#idk idk ily all i'll be back im just in a funk rn
shilohgreen · 4 months
hey y'all just an update: been struggling with my mental health. had some stuff going on. been spending most of my time in a weird mix of dissociation, escapism, and forcing my meat sac of a body to do what's good for it. i'm alright, and i'll get to a better spot, but rn i'm just permanently exhausted and chasing those instant dopamine hits :') ANYWAY—
that being said, please don't hesitate to reach out if y'all wanna chat with me. while i can't guarantee i'll reply back quickly, it is helpful and good for me to be brought back down to earth a little and remember that i'm a person. so if you're alright with potentially getting left on read for a while, i do miss y'all and hope to return soon. talk to me about will, talk to me about your muse, talk to me about what brought you joy today, whatever is on your mind <3
dm me or find me on disc.ord: teddygoats
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