#if you can't appreciate the necessity of photographer model relationships
discluded · 1 year
mile and apo are great at modeling, and I’m sure bible is great at… physics?
lkdfjal;sfdk;jlaf anon I s2g I'm not a Bible anti. I genuinely think he looks good for the most part. It's just where his lack of experience really shows in comparison to two people who have both been professional models for a decade plus. It's not any more of a personal criticism of Bible than me pointing out that Apo is a significantly better photographer than Mile.
Pond's photography is... interesting. Let's put it that way. I'm not sure what's going on with his choice of perspective (as in I don't think he made them). If you saw me continuing to comment on it yesterday, this is what I mean (from these shots of MA photoshopped side by side). It's particularly exposed here because the only thing in the background is the sea/sky line. I just feel...slightly dizzy looking at the photos.
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I wouldn't say Pond is a bad photographer, but to me he is mostly just someone who has a fancy camera. Take a look at Apo's shots of Mile in Phuket as a counterpoint.
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There is one that is dutch angle but you can tell that is purposeful especially the point at which the sand, sea, and sky meet is a V (specifically >). Mile is also pretty much vertical to the edge of the photo. So you can tell this was taken with intent and actually requires quite a bit of skill in the execution.
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Actually, I think this is really something that exposes the photographer-subject relationship even more 🥴🥴🥴 BOC's usual photographer May didn't come with obviously and I think it really shows in Bible's photos especially because she's his girlfriend lol.
She's good at picking out his best angles, and her photos always highlight the intimacy between them, which is probably why Bible often exudes an exceptional sensuality in BOC promo photos. As opposed to these RSFF photos where he looks good, but you can tell he doesn't have the same level of comfort with Pond as he does with his girlfriend (understandably).
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(yes, she obviously took this. who else is standing 5 ft behind Bible taking a photo of him shirtless in his bathroom shaving. the most obvious understanding of photog-subject relationship here)
MileApo are able to bridge that gap in the relationship with the Pond-as-photographer because they've professionally worked with many photogs/directors so you just have to know your best angles to get the best shots. In that it's also their job to!
Sorry you got exposed so hard, Bible 🤣 But MileApo's charisma as models truly is something huh.
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discluded · 2 years
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#Apovision and the Photographer’s Treatise – aka A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words 
An oft-repeated axiom about photography as an artform is that primarily, photography is about the relationship between the the photographer and the subject.
Emphasis on relationship.
Photographers have a relationship with that subject even when that subject is inanimate, like a scenery. For example, the height of the photographer affects the position and angle of the shot they take. A photographer who is taking pictures of a new city will have a different perspective about what is interesting to shoot vs. a photographer who is of that place and may choose to find inspiration from the mundane.
Models as photographers are an interesting breed. A good photographer has a success rate of approximately 10 percent of shots -- the job of a model, in a professional setting is to increase the odds the photographer’s success rate. It’s why I find it so fascinating to watched MileApo as experienced models working. The way they shift their expressions, angles of their faces, tilts of their head between shutter clicks. Modelling is not just about being attractive and showing up and being a blank slate, a clothes hanger. It’s about precision in control of one’s body and one’s facial features.
I could write a entire other treatise on why I think Mile was so good as Kinn when it was his first acting role, primarily due to having such precise control of his microexpressions. The delivery of the lines are important, but what convinces us about characters are the expressions they have as they say -- or don’t say -- these things. Kinn is so complex; one of the reasons Da*mi originally facecast Mile as Kinn is because they noticed from model photos he was able to convey both the arrogance and the softness and sweetness that the character required. Kinn is so intense; that level of intensity can fall flat. And Mile is not Kinn, but there is no part of Kinn that isn’t Mile. You cannot create something from nothing.
Before I get too distracted singing the praises of Mile as an actor and model, I want to bring it back to #apovision. Apo is also a phenomenal model, but I want to specifically talk about Apo-as-photographer and his relationship with Mile-as-subject. Models are not shy about being directed for photos, and Mile has been beautifully photographed by by hundreds of professional photographers in a professional context at this point. And the shots are beautiful.
Apo is also an experienced photographer. His shots are gorgeous and evocative. 
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In particular, he has a great sense of angle (perspective), composition, and lighting.
The human cornea is one of the most complex lenses in the world. Our ability to adapt to intense brightness and lightness, focus and zoom in on specific while not physically moving is incredible. This has a lot to do with shape of the human pupil, but it’s genuinely extrodinary.
So when photographers play with shadow and lighting, it’s with an understanding of the limitations of the camera lens in comparison to what human eye lens can capture, and making use of that limitation.
It’s easy to take beautiful pictures of beaches, of sunsets. It’s easy to take pictures of a man as beautiful as Mile Phakphum, who is also a model and is himself experienced in physically moving his body to take advantage of of lighting. The difference here is Apo and Mile’s personal relationship.
Apo is not shy about admitting how he finds Mile handsome. Many of us do. But what he’s sharing with the world is a version of how he sees Mile. (that he thinks Mile is “super sexy”. I mean. *coughs*)
Apo already has said they have a ton of “couple photos” they don’t share. That might not necessarily even be photos that Apo is in the same frame as Mile. The last photo Mile shared with us on Instagram? People knew it was Apo not just because of the framing, but also because how intensely he exists in the photo. Remember: A photo is primarily defined as the photographer’s relationship with the subject. And the subject’s relationship with the photographer. Specifically here: the comfort, the intimacy.
It’s a glimpse in How Apo sees Mile. How beautiful and evocative. A sliver in time in how Mile is when he’s with Apo, in their little world.
And it’s incredibly humbling we’re able to witness any part of that.
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