#i'm sorry if i messed some things up with my speculation i was very disjointed
tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Devilin' up the place is Revice Episode 39!
Not a whole lot to say other than I'm ready for some action!
Spoilers, I guess...
-"Don't you dare give up your lives or your freedom!"
-Damn, Tasuke's passion is palpable.
-"We're going to kill that fuckin' Skygina!"
-Well, at least the people of Japan seem alright under the care of Weekend. ARARAT seems awful roomy for a shelter.
-"Let's go people!"
-Oh that's good, Hiromicchi's helping a lot.
-"Akaishi's like... the most obvious bad guy ever, why the hell is Daiji still there?"
-Man... seeing Daiji's mental state devolve into this holier-than-thou mess has been an interesting experience... though not exactly one I wish to witness again. ...at least, not as just a viewer.
-Does he even want to protect humanity at this point, or just prove that he's right? With Kagerou around, he was a lot more focused in his fighting style, and even he was totally willing to work with Ikki with just some simple curry bribery.
A lot to think about.
-Kamen Rider Revice, the latest internet meme.
-"I almost died last episode! ...anyways, wanna go to a cool hot spring when Daiji comes home?"
-Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shit! Ikki's memories!
-What a
-...Ikki, honey, Giff murders people without even blinking, I don't think peaceful resolution is an option.
-"Heeeeeeeeeey, it's me, your Other Dad. Would you mind letting me borrow that body?"
-Both single.
-Ooooooookay, that's creepy.
-Masumi's got that old man cough.
-What's in the case, George?
-Oh, so Tasuke and Kimiko are Hikaru's parents?
-"Those Weekenders are nothing but dirty lying bastards! We must surrender to Make Humanity Great Again!"
-...y'know, delving into Hikaru's relationship with his creepy-ass parents would've been a really neat thing to do.
-Jesus Christ man, that's... well, I only assume you were married at some point, but what the hell!? He can't just ditch his mom like that!
-Ohhhhhhh, shit!
-Okay, I know that Kimiko and Hikaru aren't exactly the most developed characters, but Kimiko was part of the cast from basically the first episode, so it makes me kinda sad to see somebody who's been part of the show for so long in that kinda state. And Hikaru calling out to her in sadness and desperation too, it's weirdly moving.
-C'mon Daiji, get your shit together.
-Man, Hikaru's really going through it.
-I wonder... was Hikaru orphaned by the Deadmans/Fenix and thus treated Kimiko and Tasuke as his own family?
-Man... uh, hey, buddy? About all that stuff I said about your character feeling undercooked? I didn't mean that as an insult, I like you and want to see you grow with all your friends here. I'm sure that's how Sakura feels, and how Kimiko-san felt!
-Man... Tomoya Oku's good at crying.
-Oh hey, Hiromi!
-Ohhhhh, the Drivers are here!
-Don't rub it in, George!
-...well, at least you apologized.
-"Consider this my acknowledgement of your apology."
-Man... Akaishi's mockery is very well done, but like... ough, I wanna slug him in the face.
-Fuck, dude.
-I see Tamaki-kun's taking Kimiko's death pretty roughly too.
-Ohhhhhhh, fuck!
-He's leading the demons!?
-Ohhhhhhhhhhh, shit!
-Yep, Daiji's officially reached his breaking point.
-Ohhhhhhhhhh, fuck
-Oh no
-Fuck, man
-Man, I was so excited to see Holy Live for the first time.
-...its angel/crusader motif has taken really horrifying overtones now.
-"No fighting! >:("
-Aaaaaaand, there goes Hana-chan!
-Daiji is Justice and Justice Alone.
-Wow, Sakura's just really goin' at it.
-He may be fully devoted to Justice. ...but evidently, his sense of Hope, Patience, Temperance, and Prudence have taken a real hit with his emotional and mental breakdown.
-We're having a real family moment next episode. And I don't think my weary heart can take it. ...think I'm gonna watch those two Delicious Party episodes I missed later tonight. Y'know, give myself time to process and relax.
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