#if only he knew she thinks he's a “scout - not an actual warrior” omg
eikonbound · 4 months
continued from here:
It's a running joke that most everyone in the Hideaway is busy doing something for Mid. Even Blackthorne, who ordinarily wouldn't be keen to do a project outside of his usual work, relents to Mid easily. It's not just because everyone loved Cid -- Mid, in all her genius and infectious enthusiasm, has a knack for rallying everyone together. It's a stroke of luck that there's someone around who has the desire and the knowledge to make a full fucking fledged ship.
Gav can't even fathom all the technical crap that goes into it, so he's content to leave the heavy thinking to Mid while he offers (albeit with some grumbling) to do the heavy lifting.
A trip to Kanver, though, is easy enough. But her offer to accompany Gav surprises him. "Come with me to Kanver? Y'know there's all sorts of beasts and baddies on the road, right?" Even if they dodge the akashic (which he feels reasonably sure he can manage), Mid would still be in danger unless she could defend herself.
Gav places his hands on his hips, his head tilting in skepticism. "D'ya actually know how to fight? I might be able to cover both of us for a while but if push comes to shove, we might be fucked," he cautions. "Wouldn't mind having some company, as long as I know we'll both come back in one piece."
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