#idk i can't get jiggy w them
donnydamakkk · 1 year
i feel like everyone has a ship they thought they would ship. or would otherwise love but hate or jus feel strongly indifferent too. i have a few, but i can't think of em rn. ima add em to the tags when i think of em
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utterlyinevitable · 2 years
omg omg okay okay so i FINALLY watched the finale and oh my GOD do i have thoughts.......
first of all that scene with anthony breaking down after he found kate was okay fucking BROKE me like i was genuinely crying too wtf??? and the fact that he hasn't cried since his father died??? that scene..... fuckin phenomenal
also HMMMMMM dont like theo that much anymore the way he's all like 'i knew you were all of them' like its giving very woe is me and my love deserves better.
ALSOO can i just say so far i do NOT ship pen & colin? like every chance he gets he absolutely says he's not interested in her and yeah..... idk how that story will go but so far not really into it.....
speaking of pen..... that pen & eloise scene YIKES!!! i completely understand eloise though i would be hella pissed too omfg really excited to see how their relationship will progress next season!!!
okay okay back to the most important thing--- kanthony!!!! when he called her KATHANI SHARMA i swear i died and went to heaven please theyre so cute???? and the way he's always smiling around her AHHHHH my heart-- also also i LOVE that they dont loose their competitive banter with one another post marriage cause i HATE when couples like that become all super mushy to one another all of a sudden like its so ooc
and lastly HSHSJJA i genuinely tried to buy the book today but currently broke so im saving up to buy it in the coming weeks hdjsks okay bye gonna go rewatch this season all over again! <333
Every single time edmund was even hinted at I was in tears. Poor baby anthony. I've been rewatching my favorite episodes this weekend and can i just say that johnny's facial expressions are my favorite?? so nuanced and even more expressive than his words. like the shrug when he says he loves her at the end of his speech and the way his face contorts in that scene where he's crying. and the DEFEAT when she rejects his proposal. the poor man can't catch a break.
I have a feeling Theo was just used as a driver for Eloise to get into politics and find out about Pen's secret. Honestly don't think we'll ever see or hear of him again. I am HOPING that El deserves more than sir phildumb crane. She deserves so much better than a man that treats her like a personal blow up doll and nanny.
Even in their book I did not ship Polin! They're just........... the blandest book of them all tbh. Friends to Lovers is my bread and butter and I was not feeling it. Still not feeling it tbh. Next season Colin best be groveling for his besties forgiveness for being a twat. I absolutely HATE in the book that colin doesn't see pen as anything other than a good friend to his sister and the family. he comes back from greece and she's 26 and lost some weight and he's like 😲 pen's a Woman! then tries to get jiggy with her in a carriage after finding out she's lady w. let us pray the show does them better 🙏
> ok so tumblr deleted all that i've written after this point so lets try again!!!!! <
as for pen and el... i'm already so emotional about season 3 and how frigid el is going to be. and omg.... how is el going to react when she finds out the bestie she isn't speaking with anymore is marrying her BROTHER??????
YES YES YES WHEN HE USED HER BRITH NAME !!!! the only time it was used all season and it was by him in this moment and he's the only one who knoes it and we didn't and it was GREAT. Brilliant. Fantastic. Magnificent. Excellent work, I approve.
I cannot stop thinking about the 'how many fingers' moment and the little mouth thing he does when he changes to 4 fingers. The playfulness between them owns my heart. and the foreshadowing of how many children they have!!!! three and then one surprise.
i love them. i love them i love them i love them.
wishing you a very full wallet 💰💰💰
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