#ianthe is the type of girl who tells you what she wants and doesn't want which is. so hot
gideonisms · 2 years
ianthe I am desperate please have a one night stand with me
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saint-of-grief · 7 months
TLT characters playing league of legends
I'm mushing two of my hyperfixations together, don't mind.
HARROW: she would be a tilted little adcarry main, who plays Vayne and Aphelios. She never misses the patch notes, knows how to build, ward, wave control and positioning. Gideon is her newest duo since Ortus doesn't play league anymore. Never types at the chat, only occasional three dots so the ally knows he fucked up. Her elo is platinum or emerald.
GIDEON: She's a noob. Plays support for Harrow and picks mostly what Harrow wants for the game, sometimes she's in the mood to troll and picks support Garen cause he has a cool sword. Doesn't take the game seriously AT ALL, types in the chat a lot, mostly lame jokes. Is Bronze.
PALAMEDES: midlane main, picks mostly Azir or Viktor, Qiyana if the team needs an AD. Patch notes nerd just like Harrow, but in a more modest way. Goes duo with Camilla and they look like pro players communicating. Used to type calls for the rest of the team, but was flamed to death and gave up. Is diamond.
CAMILLA: She's a jungler, and mains whatever is strong in the patch, assigned Palamedes duo, camps mid a lot. Overall is pretty selfless and prefers to get objectives and gold advantage than to elaborate plays. Never types in the chat. Is diamond.
CORONABETH: Midlane, Ahri main. Buys all the prettiest skins for the girl champions, doesn't take the games seriously, gets flamed a lot. She's like, two elos above she should be because of Ianthe, doesn't care. Types in the chat, makes friends with other league girlies. Is diamond.
IANTHE: She plays toplane Singed. There's not much I can say about her, but if you play league, you know what type of player she would be. Nasty and uncanny, even if it's in you team. Goes duo with Coronabeth, carries the shit out of her. Gets chat restrictions very often for describing saw traps in the chat. Is master.
NONA: Nona only plays aram. She's absolutely terrible with 90% of the champs and does not care. She's there for the pretty dolls that do funny things. Cam and Pal play aram with her and that's the only time Camilla types in the chat, to tell whoever flames Nona to kill themselves. Is unranked.
Maybe I'll add more later, maybe not. Feel free to correct me
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
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I posted 9,071 times in 2022
That's 1,181 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (2%)
8,907 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,231 of my posts in 2022
#tlt - 326 posts
#personal - 138 posts
#drug mention - 123 posts
#tumblrstake - 108 posts
#september 2022 - 105 posts
#drugs tw - 103 posts
#goncharov - 96 posts
#ldsconf - 91 posts
#general conference - 91 posts
#coronavirus - 86 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#(btw universe i am knocking on wood and i'm nawt trying to extort *extra* luck by reblogging this a second time okay love u 🤜🪵🤜🪵🤜🪵)
My Top Posts in 2022:
My Favorite TLT Fanart Things
festeringly hawt, not TOO pretty
pale sallow skin. maybe a liiiiittle touch of jaundice, who can say
blood blood blood
small titty committee, but goddamn does she work that cleavage 😳
flat, colorless sheet of long hair (type 1a. texture what texture) that appears vaguely damp at all times
looks like she barely sleeps more than harrow
VISIBLY sickly, washed out, and fucking unhinged
weird vintage-y clothes that she somehow manages to slay OR slinky Barbiecore party girl dress in an obnoxious and unflattering shade of lavender
tall and svelte like a silver screen actress
men's clothes because i pick and choose what's canon here <33
slightly annoying face. punchable woman.
purple is HER color even though it looks terrible on her
evil freak with fucked-up insane eyes
looks at everyone like she's gonna fuck and/or cannibalize them. just radiating the most horrifying sexual energy you've ever seen
cool gross mess of muscle and gristle connecting her bone arm to her shoulder
lean, kind of hollow face with high cheekbones (but still punchable-looking)
eyes either half-lidded and come-hither or just way way too scarily wide
possibly doesn't shower
ianthe can have piercings too. if she wants :)
Gideon | Harrow | Coronabeth
114 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason I could not remain in the Church.
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason I can't tell my parents that I've been dating a girl for eight months and I'm in love with her and I gave my virginity to her and the other night I dreamed that I proposed to her.
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason my father delights in saying the f-slur and making fun of his trans coworker, but god forbid the gays should marry, god forbid someone should reject the pronouns they were assigned from their very first breath.
Dallin H. fucking Oaks is the reason my parents and grandparents may never show up to my wedding, should I marry my girl, or meet my children, should I choose to have any.
And of course, it's not just Oaks, and if he weren't the emblem of homophobia in the Church, it would be someone else.
But I resent him so much.
I'm sorry—if nothing else, I believe in love. But I cannot love the man who so intensely embodies and perpetuates the pain I've endured for 21 years.
How dare he.
137 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My Favorite TLT Fanart Things
androgynously hawt, not TOO pretty
little curved fangs as gauges
lotssss of piercings
emo 14-year-old grunge blogger attire or ornate lacy goth princess attire, no in-between
insane bags under her eyes
NO bone tiddies on the rib corset (why)
mean scary little gremlin and/or pathetic wet scrunkly rat
at least vaguely pissed-looking at (almost) all times
black nail polish
flat af but not emaciated because :(
choker/collar thing made of vertically arranged bones (you know the one)
blood blood blood
doesn't look 25! she's only three years old!!
insane unhinged energy always
soft dark eyes. tender eyes. angry, powerful eyes. haunted eyes.
looks about as put-together as a goth freak on the wrong end of a bender
smeared face paint cuz she's fucked up
mean, pointy, vaguely sickly little ferret face with small angular features (ideal for conveying A. feral rage, B. tortured sorrow, or C. thinly veiled open exasperation)
hair juuust long enough to curl around her ears and get in her eyes, like an anime boy
neither butch nor femme but a secret third thing
*my special little guy 🖤
Gideon | Ianthe | Coronabeth
153 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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Mormons RECOVER from limp cabbage EMBARRASSMENT
156 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
22 ½ hours of Canadian Redditors attempting to draw their own flag on r/place:
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Please note that this is juxtaposed with intricate pixel art of the Eiffel Tower, featuring The Little Prince...
See the full post
16,897 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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emmafreakecreations · 2 years
ACOMAF- First reading
Feyre- I'm glad to see her continuing being a badass. Although that line in first few pages about her and Tamlin not talking about their trauma and saying if she and Tamlin were to talk about it then Amarantha would win. :| *sigh* No girl, you not talking about your trauma is letting Amarantha win and I was happy when Rhysand said as much to her. And I was invested in her thinking through what happened Under the Mountain and her relationship with Tamlin. She makes a very good points about their relationship. That in beginning she was happy because he was providing protection, safety, and time for her to paint; something that she wanted. But the events Under the Mountain changed both of them which tore them apart. Feyre wanted to help heal Prythian while Tamlin wanted her to be a rock that he could cling to who agrees with everything he says. (I'm not gonna shame Tamlin for wanting this bc this dynamic works for some ppl and they are fine with it, as long as both parties want that arrangement-which Feyre did not want) I also understand Feyre's frustration over Tamlin sitting on his butt and not doing much to help the situation, while Feyre literally died for him. But I don't understand her calling Rhysand a prick when he would tell her something and I thought like yeah ur right Rhysand. While reading how how Feyre and Rhysand were soulmates all along I honestly did not care, I'm not a soulmate type of person.
Tamlin- I have so many thoughts but I am struggling to put it into words. I don't think he is as terrible as everyone makes him out to be. He's just an idiot. He went through a lot of the same trauma from Amarantha and his family that Rhysand went through, but he didn't have the character and will to say "I'm not gonna be a dick, I'm going to use this pain for good." Rhysand and Tamlin went through a lot but the difference between them is their actions. I also think if Tamlin and Feyre actually talked about their trauma together maybe their relationship wouldn't have escalated the way it did. I can forgive some of the things he did but not him seeing how uncomfortable Feyre was in her wedding dress and forcing her to wear it and locking her away is unforgivable. I also don't understand the total 180 of his character too, like he was pretty respectful of boundaries in the first book. I guess Under the Mountain really broke him and his filters. I feel bad for him.
Ianthe- never trusted that bitch for a second. I didn't trust her when she made moon eyes at Lucien and he was not feeling it and she wouldn't leave him alone. Also I knew she wasn't a true friend when she forced Feyre to wear her wedding dress knowing she was uncomfortable. So I'm not surprised when she betrayed everyone.
Rhysand- I like you, your selfless and sacrificing despite your trauma but you claim to give ppl choices and yet you don't tell Feyre about plans that involve her. The mating bond I can understand it would be hard to break that kinda news to someone who is going through it, but some of the other things....sir why would you not tell her that. Also I'm tired Sarah J Maass really laying it on thick that he's a feminist. ok we get it Rhysand good, Tamlin bad, Illyrians and Nightmare Court savages. Also I feel like one of the reasons why he wanted to help Feyre make her mental shield stronger was bc he couldn't stand hearing Feyre and Tamlin doing it through the bond. I can just see Rhysand getting ready for bed being like *sigh* hopefully I get a good nights rest and my nightmares don't return. Rhysand is just about to fall asleep when through the bond he sees them and he's like dammit this is worse than my nightmares, doesn't matter if she's my mate or not I really don't wanna see this.
Cassian- you are a himbo and I love you. Maybe himbo isn't the right word... a respectful bro? The way you were introduced *chef's kiss* complaining about someone waking you up early with promise of breakfast and yet there is no breakfast I relate to.
Azriel- I mean i guess your cool but you don't talk much. Granted you are surround by ppl with strong personalities where it is hard to a get a word in much like my family so I understand. I also got you when taking a personality test. Which makes sense because I also sneak up on ppl and scare ppl.
Mor- you go girl. Wine mom/aunt energy
Amren- I am also a short person who scares ppl with a stare and will kick your ass if you piss me off so I feel we are kindred spirits.
Tarquin- if he asked me to marry him I would say yes. The beach isn't my vibe but his palace sounded cool and he seemed nice.
I liked the plot though sometimes I did lose track of it at times, might have been just because I was reading this when I wasn't busy with school or work. Sarah J Maas's writing started to irritate me more during this book because she would stuff so many words and thoughts in a sentence that I had to re-read multiple times to understand what it was trying to say. There was a paragraph that was one sentence. I also got irritated when she would write an adjective and then write and, another adjective then and then another adjective. There were also way too many info dumps about character's backgrounds. The writing is personal preference someone else might like it. I also got irritated with her hitting you over the head with how much women are oppressed in this universe. I also appreciate her writing in that women can also be s*xual a*sers and men can be victims of that.
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