#if i see another milgram challenge you'll probably see me doing them again! i like drawing milgram
rouwaa143 · 1 month
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thank you for sticking by the past april!
day 30 - free day
(ramble below)
HONESTLY i just did the challenge because i wanted to prove myself that i can draw milgram for a whole month and im glad people enjoyed my art!! however art might not be posted as frequently as everyday unless i take up another challenge (Which is unlikely, i'll save my energy for other months with the challenge)
i will be on artfight later this july! i will do a post when that time comes and it'll be mostly oc art (i like drawing for other people and for myself)
i dont have any active social medias aside from twitter (if you found me on there, hi!) i dont talk to people much because anxiety but i also want to socialize.... i hope i get to know the milgram tumblr mutuals and followers someday because im still surprised that i got a small following on here
i have a youtube channel that i upload sometimes! its for when i have energy to make videos then ill do stuff there
im not sure for the plans for this blog yet since its probably multifandom, just more milgram-focused because thats my fixation at the moment (help me)
i also like limbus company but i don't talk about it much in this blog (you can see my youtube channel that i make limbus content stuff on there) im mostly using it as a way to wait for milgram content to drop because we're in a drought right now
THIS GOT TOO LONG UHHHHHH im just some guy who roleplays and do art sometimes. i chose the last day as a drawing parody to mesmerizer (flashing lights/bright colors) because i like the idea of mikoto and fuuta dancing and mikoto is signaling for help
and knowing what already happened to fuuta. i was just like. yeah hes fucked up.
i also wanted to end the challenge with me drawing humans (i can draw them its just i dont do it often because im not too confident with them)
anyways thank you for listening in! if you read it this far, see you in other posts if i have the energy to make them!
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