#i've been rewatching Supergirl and Maggie and Alex's breakup is what inspired this post
goldenhand9107 · 1 month
so i've been thinking about long-term bucktommy stuff, and, im ride or die for this ship rn, i'm on this boat until it sinks. but i've been brainstorming about ways in which this series actually ends, more specifically how bucktommy ends.
i genuinely would be so down for them to be the endgame ship, even if it means we don't get to see Buck going on one-off dates with guys the same way he does with women (which i've kinda been plotbunnying abt in my head). but there's just no way to tell this far in advance, esp when we don't have the end of the show end in sight. so it's all just theories and speculation at this point.
but, i was wondering, yknow, if they do end with Buddie or even with Buck with someone else (or maybe he ends the show single! who knows!) I was thinking about ways which in which Tommy and Buck's relationship ends.
and i think the clearest answer is this: Tommy doesn't want kids.
we've know literally since the pilot that Buck has a soft spot for kids. for kids on calls, for his best friend's kid, hell, he's a donor dad. this has never been up for discussion and i think a lot of the fandom is in agreement that Buck should be a proper dad before the show ends. whatever that looks like, if it's just a step-up (pun intended) in co-parenting Chris or he has his own kid, via adoption or with a girl. anyway you look at it, by the end of the show, someone will need to have called Buck "dad". with how much they've built him up as loving kids, i'd be pretty upset if the show ends without that.
so, i'm wondering, like, if the plan isn't to have bucktommy endgame (again it's too soon to call one way or another, so this is just all hypothetical) then i think the clearest way to end their relationship as a late-series event would be that: Buck wants kids. Tommy doesn't.
it would definitely be a sucker punch, but i also think it would be interesting to explore how Buck handles this situation, where the relationship doesn't end because either person wants it too (Ali) or because his partners prioritized other things over Buck's feelings (Abby and Taylor) but because their outlook on life is simply different. it's a juxtaposition to all of his other relationships, and it would be an incredibly mature storyline to follow as Buck grapples with wanting to be with Tommy but knowing in his heart he couldn't live his life like that. it'd take a crazy amount of maturity on his end to go through this in a healthy manner, but i think a late-series Buck is developed enough to do that.
so, as much as it'd be heart-wrenching, if they don't go the bucktommy endgame for this show, this is a way in which i envision them ending their relationship. and don't get me wrong, i love the fics with Tommy being adorable with Jee or an OC adopted kid he has with Buck, and just overall loving kids as much as Buck, but we just don't know enough about his character yet to know properly if that is what his attitude is.
just some food for thought.
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