#im actually crying the prose in this is phenomenal
dumauricr · 4 years
i think your bedelia is so lovely and the passion you have for her character,,, chef kiss hands. the actual show or at the very least season 3 of it did her so dirty so as far as i'm concerned she belongs to you now and is so much better off for it!! your grasp on her character is phenomenal and both your prose and dialogue are excellent. you're a blessing to have on my dash and i love all the interactions we've had :)
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out . excuse me while i go tweet fuller && inform him that bedelia is now mine && he needs to keep his grubby hands off of her . it’s fine , im not crying it’s okay .
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claraxbarton · 7 years
Books! 28, 37 and 38!
28, 37, 3828. First book that comes to mind, tell us about it. Rant.Okay, third time for this question... Tools of the Trade by Jeff Taylor.This was actually a gift given to me by a high school boyfriend, which I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN until I was unpacking and opened the cover and saw the inscription. I mean, holy shit. I haven't thought about this guy in decades. I don't even remember his last name???? I just remember that he was tall and smelled nice and wasn't great at kissing but I probably wasn't either.ANYWAY. Tools of the Trade. It's a PHENOMENAL book. If any of you are carpenters or have carpenters in your lives I CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS BOOK ENOUGH. I laugh and cry every single time I read it. I think it's long out of print now, but it is SUCH A GOOD FUCKING BOOK. The author discusses his journey as a carpenter, each chapter ostensibly about a tool (hammer, awl, chisel, etc.) but really about life and his experiences and THIS BOOK IS SO FUCKING GOOD I THOUGHT I HAD LOST IT AND HERE IT IS AND HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET ANY UNPACKING DONE IF IM JUST GOING TO SIT HERE AND READ ALL DAY?????37. Is there a book I think everyone should read?Ahem. Is there A book? That's tough, lol.But yes, I do. Not because this is THE BOOK THAT EXPLAINS ALL OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE but because this is THE book that explains all of CLARA experience and I think that reading this book kind of... unlocks a lot of why I am the way I am and who I am and all the etceteras in the world.F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. And yes, it causes me actual physical pain to type his name because 1, fuck that guy; 2, we will never know just how much of ANY of his works were Zelda's; 3, seriously fuck that guy.Reading Gatsby as a junior in high school - with the same amazing Ms. Henry who introduced me to The Jungle - literally opened my eyes to the world. I had never read a book with a narrator who I disliked as much as I disliked Nick, or who was SO FUCKING similar to me it made me nauseated. The prose in this book is phenomenal, and I encourage people to read it just for the WORDS. Because there is some fine word smithing here. I adore and loathe these characters so so much. I adore and loathe the story. I also adore and loathe every single adaptation I've seen. This was also my first experience, thanks again to Ms. Henry, with reading a book start to finish with literary criticism in mind. Not only that, but before we even picked up the book Ms. Henry told all of us that Nick was gay. And later on, in class discussions, she wanted us to discuss the presence of homosexuality in the book and literature in general and whether or not WE thought he was gay BUT I had NEVER approached a text thinking that the narrator could be gay! Like... this was a town in the south and this was a high school full of rich white southern Christian types and it was... the most liberating feeling ever? To read this book and experience Nick that way and to think of MYSELF as I read it too and there are just SO many thoughts and feelings and experiences in my life that hinge upon my reading this book when I did and my recollections of that book and the class.38. Favorite Genre?Despite the fact that not a SINGLE book I've talked about is in this genre, my favorite genre is history, followed by historical fiction. I CONSUME history books, I love them to death, and when I find a period that I love, I start reading historical fiction set in that period just for the chance of glimpsing some of the historical figures and places and events that I love. Yeah, yeah I realize that looking over that in conjunction with loving The Great Gatsby says a lot. I TOLD you it did.
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