#if there's legal pro-bending tourneys there's gotta be underground cage matches
willsimpforazula · 2 years
WIP of steambabies being rebellious teens and getting in over their heads
Note: Miska & Risa are OCs; they're Sokka and Azula's twins. Risa is a firebender, Miska is a waterbender.
Locker room
Warehouse 8, West Port
Republic City
"I'm starting to think that you get a kick out of bossing me around." Miska sighed, as he bent the water back into the waterskin, glad to be done fixing up the myriad of cuts, scraps and sideburns that his sister picked up after a night of street bending tournaments. 
"Only took you twelve years."
"I swear by the spirits if half the boys knew what the real you looked like, they wouldn't be simping for you as hard as they are now."
"Don't forget who set you up with her. You owe me for that." 
"At least she doesn't volunteer you for underground bending cage matches."
"So boring." she tutted.
"I'd like to not spend the night in the police holding cell, thank you very much. Besides, even if the cops don't get us, dad would skin us alive, to say nothing of what mom would do." Miska countered, a shudder running down his spine as to the myriad possibilities that awaited them should they be caught.
"If they find out."
"You think they wouldn't know?"
"We'll be fine. Besides, I've got standards to maintain and you've got someone to support."
"You make it sound like she's like my wife or something."
"Wouldn't you want to put a ring on that finger?"
"Well….I mean, yes, but we're like sixteen so no?"
"But there's a plan right? Because if you don't and break her heart…."
"Umm yeah you're not breaking anything, not in the state you're in."
"I hate it when you're right." Risa mumbled, reluctantly conceding the small victory to her brother.
"Once again, the younger sibling provides a voice of reason and rationality as the Spirits intended." 
"Whatever makes you happy." 
"Was that metaphorical or an actual question? Because if it is, I'd be really happy if we got paid about right fucking now."
Before Risa could come up with an equally snarky retort, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and she immediately reached under the bleacher, where she stashed a throwing dart in case anyone wanted to even the score post match. 
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Su."
"Come in."
"You look tense." she commented, arms folded across her chest as she took in the scene.
"Did you bring it?"
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