#idk what number we're at but i'll figure it out again when im sober
ashton-ryder · 2 months
//int. scouts headquarters apartment 407 - day. 15th dec @rioreeve
Ash dusted off his hands as he took a step back from their half baked space, map of Manhattan up on a wall while the rest of the once unoccupied apartment was moved around to have a central operations table instead. After Mr Wexley had spoke to the both them, coming together to kick things off was the next logical step. As requested, Ash and Zach had been given a large map, a space to work and plan, and a list of volunteers willing to go outside. "Still can't believe he had a map so ready on hand," he sighed at the new working space infront of him now and looked over to Zach, "think this'll work?"
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