#idk why the text dividers aren't popping up
fizzingwizard · 4 months
Well, I bought ad-free Tumblr.
I did it because I realized what I would prefer, if I could have my way (aside from just no one needing to pay for anything at all ever hahahahaha), then we'd all pay to subscribe to tumblr and it just wouldn't be free. It'd be like $1.99 per month and all of us would pay it and have no ads and be happy and whee.
Now that's not my serious opinion. I know, for one, what happens when you stick things behind a paywall. Tumblr might not be a scientific journal or reputable news source (lol) but a paywall still divides, still excludes, and that's antithetical to the entire experience of the Internet. And then, there would still be all the other social media sites that have ads and don't make you pay out of pocket, which would sail on with everyone who can't afford or doesn't want to afford tumblr.
Everyone paying a nice, neat, cheap monthly fee or discount annual fee and getting along together is what would work best for me, but it's not realistic for everyone. But, since I'm willing to do it, I thought, why haven't I? And I'll tell you why: Because idk about the rest of you, but much of tumblr really doesn't work that well for me. I have issues with posting, especially with paragraph breaks and trying to move bits of text around. I don't like that posts I reblogged in the past are hidden forever behind "Flagged for mature content" warnings and it's like. A picture of a cat. Not to mention broken music links and videos (which I guess aren't tumblr's fault, just makes me sad). I don't like how pictures seem to always end up sized differently and you have to open it just the right way to see it how you want. Not to mention a bunch of features tumblr used to have that I loved have gone away or been massively de-emphasized: support for music players on blogs, for example. (Yes I still have one but it's a pain the neck.) Polls are nice but I miss that. I also miss convenient free themes - they're still there of course! But finding one that has everything I want (no endless scrolling, clear navigation, visible icon and description, music player, etc) is also a pain and I just end up reusing the same old one I've been using since I joined and recoloring it lol.
So I'd be happier about paying for tumblr if the experience were just a touch cleaner, faster. Oh, and not forgetting about PC users xP I know lots of people use their phone, I do too, it's convenient - but PC is just easier. Well, maybe for teens who can type on their phones at 50 mph it's no big deal. But I love love love my keyboard.
But anyway I paid it so I get a year without ads. Honestly I thought about it and $40 a year is what, ten cents a day? I really don't mind that. I wasn't really bothered by ads anymore since they've been scaled back, but now I can be bothered by them even less, so yay. OTOH, it looks like the subscription auto-renews, which I HATE. If so, I hope they send a warning email a few days before.
Oh and you know what else helped. I did a few youtube searches recently, and wanted to tear out my own hair over how frustrating it was. I just want a list of videos that relate to the subject of my search, not interspersed between "things I've seen before," "random shorts," "things that are similar," "things totally different that Youtube wants to show me anyway." And same thing on Google, Amazon, anywhere. I'm just so sick of it. So I'll fucking pay for fucking tumblr x'D Just work and not be annoying alright!!
I find it amusing that the moment I paid, I got a pop-up asking me to pay more to give ad-free to someone else. I might be more amenable when my pocketbook isn't smarting anymore 9_9
But this was funniest of all:
Tumblr media
OK, I can't imagine ever doing it, but I suppose there's someone out there who thinks highly enough of the stuff that gets blazed to decide they want to continue seeing it even after spending $40 x'D But who is paying the fee and choosing show all ads? Please, is there anyone? I want to see a cryptid for myself.
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boyfriendshua · 5 years
apparition | hong jisoo
genre: mystery? not angst or fluff I can tell you that
warning(s): none word count: 874 a/n: I literally don’t even know how to begin apologizing for how long I’ve been gone. I’m trying to get my shit together, and I’ll continue finishing my previous series when I get back in the hang of writing. I hope you enjoy this weird Josh drabble that I thought of a whole four seconds ago, let me know what you think. And thank you for being patient with me (or developing a strong hate cus I wouldn’t blame you).
“A new neighbor?”
Hong Jisoo had been in the middle of unpacking a box in his living room when these words reached his ears, eliciting a surprised gasp as he instantly stood up straight, various kitchen towels held in his hand. The voice belonged to a brunette man standing in the doorway of his apartment, though he could have sworn he shut the door after the movers left. “Oh, hello,” Joshua bowed, and the other returned it, but it was obvious he was more interested in looking around at the layout of his furniture. “...My name is Hong Jisoo. You can call me Joshua if you’d like.” Usually, people would ask about his other name. They’d ask if he was from America, and when he answered yes they’d ask him all sorts of things ranging from ‘what’s your favorite food?’ to ‘what are the women like?’. But not this man, presumably a neighbor. It made Joshua a little uneasy, in an odd way. “Did Mr. Choi tell you about this place?” the brunette asked him. Joshua really wished he would have introduced himself before asking obscure questions without context. “The landlord? Not really,” Joshua told him, fiddling with the cloth in his hands for a moment before speaking again. “But, when I asked him about why the pricing was so low, he got really dodgy… do you know why? I’ve been meaning to ask-” “My name is Yoon Jeonghan.” He was interrupted. He nodded slowly, waiting for the other to answer his question, or at least respond to any part of what he had said, but he didn’t. Rather, he uttered one small phrase that would haunt Joshua’s mind for weeks on end. “I hope you won’t disappear.” The dying sun cast a golden-orange glow on the side of Jeonghan’s face, illuminating smooth, porcelain skin, causing the brown of his eyes to dance into the color of a dying ember. He eventually looked back at Joshua, examining him for an eternally long second before he finally spoke. “I’ll see you around. Sleep well tonight.” Joshua couldn’t find the words to reply, watching with parted lips as the man left, shutting the door softly behind him. He could feel the words caught in his throat, his gut trying to push them out into the empty air before him, yet he remained silent. He didn’t say another word the rest of the night, a small chill of unease crawling up and down the skin of his back all throughout the evening, well into the night as he settled down for bed. Hong Jisoo stood up and made sure his window was locked before he finally got under the covers once more.
The door to his bedroom clicked open faintly, the small noise bringing Joshua from his slumber and into the waking world. A soft groan curled into his throat, but the sound was hardly loud enough to resonate into the chilly air of the room. However, upon feeling a body climbing onto the bed from the foot, clear words escaped his lips without a second thought. “You’re home.” And then his eyes were open, meeting those of the girl in the midst of crawling onto the mattress with him. They were only open halfway, as though he were about to fall asleep once more, yet he was completely aware of what was happening. The girl said nothing to him, simply moved to where she was placed over him, nothing but their clothes and Joshua’s thin blankets between them. Her knees were placed on either side of him, one beside his thigh, one higher up by his hip. One of her hands pressed gently into the sheets, just below the pillow his head lie upon. The other carefully cupped his cheek, staring into his eyes, such a blank expression, but there was something like fondness lingering as well. She didn’t speak to him, so Joshua did all the talking. “I missed you…” And then he was leaning up, closing his eyes as he let his lips press against hers. And he relished in the feeling of her kissing him, holding him delicately, like he was made of glass. He wanted to be wrapped up in her touches, wanted to sink into her warmth until nothing was left, until he couldn’t distinguish where he started and she began. And then the wind. He felt like he was falling, falling, crashing through a window placed beneath him, only he felt no impact. The sound of glass shattering was distant in his ears, like an echo of a faint memory. Silence. Joshua opened his eyes. He was in his bed. He was awake.
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