#idk why y'all over complicate the void 🤦‍♂️
olivianyx · 15 days
Is it actually possible to go into the void state and manifest a whole new life? Matter of fact wake up with it within just a couple of minutes?
What if I have dark blonde hair and I'm slightly over the normal amount of weight people my age should be and I go into the void state and affirm "I will wake up with Light blonde long straight hair" "I am __kg" will I wake up with it??
what if my family's poor and was not born into wealth and I just go into the void and affirm that they're both from noble families
what if I want to wake up in a completely different reality where people have superpowers and I go to school for heroes
Where I am completely different my family
My life the way I breathe
Is it possible to just wake with it magically?
For the questions, the answer is YES. It doesn't happen magically, you already had it. You're just experiencing in the 3d. Stop treating the void as some magic shit. It's our true self.
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