#i'm putting this on ao3 as well just gimme a sec lol
missmitchieg · 7 months
Hide & Seek
For: Matt Simmons Appreciation Week, Day 1 Theme: Family Content warnings: None this time around. A/N: I'm sorry this is a day late!
It was a rainy Saturday afternoon, a rare occasion of Matt and Kristy both having a day off at the same time, when Matt Simmons picked up his phone to film a TikTok.
He chuckled as he heard a gaggle of children scuffle around on the other side of the door, whispering to his phone. "Hello, TikTok. It is four PM, and I'm sitting under the bathroom sink playing Hide and Seek with my kids." He grinned handsomely, running a hand through his dark hair. "I've been hiding here for twenty minutes. They'll never find me."
Matt heard David's voice call from the hallway and smiled wide, his eyes squinting fondly.
"Come ooouuuut!" David called out, laughter in his voice.
He shook his head, knees pulled up to his chest.
"Daaaaaddyyyy! Weh ahhhh yoooouuu?"
Matt pouted as his youngest daughter called out to him, putting his free hand on his heart as her voice pulled on his heartstrings.
"My baby." He cooed, hearing his wife's sweet voice and footsteps coming toward the bathroom.
"Hey, did you check the backyard? I think daddy might be out there." Kristy smiled before sneaking into the bathroom and yanking open the cabinet under the sink. "Boo!" She giggled as Matt startled, looking up at her with a smile.
"Hi, my love." Matt leaned over to press a kiss to her lips, leaning into the gentle touch of Kristy's hand.
"Hi, handsome. You picked a good spot." Kristy gave him a crooked smile. "You've been sitting in here for twenty two minutes."
"I know. I heard you lie for me." Matt hummed, shifting to cross his legs. "Getting hungry in here."
"I'll get you a snack, baby. What do you want?"
"Cheez-its, please."
Kristy nodded and looked up when they heard the kids scramble back into the house.
"Well, he wasn't outside." David sounded disappointed. "Let's split up. Jake, go check the kitchen. Chloe, Lily, you guys go look in the bedrooms. Rosie, stay with me."
Kristy snorted, snickering into her hands.
"Well…" Matt blinked, his brown eyes flicking from his phone to his wife. "Isn't David organized." He joked with a shake of his head.
Kristy bit her lip to keep from laughing and kissed him again before standing and leaving the bathroom. "Make sure you get really good looks under the beds, girls!" She reminded them as she walked past the bedrooms and headed downstairs to the kitchen, pressing a kiss to Jake's head. She grabbed a bag of Cheez-its and a Kool-Aid juice pouch, sneaking back into the bathroom.
Matt pressed his lips together as Kristy shut the cabinet doors on him again, shrugging at his phone. He sat and waited for Kristy to come back, perking up as he heard her footsteps again.
"Hi, honey." She pouted and slumped her shoulders, glancing at David who was smirking with crossed arms.
"He caught me sneaking up with your snacks." Kristy sighed and smiled at David, pinching his cheek.
"Oh, mooom!" David groaned and scrunched his face up, leaning away from her as Matt crawled out of the cabinet.
"Daddy!" Rose Mary giggled as she toddled toward him and stumbled into his arms, kissing his cheek.
"Hello, baby." He cooed, hugging her to his chest. Matt laughed fondly and watched David call out to his siblings, happily munching on his crackers.
"Guys, I found him! He was hiding in the bathroom!" David hollered, his siblings stampeding the bathroom a second later.
"Daddy!" Chloe and Lily beamed and surrounded him, giving him tight hugs.
"Can we play Monopoly now instead of another round of Hide and Seek? You always find us in two seconds." Jake asked Matt, holding Rose Mary's hand.
"Sure." Matt nodded.
"I'll get the board. No accusing anyone of cheating this time, Matthew!"
"David does cheat!" Matt hollered back.
"It's not David's fault he gets lucky in Monopoly!" Kristy yelled back.
David snickered, leaning against Matt's shoulder. "Hi, TikTok!" He said with a wave.
"Bye, TikTok." Matt laughed and ended the recording.
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