#if he had been genuinely nice and lovable like rafa and andy then fans would've probably been more supportive
surreality51 · 1 year
You know you’re right about Roger and Rafa having a bond with each other they don’t have with everyone else but the mental image of Roger texting Novak every single one of his outfit choices just for the chance to annoy him has me cracking up…
lol that would just be Roger being an asshole and rubbing the fact that he's the most popular and beloved tennis player of all time in Novak's face.
Roger: what do u think of this outfit?
Roger: or this one?
Roger: it's so hard being invited to all these parties and shows and sitting in the front row w Anna cuz u need a different outfit for each
Roger: it's hard to fit that many outfits in my suitcase
Roger: plus ur face starts to hurt from all the smiling and posing when so many ppl want a pic
Roger: it's a real problem tbh. u know how it is, right?
Novak: fuck you roger
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