they find it themselves. imagine a wack parallel universe in which scarian is the duo name and cactusring is their secret ship name or sth.
concluding this rambly post by saying treebark is the best ship name to ever ship name. and imagine if we flipped the system around so mashups mean duo names and cool secret codewords mean ship names (harder for ccs / ppl who don't like shipping / etc to find). probably improbable due to the very established opinion of mashup names as ship names. but i would take platonic mashup of names over -duo lmfao
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